Vitamin C Deficiency Test


Bipolรกris zavar teszt

You might not realize how crucial Vitamin C is for the human body. Itโ€™s essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, acts as a powerful antioxidant, and plays a role in collagen synthesis. Unfortunately, the human body cannot produce this vital vitamin, so you need to obtain it through supplements or foods. Take our test to find out if you might have a Vitamin C deficiency!


How old are you?

Do you regularly consume fresh vegetables and fruits?

Do you take a Vitamin C supplement?

Have you noticed any of these symptoms recently (fatigue, gum bleeding, loss of appetite, moodiness)?

Do you experience a lot of stress in your daily life?

Do you smoke?

Do you regularly consume alcohol or caffeinated beverages?

Have you been sick more often recently (cold, viral illness)?

Do you engage in a lot of physical work or exercise frequently?

To view the completed results, you need to provide an email address! This survey is completely anonymous. We do not collect any information about you along with the responses you provide.

We will also send your results to the email address you provide, so itโ€™s important to enter your email address correctly!

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