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Very delicious and healthy bejgli recipe


Bejgli is a familiar and very popular Christmas dish, prepared and eaten in many households.

But did you know that bejgli can be made in a healthy way?

Let’s look at a recipe for healthy bejgli.

Ingredients for this delicious bejgli recipe:


50 dkg wholemeal spelt flour

25 dkg coconut oil

2 dkg yeast

2 home-made eggs

1 glass of natural yoghurt

3 tablespoons honey (xylitol, erythritol)

1 egg for the spread


30 dkg poppy seeds

30 dkg walnuts

20 dkg xylitol (erythritol)

1-1 dl almond milk

lemon zest


How to make wholemeal bejgli:

First, prepare the dough. First of all, we mix an egg and the yeast in the room-temperature yoghurt. Mix the coconut fat (or butter) in the flour, add the honey (or other natural sweetener), the yeast mixture and knead. Divide into four parts, cover and set aside to rise.

While the dough is rising, we prepare the fillings. Mix the poppy seeds or nuts with the natural sweetener and grate in the lemon zest. Remove the raisins from the pre-soaked hot water and add. Finally, pour in the hot milk to obtain a spreadable, creamy consistency. Be careful with the milk, don’t add too much or the filling will be runny.

Then stretch the dough on a floured board into a rectangle about ½ cm thick.

Divide both fillings in half and smooth over the rectangles, leaving a 2 cm border. Fold back the shorter sides of the rectangle 2 cm wide and roll up along the longer side. Place the pastry on a baking tray lined with baking paper, brush the top with egg yolk and leave to rest for half an hour.

Then brush with the egg white, leave to rest for half an hour, prick the top with a fork and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes until golden brown.

A number of alternative ingredients can be used to reduce the calorie, carbohydrate and sugar content of the dietary bejgli

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