Bowel cleansing? Here are the best home methods!

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nature leafs
Bowel cleansing and detoxification

Let’s also look at how to properly cleanse your intestinal tract.

Why is bowel cleansing and detoxification important? What happens if we don’t detoxify?

Most of the toxins are deposited in the large intestine, from where a smaller proportion is absorbed and passes to other organs. However, a significant proportion remains and cannot be eliminated. Colon cleansing helps to eliminate these toxins.

The best way to cleanse the intestines is to eat a balanced diet, with plenty of plant fibre, such as Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, artichokes, asparagus, oilseeds, onions and root vegetables. You also need probiotics, which fermented foods such as yoghurt (natural), sauerkraut.

Among the best bowel cleansers you can also mention:

Whole grains (brown rice, oats, wholemeal bread)

Kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage)


Chia seeds

Pumpkin seeds


Legumes (beans, lentils)

What are good bowel cleansing foods?

Good colon cleansing foods are those that promote a healthy digestive system and help cleanse the colon of accumulated waste products and toxins. These foods are usually high in fibre, rich in water and contain certain nutrients that aid digestion.

What are the symptoms of colonic plaque?

The symptoms of colonic plaque can vary, and not everyone has the same symptoms. Colon deposits can usually be the result of diet, lifestyle and other factors.

Constipation: one of the most common symptoms may be constipation or irregular bowel movements. Deposits can interfere with normal digestion and stool formation.

Abdominal pain and discomfort: waste products and toxins deposited in the colon can cause abdominal pain, bloating and general discomfort.

Poor digestive processes: substances deposited in the large intestine can inhibit digestive processes, leading to absorption problems and nutrient deficiencies.

Fatigue and lack of energy: The stress caused by toxins and deposits can cause fatigue and a general lack of energy in the body.

Skin problems: deposits can affect the skin and cause various skin problems such as rashes, acne or eczema.

General malaise: problems caused by deposits in the colon can also cause general malaise, stress and mood disturbance.

Doing a bowel cleanse at home starts with good nutrition.

Detoxifying your bowels at home can start by cutting out meat, sugar, coffee and dairy products (except yoghurt and kefir) at least once a week.

If you eat only steamed vegetables and fruit 1 day a week and drink at least 2-3 litres of fluids (water, 100% vegetable juice), you have already done a lot for the health of your gut. Herbs can also help when it comes to bowel cleansing. Drinking a cup of walnut leaf tea on an empty stomach in the morning, alternating with nettle leaf tea for 6 weeks, can help detoxify.

Effective bowel cleansing at home with smoothies and green smoothies, as well as 100% chemical-free vegetable juices, can also help. Just drinking two glasses a day can go a long way. As well as helping to cleanse the bowels, they also give us energy. The recommended duration of a bowel cleanse is about three months. This is about the time it takes to get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as digestive and bowel problems, pain and discomfort. At the end of the detoxifying bowel cleanse, you will feel energised and tired. After the waste products are removed, you literally feel lighter and better.

The first positive sign is that you become more energetic, you are filled with energy, and the pathological feeling of tiredness disappears. At this time you will understand how much energy the presence of waste products has taken away from you.

You can then expect to naturally avoid sugary, fatty foods. Your appetite for natural and nutritious foods will increase.

Finally, thanks to the elimination of excess faeces, you will lose weight and increase your need for exercise.

Although there are several home remedies for bowel cleansing, most of them are based on drinking the right amount of fluids and eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables. It is important to note that bowel cleansing at home or at home is not recommended! In such cases it is recommended to seek medical help and advice!

Bowel cleansing and detoxification
Bowel cleansing and detoxification

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