The herb in the picture can kill 98% of tumor cells in just 16 hours. But the anti-tumor effect of licorice has been demonstrated by only one research.
Namely, the “Life Science” magazine published for the first time about sweet wormwood, which – which has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time – kills no less than 98% of lung cancer cells in about 16 hours.
The medicinal plant alone can reduce the number of lung cancer cells by up to 28%, but when used together with iron, sweet wormwood completely “deletes” cancer from our body, and as an experiment showed, this plant had no effect on healthy lung cells. However, this is only an experiment, so the cure of lung cancer with herbs has not yet been proven.
In the past, sweet wormwood was used as a powerful antimalarial remedy. When the scientists added iron to the plant during the study, the iron bound to the cancerous lung cells.
The worm selectively attacked the “bad”, iron-containing cells, and left the “good”, healthy cells untouched. In general, according to the results, it can be said that sweet wormwood interferes with the life of cancer cells.
You can make a great medicine from its petals and leaves, which can be effective against cancer cells, but they do not harm your health. This medicinal herb destroys malignant cells, so it is hoped that it can be given in larger doses to cancer patients later. Sweet wormwood (artemisia annua) preparations can be purchased in capsule and extract form, sweet wormwood capsules are becoming more and more common. The effect of the herb has been tested in several types of cancer cells and proved to be effective without side effects, but despite this, it is still only a test.
This plant can also be grown from seed at home, and its extract is sold online in the form of drops or capsules. Sweet wormwood drops can be great for treating skin conditions. Tumor is classified as an astringent plant, but this has not yet been proven.
Sweet Wormwood is classified in the Asteraceae subfamily. If you break the stem, you get a strong, aromatic smell and the taste is bitter. Wormwood species live mainly in temperate zones such as steppes and semi-deserts. The annual wormwood, or sweet wormwood, is native to Hungary. This plant has been present in medicine for 2000 years, and it has been used in folk medicine for several centuries to reduce fever and malaria. It has long been used for hemorrhoids and some skin diseases. This is what sweet wormwood looks like up close.
We have various information about the consumption of sweet wormwood tea and its effects.
Various researches and studies have already dealt with it, but unfortunately, it cannot be clearly stated that sweet wormwood medicinal tea can be 100% and safely used against cancer and can be used by everyone. In any case, if you decide to drink the tea, it is worth paying attention to the fact that 8-10 grams of dried tea should be poured with approximately 5-10 dl of hot water, which should be consumed lukewarm. In addition to drinking the tea, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, and if you are also taking other medications, it is definitely recommended to consult a doctor before use!
It is important to consider a few things when drinking wormwood tea:
Avoid excessive consumption, as sweet wormwood may contain substances that can raise blood pressure and lower potassium levels. It is generally recommended for healthy adults to drink 1-2 cups of sweet wormwood tea per day.
Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before consuming.
If you are taking medications, consult your doctor, as sweet wormwood can affect certain medications and health conditions.
The root of the sweet wormwood tea is used to make the tea. It is important to check its source and make sure it is a reliable and quality product. White wormwood is also a similar plant to sweet wormwood. White wormwood can also be very promising against cancer, but nothing has been proven about it yet. Its exact effects are still being researched.