With the help of an effective hemorrhoid ointment, you can get rid of unpleasant hemorrhoids in a matter of weeks.
But which haemorrhoid ointment should be used for this problem?
This often depends on the type of haemorrhoids. Before trying to get any kind of ointment, it is worth knowing what kind of haemorrhoids you are dealing with.
Depending on the location, there are two types of hemorrhoids. These two types are internal hemorrhoids, which are often hard to spot and often painless, and external hemorrhoids, which are located around the anus.
In the early stages, internal haemorrhoids cannot be seen or felt. Its presence is often indicated by the presence of a slight blood stain on the toilet paper. The bleeding is often caused by the passage of faeces, especially if hard, breaking the surface of the mucous membrane that the haemorrhoids have encrusted in the rectal cavity, which can then cause a short bleeding during defecation. Internal haemorrhoids can be divided into several stages and are not without danger.
The four stages can be:
- Stage 1: moderately enlarged, haemorrhagic haemorrhoids.
- Stage 2: haemorrhoids with a protruding but spontaneously regressing haemorrhage.
- Stage 3: hemorrhoids that are prolapsed, do not spontaneously regress, are haemorrhagic, oozing and can be manually repositioned.
- Stage 4: hemorrhoids in an everted state, which cannot be reattached.
External haemorrhoids usually cause discomfort and inconvenience as soon as they form. It itches at first, and later it hurts. They are less prone to bleeding because they are covered by a more resistant, thin skin. The danger is that if the blood flow in these dilated veins slows down too much, a thrombosis can easily develop.
Hemorrhoid ointment is mainly used for external hemorrhoids. However, it is important to consult your doctor if thrombosis is suspected.
Untreated haemorrhoids can have serious consequences such as
intestinal wall necrosis
faecal obstruction
major bleeding
iron deficiency
However, before the situation becomes serious, the problem should be treated.
This is when haemorrhoids ointments can come into play
Hemorrhoids ointment that really helps! If you are considering a hemorrhoid ointment, there are a few things to look out for. Perhaps one of the most important things is to choose an external hemorrhoid ointment or cream that does not contain artificial additives.
This is perhaps the first thing to look at, as many people ignore this in the interests of results. The potential ‘quick’ cure can easily come at a higher price later on. Artificial additives can easily cause unexpected reactions and side effects.
Hemorrhoids ointment, hemorrhoids cream with natural active ingredients
If you choose an ointment with a natural active ingredient, you should also make sure that it has a high active ingredient content. Products with a high active ingredient content use quality ingredients, which means that the healing process is almost guaranteed.
In the case of natural ingredients, there are no side effects, but a skin test is recommended before use, as the herbal extracts with a high active ingredient content in the products may cause allergic reactions or redness in people who are allergic to them.
When choosing an ointment for haemorrhoids, it is important to choose one that is able to treat not only the external haemorrhoids but also any other unpleasant symptoms that may accompany them. These may include itching, inflammation or possibly chapping of the skin.
What is the best hemorrhoid ointment?
Unfortunately, this is not an easy question to answer. In many cases it depends on the individual, their health and the condition of the haemorrhoids. We are all different, so in many cases it may be that a balm that was very effective for one person is less so for another. Because of all this, the best version of hemorrhoid ointment often has to be chosen on an individual basis.
Hemorrhoids ointment reviews
I use both the aurumflex cream and the balm, alternately, complementing each other. I prefer the balm during the day and the cream at night. Although I try to keep a proper diet (fibre-rich diet, probiotics, prebiotics, exercise etc.) and lifestyle, increased hygiene, my condition persists. The creams, on the other hand, make my daily life much easier. I have tried several other products but have decided to stick with them for the longer term.
Ibolya Szabó
Very super product, works quickly and it’s great that it’s not so runny! Thank you for it !
What is best for external haemorrhoids?
There are several ways to treat external haemorrhoids, depending on how severe the symptoms are.
Lifestyle changes:
- Diet rich in fibre: Increase your fibre intake (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) to avoid constipation.
- Drink plenty of fluids: Drink enough water every day.
- Regular exercise: can help improve bowel function.
Local treatments:
- Warm sitz bath: several times a day, especially after defecation, a 10-15 minute sitz bath in warm water can relieve pain and swelling.
- Hemorrhoid ointments and suppositories: over-the-counter products such as hydrocortisone creams can reduce itching and pain.
- Ice packs: Used for short periods of time, they can reduce swelling and pain.
Medical interventions (in serious cases)