How baking soda can alleviate stomach issues effectively.

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nature leafs
a bowl and spoon filled with baking soda placed on a wooden table

Heartburn is unfortunately a daily problem for many people.

Baking soda can be used to cure and even prevent stomach problems.

Bicarbonate of soda for the stomach is recommended before or after eating certain heavy foods. The effect of baking soda on the stomach is really great, as it can reduce bloating, neutralise acidity and restore the pH of the stomach. However, you should know that it is not suitable for treating chronic stomach problems. Baking soda is not really recommended for indigestion, only for bloating and stomach acid.

Reflux, the backflow of stomach contents into the oesophagus, can occur even in healthy people. Eating a hearty meal, bending forward or simply wearing tight clothes can cause pressure in the abdomen. Baking soda is not recommended for reflux.

It only becomes abnormal if the complaints recur very often.

According to a survey, one in two people in Hungary experience heartburn either regularly or irregularly, and this is a symptom of reflux.

It is also interesting to note that 20-40% of people are aware of the symptoms of reflux.

Unfortunately, the number of reflux patients around the world is on the rise. Those who ha a higher weight, smoke a lot and even lead sedentary lifestyles may be more susceptible. People tend to have the same proportion of symptoms. An irregular diet and sedentary lifestyle are very conducive to the disease.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and too much coffee and tea can also irritate the lining of the stomach. Some medicines relax the stomach lining, so people who take sleeping pills or sedatives are more likely to have stomach contents in the oesophagus. Complications can lead to a number of conditions, which is why you need to get treatment as soon as possible.

No medication is needed to treat milder symptoms.

Ordinary baking soda is very good in this case. It can effectively and quickly relieve the symptoms. Dissolve just 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it in one go. Baking soda can also be added to an acidic dish, either during or after cooking. It is more pleasant to consume in a dish than on its own. Regular and large amounts of baking soda consumption should be controlled.

How baking soda can help with stomach problems
How sodium bicarbonate can help with stomach problems

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