Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest types of vinegar. It also contains pectin, beta-carotene, potassium, amino acids and enzymes. Now you can find out how to make apple cider vinegar at home.
How is apple cider vinegar made?
Making apple cider vinegar at home
Apple cider vinegar is made at home by first taking a 5-liter jar of cucumbers, then adding 2 kg of sliced or grated apples. After that, boil 2 liters of water with 20 dkg of sugar. When it has cooled down, pour it over the apple and put 1 piece of bread on top. We tie it with a linen cloth and place the bottle in a warm place, in a shady place between 20-28 degrees. Let it mature for 10 days, stirring. The preparation of unfiltered apple cider vinegar ends here, as the filtering takes place afterwards.
The longer it sits after filtration, the stronger it will be.
It is advisable to keep the filtered apple cider vinegar in a container covered with linen, so that it ripens longer and cleans up nicely. In this case, a gelatinous substance is formed on top, which is called a vinegar bed. When you drain the apple cider vinegar, leave this bed of vinegar in a little vinegar, because you can use this instead of bread when preparing the next portion, so the vinegaring starts sooner. After that, the homemade apple cider vinegar is ready.
Homemade apple cider vinegar without sugar
Fresh apples (preferably organic, as the microorganisms on their skin can help with the fermentation process)
Clean water
A clean glass or container that does not react with vinegar (eg glass or ceramic)
Clean gauze, linen or tea towel for the cover
Rubber or plastic cap or air-permeable cover
Preparation steps:
Wash 5-6 apples thoroughly, then cut them into smaller pieces. You can also leave the skin on them.
Place the apples in the jar or container, then pour water to cover the apples. Do not allow the apple pieces to be exposed to air, as this may affect the fermentation process.
Cover the container with cheesecloth, linen, or a kitchen towel, then fasten the lid so that it is airtight. This can be a perforated lid sealed with rubber or plastic, or even a lid with small slits.
Place the bottle in a dark, warm place where the fermentation process can take place. The optimum temperature is usually between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius.
Let the apples stand for at least 3-4 weeks. Over time, the sugar breaks down into alcohol, and then the alcohol ferments into vinegar.
Check its condition periodically. When the flavor has reached a level that suits your taste, strain the apples and remove the pieces.
Store the finished apple cider vinegar in a sealed jar or bottle in the refrigerator.
What counts as original apple cider vinegar?
“Original” apple cider vinegar is vinegar made by fermenting apples and water. Its most important feature is that apple cider vinegar is fermented from apple must, i.e. pressing the apple peel, and then turned into vinegar. It is important that the original apple cider vinegar does not contain artificial colors, flavor enhancers or other additives.
Is it possible to make apple cider vinegar from apple juice?
Yes, you can make apple cider vinegar from apple juice. Apple cider vinegar is made during the fermentation process, during which the sugar from the apple is transformed first into alcohol and then into acetic acid under the influence of yeast microorganisms. Apple juice is an excellent raw material for fermentation because it naturally contains sugars that start the process.
What can you use apple cider vinegar for?
Hair: Apple cider vinegar can be used after washing hair. If you rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar, it will be much healthier and shinier. It is worth using an old shampoo bottle in this case. Just add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 glass of water. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture up to several times a week.
For the face: Apple cider vinegar helps regulate the skin’s pH value. Just dilute 2 parts water with apple cider vinegar and apply it to your face. It also cleans the skin wonderfully. For detoxification, you can leave it on your face all night, it can even fade age spots.
Hands and feet: If your hands and feet are swollen, a little massage with apple cider vinegar can help a lot. It has a refreshing effect.
Teeth: Apple cider vinegar can also remove stains from teeth. Just rub your teeth well with apple cider vinegar and then rinse.