Minor injuries and bruises can also be treated with a cream to help the healing process.
Treatment of the damaged area
When treating it, it is important to lift the damaged part, rest it and, if necessary, buff and shelve it. A compress can also be applied. In this case, a cold compress on the swollen limb is recommended, as this helps to reduce the swelling. A warm watery compress is then recommended.
It is important that the rest does not last longer than a few days, because if the muscles are not moved for too long, the structure will not rebuild properly due to lack of movement.
Treatment of post-concussion swelling
When treating swelling after a blow, it is important to prevent or reduce inflammation in the area affected by the swelling and to help the healing process.
Rest and load reduction: the injured area should be subjected to as little stress as possible. Rest helps reduce swelling and pain.
Cold therapy:- Cold temperatures help to constrict the blood vessels and thus reduce swelling and pain. Ice the injured area between a thin layer of towel or cloth and keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then allow the skin to warm up for at least 40 minutes. You can repeat this cycle several times in the first 48 hours.
Rest and elevation: Elevating the injured body part, e.g. with a pillow or cushioned supports, helps to drain excess fluid and can reduce swelling.
Pain relief: NSAIDs can help relieve pain and swelling. Bruising can also be treated with a cream. In such cases, painkillers, anti-inflammatory creams may be an option.
Compression: wrap a pressure bandage or elastic bandage around the injured area, but do not squeeze too tightly so as not to restrict blood circulation.
Time: Healing takes time. Swelling and pain usually start to decrease after a few days. However, if symptoms do not subside or get worse, be sure to see your doctor.
This is where creams come in.
Generally speaking, there is no need for a closed dressing when applying creams and ointments. This is also important to note because in this case the active ingredients are absorbed from the cream in larger quantities, which can easily lead to side effects.
As the active ingredients of several products may cause photosensitivity, sun exposure and sun tanning are not recommended for the duration of the treatment and for two weeks afterwards.
Herbal extracts can be used instead of creams with artificial ingredients.
In such cases, arnica ointment may be used. Arnica is particularly suitable for the treatment of bruising bruises. Thanks to the active ingredients it contains, it prevents platelets from sticking together and tissue inflammation.
Another cream that is often used is the black carnation cream. Black Comfrey cream can be great for bruising as well as bruising. It promotes healing and reduces pain. Here is a great cream for bruises. One such high active ingredient cream is Black Comfrey Balm.
These methods can also help with foot bruise treatment and bone bruise treatment
Why is treatment important?
It is true that, in principle, the healing process will take care of itself, but the accompanying pain can be relieved as soon as possible, which will significantly improve the patient’s condition.
The most common causes of bruising
Bruises are most often caused by sports injuries or accidents. Just think of hitting your foot on the corner of a table. It is very common in young children, older people and athletes. Although bruising is harmless, it is very painful. The site of the injury swells as the impact or bump causes blood to leak into the tissues from cracks in the capillaries under the skin. As a result, the affected area often turns purple.
What is good for bruises?
If this happens, there is no need to worry as the body will automatically start to heal the damaged area. This can be done by applying ice compresses, resting or even applying a compress. You can also apply ointment or cream to the bruise. The main thing is that it should not contain steroids and should reduce swelling and inflammation. Creams containing black celandine are the most common in such cases.
What is the best cream for bruises?
The best choice for treating bruises is to turn to natural ingredients. Herbs and herbal products are prominent among these. Among the best choices are creams containing black comfrey, calendula, mountain arnica, purple cassia flower and medical somsoro. HillVital Black Comfrey Balm is one such pain-relieving cream for bruising, which uses black conifer to soothe bruises and bruises.
Symptoms of injuries
Drainage: the drainage is partly due to physical impact and partly due to the release of inflammatory substances, which increases the permeability of the walls of the capillaries and small vessels. Under normal conditions, water can leak through the walls of blood vessels. These form the interstitial fluid, which then collects through the lymphatic vessels and is returned to the veins by lymphatic circulation. However, when injured, the permeability of the walls of the small vessels is increased and lymph is produced at a much higher rate. More blood plasma is released from the blood vessels into the tissues, including protein.
Inflammation: the body produces a sterile inflammation at the site of the injury. The inflammatory mediators released, however, not only attract white blood cells but are also responsible for the formation of watery eyes.
Haematoma: due to the accident, the small vessels and capillaries are physically ruptured. This results in the formation of a haematoma. Blood then flows into the tissues.
Swelling: the swelling is due to both the hematoma and the water retention
Pain: probably goes without saying. It is caused by physical impact. Swelling can be exacerbated.
Healing time of a bone bruise
A bone bruise, also known as a bone contusion, is a relatively common injury that occurs when the force applied to the bone is not strong enough to cause a fracture, but severe enough to damage the thin blood vessels inside the bone. This can cause bleeding and swelling in the bone marrow.
The healing time of a bone bruise depends on a number of factors, including the location and severity of the injury, the individual’s general health, age, and treatment and rehabilitation measures.
In general, the following can be said:
Minor bone contusions: these usually heal in a few weeks, often in 4-6 weeks.
More severe bone contusions: these can take longer to heal, up to several months. In severe cases, 2-3 months or more may be needed for full healing.
During the healing process, the following should be considered and adhered to:
Rest: avoid overloading the affected area.
Ice packs: Can help reduce swelling and pain.
Compression and padding: these can also help to reduce swelling.
Medications: The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended to reduce pain and inflammation.
Physiotherapy: can help to restore range of movement and strengthen the muscles around the affected area.