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Important minerals during pregnancy

Minerals during pregnancy

A child growing under the heart needs a lot of nutrients and filters them out of the blood.

As a result, the amount of minerals in a woman’s body decreases during pregnancy. Some minerals are needed in particularly high amounts, which can cause a deficiency in the mother.

For pregnant women, adequate protein and vitamin intake is important. However, attention should be paid to the mineral content of the diet. Food should contain plenty of manganese, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

Eating healthily during pregnancy is important.

Prolonged deficiencies can lead to serious problems, which we don’t think anyone wants. Zinc and manganese deficiencies can lead to poor digestion and aggravation of related diseases or allergies. Calcium deficiency can lead to weak bones, especially if you don’t get enough magnesium. Iron deficiency can cause anaemia Phosphorus deficiency also has a negative effect on bone structure, accelerating the process of osteoporosis.

Foods particularly rich in calcium: broccoli, peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds.

The best sources of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese are cereals, nuts, oilseeds and pulses.

Among these, millet, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, linseeds and most pulses contain a lot of iron.

But that is not the end of the story for sesame seeds during pregnancy, as they are one of the foods that are particularly rich in calcium. In addition to sesame seeds, peanuts and broccoli are also very good, as are dairy products. The best sources of magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese are cereals, nuts, oilseeds and pulses.

So if you eat them, you will not develop magnesium or calcium deficiencies, and you will prevent deficiencies of trace elements.

Sodium is essential for cell function. Unfortunately, table salt often causes higher amounts to enter the body. It is worth paying attention to this and, if necessary, reducing the amount taken in.

Phosphorus, together with calcium, plays a very important role in the structure of certain tissues. It is found in dairy products, cereals and legumes.

Copper is used in red blood cell formation. It is necessary for the formation of skeleton when it is absorbed through breast milk. It is found in both cereal seeds and nuts.

Minerals during pregnancy
Minerals during pregnancy