Hemorrhoid treatment with creams and home remedies.

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women sitting on chair experiencing pain because of hemorrhoids

The most common symptoms of haemorrhoids are pain during defecation and possible bleeding.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids

– swelling, lump around the rectum

– painful bowel movements

– pain when kneeling or even standing

– itching around the rectum

– constipation of long duration

Causes of haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids are caused by excessive pressure on the arteries and veins around the rectum where they meet. Its development is accelerated by weakness of the connective tissues, which can be influenced by lifestyle and age factors.

Increased venous pressure and weakening of the connective tissues around the rectum may be triggered by






Cough with exertion


Weakness of connective tissue

Varieties of haemorrhoids

Depending on their location, two types of hemorrhoids can be distinguished.

Internal haemorrhoids: in the early stages, internal haemorrhoids cannot be seen or felt. Its presence is indicated by the occasional small amount of blood in the toilet or on the toilet paper. The bleeding is often caused by hard stools breaking the surface of the mucous membrane that the haemorrhoids have embossed in the rectal cavity. In cases where the haemorrhoids themselves are damaged, there is also more bleeding.

Straining may cause the internal hemorrhoidal nodule to prolapse and protrude through the anus. This can cause a lot of pain, itching and in some cases even heavy bleeding. The prolapsed haemorrhoids can be gently reinserted into the rectum, but this does not eliminate the haemorrhoids.

The inner haemorrhoids can be divided into four stages.

  • Stage I: moderately enlarged and haemophilic
  • Stage II: protruding but spontaneously regressing haemorrhoids with haemorrhage
  • Stage III: haemorrhagic, protruding haemorrhoids that do not spontaneously retract but can be manually repositioned
  • Stage IV: a haemorrhoid in a permanently everted state which cannot be retracted.

External haemorrhoids: external haemorrhoids usually cause complaints as soon as they form. It is uncomfortable, itches and later becomes painful. Because they are covered by thin skin, they are more resistant and less prone to bleeding. However, if the blood flow in the dilated blood vessels slows down a lot, it can become thrombosed, which in turn can cause a lot of pain and inflammation.

Hemorrhoid nodule treatment

If the haemorrhoids become inflamed and the blood in them clots, a painful, hard swelling, a lump, appears in or outside the anus. These nodules can be repositioned in stage three, but this is not possible in stage four. The use of a cream for hemorrhoids is less recommended as it is not only extremely painful but also very sensitive. In the case of stage 3 haemorrhoids, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible to start treatment and avoid stage 4. In the case of stage four haemorrhoids, which are extremely painful, inflamed and sensitive, you should seek medical attention immediately. Unfortunately, it cannot be treated by simple home remedies and neglect can cause further serious problems.

What pulls back hemorrhoids, or how to treat hemorrhoids at home

Hemorrhoid pain can be relieved by home methods up to a certain level. Here are a few of them that are worth mentioning.

How long does it take for the haemorrhoids to disappear?

The time it takes for a haemorrhoid to regress can vary from person to person and depending on the severity of the haemorrhoids.For minor haemorrhoids, which are treated with diet and lifestyle changes, for example, symptoms can usually subside in a few days or a week or two. In more severe cases, such as those requiring surgery, the recovery period can be longer, lasting weeks or months.

In most cases, home treatment of haemorrhoids is focused on the external haemorrhoids, so in most cases, home treatment of internal haemorrhoids is only suitable for relieving mild symptoms.

Drinking enough fluids.

Treatment of internal haemorrhoids at home can often be used to prevent the condition from worsening, rather than to treat the symptoms. This includes drinking adequate amounts of water. Adequate hydration is important to maintain the right stool consistency. Therefore, increased fluid intake, especially water and juices, may be recommended to treat mild symptoms of internal haemorrhoids.

A fibre-rich diet is also effective for hemorrhoids at home.

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids can also be very helpful. One of these is a healthy diet that includes foods high in fibre. This can help improve digestion and prevent constipation, which can worsen the symptoms of haemorrhoids. Foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and seeds can help soften stools and ease digestion.

Hot water sitz bath.

The sitz bath can be tried several times a day to relieve symptoms. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home using a sitz bath can also be helped by adding herbs. Such herbs may include marigold, chamomile, or thyme. Treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids at home using a sitz bath is also possible. It is important to note, however, that bleeding hemorrhoids are a more serious symptom and medical consultation is recommended!

Cold water and ice.

External haemorrhoids can be treated at home with cold water compresses and ice. When icing hemorrhoids, be careful not to apply ice directly to the skin surface. Use some kind of textile.

Wet wipes.

However, treating external haemorrhoids and treating anal pain at home is not just about relieving symptoms. If you suffer from sensitive external haemorrhoids, do not use dry toilet paper. Instead, you can safely use baby wipes or wet wipes.

However, hygiene is very important.

Hygiene is extremely important, as it can be used to treat rectal itching at home in most cases. It is recommended to wash the rectal area with warm water after each bowel movement. Once thoroughly dried then various hemorrhoid ointments can be used on the hemorrhoid swelling, which can help in relieving the numbness and pain of the hemorrhoids.

Herbal cream for hemorrhoids

It is true that a home-made ointment can be made to treat hemorrhoids, but if you decide to use a cream or ointment for hemorrhoids, it is recommended that you use a specially formulated and developed hemorrhoid ointment. Fortunately, if you want to apply a cream for hemorrhoids, there are plenty of options to choose from. In most cases, external hemorrhoid ointment is available without a prescription. This means that we now have the freedom to choose between creams.

For internal haemorrhoids instead of a cream, in most cases the doctor will prescribe an oral medication or suppository as a treatment. They may also prescribe a suppository for haemorrhoid spasm, as well as for other internal haemorrhoids.

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for haemorrhoids. Treatment depends on the stage and condition in most cases. In case you want relief as soon as possible, it is very important to diagnose and start treatment.

Baking soda for hemorrhoids, but how can it help?

Reducing inflammation: baking soda can be used to reduce skin irritation and inflammation. You can make a paste of baking soda and water, then apply it gently to the affected area. Leave on for a short time and then rinse thoroughly.

Deodorizing: Baking soda can help deodorize the affected area, which can be important for hemorrhoids.

Baths: You can add baking soda to your warm bath to relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Hot sitz baths can help to relax and soothe the area around the rectum.

The creams used for the treatment of haemorrhoids can be divided into two groups according to their composition.


Artificially formulated haemorrhoid creams can have unpleasant side effects due to the ingredients they contain.


Hemorrhoids can be treated with herbal remedies, i.e. natural active ingredients. The big advantage of these is that they do not have unpleasant side effects when used long-term.

Aurumflex cream is an herbal balm available without prescription.

Thanks to its high content of herbal active ingredients, it is particularly suitable for external hemorrhoids to reduce itching, pain and inflammation. The active substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels as well as the veins. CLICK HERE to see the details of the balm!

Hemorrhoids abscess

A haemorrhoidal abscess, or rectal abscess, is a painful, swollen condition in the anus area that is associated with high body temperature. The abscess is caused by the spread of inflammation of the so-called periproctal gland, which creates a pus-filled cavity between the internal and external sphincter. Hemorrhoid abscess cream may be applied to reduce the inflammation, but spontaneous drainage of pus may result in the resolution of pain and a reduction in fever. If this spontaneous drainage does not occur, it is essential to seek medical advice.

Treatment of haemorrhoids with creams and home methods
Treatment of haemorrhoids with creams and home methods

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