With these effective nasal congestion remedies, you can get rid of unpleasant nasal congestion.
Everybody thinks that the nose is blocked because of the abundant secretions produced, but not always.
The proof is that you can blow your nose a lot but nothing comes out and breathing is still difficult. In this case, the swelling of the nasal mucous membranes is definitely the cause, as the symptoms are nasal discharge and nasal congestion. The function of the nasal mucosa is to prevent dirt and bacteria from entering the airways.
Apple cider vinegar. Drink the mixture 3 times a day for 5 days. It will help loosen the phlegm, making it easier to get rid of it. Apple cider vinegar can also be effective against nasal congestion. Just mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it.
Onions for nasal congestion: onions and garlic are best, as their pungency makes the nose bulge and the phlegm dissolves. The garlic can be crushed, left to stand and mixed with a little honey. Eating this will improve your condition.
However, it is also worth mentioning that this method can also be considered quite extreme for some people, others are able to intensify it. For this reason, the ‘garlic up the nose’ craze that seems to be on the rise lately is worth clarifying. If you can, don’t apply garlic by sticking it up your nose. If you’re going to use garlic for nasal congestion, go for the first option.
Horseradish and black radish: Both have a nasal and throat-clearing effect. They are used for both nose and throat. Grate the horseradish, put a little on the tongue, roll it around in the mouth for a few minutes and finally spit it out.
Warm: Heat up a towel. This can relieve the pain in the sinuses.
Aromatherapy: lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint oils are very effective in this case. Just put a few drops in the bath water or even in a hot water pot. You can steam with the hot water pot, but you can also leave it in the room to evaporate. Besides the pleasant smell, the air will be more humid which will help to clear the cavities.
Drinking fluids is also very important.
During a cold, the body’s fluid intake is reduced. In order for the nasal mucous membranes to produce enough mucus, fluid is needed.
It is recommended to inhale with chamomile tea.
Chamomile moistens the nasal mucosa and has a great anti-inflammatory effect.