What Is Amblyopia and How Is It Treated?

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A child wearing glasses with a bandage over one eye.

Amblyopia is a condition that is often called “lazy eye”.

This eye condition develops when the optic nerve does not develop properly during childhood. As a result, one eye has poor vision while the other eye has good or normal vision. Usually, this condition develops in childhood and is often detected when the child is very young.

In most cases, the most common cause of amblyopia is vision problems such as unilateral farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism. These conditions can result in the brain not developing the optic nerve properly, causing the affected eye to see poorly.

Treatment is usually based on early detection and intervention. Corrective glasses or contact lenses can help correct vision problems. In addition, it is often necessary for the doctor to monitor the condition and administer eye treatments, such as patch or atropine treatment, which help to suppress the stronger eye to make the amblyopic eye stronger.

Treatment of amblyopia is usually based on early detection and intervention.

Here are some methods commonly used to treat amblyopia:

Glasses or contact lenses: If amblyopia is caused by farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism, an eye examination can be performed to determine whether wearing glasses or contact lenses can help improve vision.

Patch therapy: this method involves ‘patching’ the stronger eye to force the weaker eye to work harder. Usually, the patch is worn for a few hours a day, allowing the amblyopic eye to actively grow and strengthen.

Atropine treatment. These drops reduce the accommodation of the eye (the adjustment of the eye to focus on objects), which can stimulate amblyopia eye use.

Eye exercises and specialised vision therapy: in some cases, eye exercises and specialised vision therapy can also help treat amblyopia. These exercises can strengthen the eye muscles and improve visual coordination.

However, it is important to note that the treatment of amblyopia may vary depending on individual circumstances and the severity of the condition. It is therefore extremely important to maintain regular medical supervision and to work closely with your doctor to develop and implement an optimal treatment plan. The earlier treatment starts, the greater the chance of improving vision and achieving long-term results.

What is Amblyopia and how can it be treated
What is Amblyopia and how can it be treated

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