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Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases

Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases

For decades, people have been searching for the best natural herb to combat the food problems of civilisation. This could be green barley.

Green barley is a plant that contains minerals, protein, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.

The fresh spring green barley shoots are harvested before they sprout and are pulverised in the gentlest way possible. The resulting powder is then mixed into salads, soups, broths and many other dishes.

The leaves of green barley, like those of wheatgrass, are the healthiest for the body when freshly cut or pressed.

Not many people can afford to blend fresh vegetable leaves every day.

Green barley has a very high magnesium content, which is why it has a very good alkalizing effect. This is very important for people’s bodies today, as 90% of adults suffer from acidosis. Green barley should not be taken in powder or tablets. It is recommended to consume 5-10 grams per day. The active ingredients are organically bound and therefore absorption is almost 100%.

It is widely consumed during the summer allergy seasons and many consumers say it has helped alleviate allergy symptoms.

The effects of green barley make it a real vitamin bomb. Compared to other foods, green barley contains much more beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and H. It also contains folic acid, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid. Green barley drink powder is made from the fresh spring shoots of barley, which is unique in that it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, plant proteins and chlorophyll, all of which are essential for the body. Green barley contains the richest source of enzymes, SOD or superoxide dismutase.

SOD is an antioxidant with a very specific action that greatly slows down the ageing process.

Green barley contains a lot of chlorophyll, and therefore has a very good anti-inflammatory effect.  Green barley is suitable for daily intake of vitamins and minerals. It regulates digestion, helps in recovery from illness and is beneficial for the pancreas. It also alkalizes the body and binds stomach acid.

Previously, green barley in powder form was the most common, but this has now expanded. It is now also available in tablet form, and the effects of green barley tablets and green barley powder are identical. The only difference is the form of consumption. While the powder is most often consumed with smoothies or diluted with water, taking the tablet is a much easier format for some people.

Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases
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