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Natural solutions to relieve fever

Natural solutions to relieve fever

Fever is the body’s natural defence against viruses and bacteria.

It is important to know that you don’t necessarily need to relieve the fever.

This article explains why, and also shows you some natural ways to relieve fever.

Rising temperatures, i.e. body temperatures below 38 degrees Celsius, do not need to be controlled. You should let your body do its job. Artificial fever relief is a hindrance to the body’s self-healing process, so if the situation allows, think in terms of natural fever relief.

The fever (internal heat) essentially kills pathogens, so our job is always to stay within the limits. High fevers, above 38 degrees Celsius, but preferably close to 39 degrees Celsius, should be controlled. It is essential to control a severe fever of around 40 degrees Celsius, as fever convulsions can easily occur.

Natural fever relief using home methods

Fortunately, fever can be controlled at home, so there is no need to be alarmed. First of all, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids, but only small amounts at a time. This can be lemon water or tea, preferably cold or lukewarm. Let’s look at fever relief! We don’t need to go straight to medication! If the fever is accompanied by diarrhoea or vomiting, it is ineffective. A poultice is a very good way to relieve fever. It’s not enough to just rub your wrists and ankles. For high fevers, wrap the whole chest in a lukewarm towel and put a dry towel over it.

Change the towels after 15 minutes, as the heat released needs to escape. This can be repeated several times. A cooling bath can also be very effective. The patient with a fever should sit in a tub of lukewarm water.

This should be cooled continuously with cold water until the temperature falls below 38°C. Some herbal teas can also be used for fever relief, such as: yarrow, peppermint, elderflower, linden, yarrow and chamomile tea can also be effective for fever.

Natural fever reducers for children can be an important consideration and a paediatrician should always be consulted before administering any medication to a child, especially if they have a fever.

It is important that a child drinks adequate amounts of fluids when they have a fever to avoid dehydration. Warm tea, water and electrolyte drinks such as electrolyte fortified drinks can be great for fever at home.

Your child needs an adequate amount of rest to recover. Rest can help the body fight infection and reduce the duration of fever.

Foods that are easy to digest and can have a calming effect, such as purees, soups or fruit, should be given. Make sure the room is not too hot, as excessive heat can also increase the fever.

A feverish patient should not be covered thickly and should be given the opportunity to let the heat escape. If you have a fever, go to the doctor!

Natural solutions to relieve fever
Natural solutions to relieve fever
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Effective foods to control blood clotting

Effective foods to control blood clotting

Blood thinners prevent the formation of blood clots that cause strokes and heart attacks, but instead of drugs, there are natural substances that have great blood-thinning properties.

Let’s see what natural blood thinners and blood thinning foods are available.

Garlic contains substances that can prevent the formation of blood clots at an early stage. Garlic is the most effective natural blood thinner, but garlic alone is not a substitute for a prescription blood thinner. It can amplify their effects. It has a great antibacterial effect and is also an immune booster. It is worth consuming as often as possible. It is worth mentioning that garlic is also one of the most effective natural blood thinners.

Blood-thinning foods include fish. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish also have a blood-thinning effect. If you don’t like fish, you may want to take fish oil capsules. And if you do like it, the best choices are tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines. You should eat fish twice a week as it significantly reduces your chances of developing heart disease.

Vitamin E can prevent blood clots in several ways. Of course, this depends on the dose. So the effect may not be achieved with small amounts. You can take it in supplement form, but wholegrain cereals, almond oil, sunflower oil, egg yolks, nuts and oilseeds also contain a lot of vitamin E.

Coumarin can inhibit the action of vitamin K, which is needed to activate blood clotting factors. Due to the lack of vitamin K, clotting factors are not produced and the formation of blood clots is reduced. A great source of coumarin is cinnamon, smelly figs, and medicinal somkhoro.

Cayenne pepper is high in salicylate, which can act as an anticoagulant. It also plays a major role in reducing high blood pressure and has a good effect on blood circulation. It is also effective in reducing pain.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory herb that also has anticoagulant effects.
It also contains salicylate. It is best eaten fresh. It can be made into herbal tea.

It is important to note that before using any of them and taking any medication, you should always consult your doctor first.

Effective foods to control blood clotting
Effective foods to control blood clotting
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Why use sage for sore throat (with recipes)

Why use sage for sore throat (with recipes)

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is an extremely versatile and ancient herb, whose name derives from the Latin word “salvare” (meaning to heal, to save).

It has been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans to treat various health problems. This plant of Mediterranean origin is particularly valuable for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Here’s why it’s good for sore throats

Sage leaves contain powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents such as cineole, camphor, and borneol. These substances are effective in fighting the bacteria and viruses that cause sore throats, making sage an excellent natural antiseptic and soothing agent for the throat. It soothes inflammation, reduces swelling and helps you heal faster.

Using sage for a sore throat can help:

Reduce throat inflammation and irritation.

Disinfect the throat due to the bactericidal properties it contains.

Soothe throat soreness and pain, making it easier to swallow and speak.

Sage throat antiseptic recipes

Sage gargle solution

This is a classic and simple solution that can quickly help a sore throat.


2 tablespoons dried sage leaves (or 8-10 fresh sage leaves)
2,5 dl boiling water
1 teaspoon of salt


Put the dried or fresh sage leaves in a mug.
Pour the boiling water over it.
Cover and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes.
Strain and add 1 teaspoon of salt to increase the antiseptic effect.

Use 2-3 times a day. It will be effective if you gargle with it for at least 30 seconds. At night, before going to bed, be sure to include a final rinse. It is important not to eat or drink for at least 1 hour after gargling, as the effect will be reduced!

Sage honey tea for sore throat

This is a soothing, tasty tea that not only relieves sore throats, but is also beneficial for other symptoms of the common cold.


1 tablespoon of dried sage leaves (or 3-4 fresh leaves)
2 dl hot water
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice


Place sage leaves in a cup and pour boiling water over them.
Cover the cup and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
Strain the leaves and stir in 1 teaspoon of honey, which also soothes a sore throat.
If you like, add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice

Consume 2-3 times a day until the sore throat subsides.

Sage and apple cider vinegar gargle

The combination of apple cider vinegar and sage creates a very powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory mixture that is excellent for disinfecting the throat.


2 teaspoons dried sage leaves
2,5 dl water
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of honey


Bring the water to the boil and pour over the dried sage leaves.
Cover and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then strain.
Add the apple cider vinegar and honey.

Rinse 2-3 times a day. The apple cider vinegar enhances the antibacterial properties of the sage and the honey soothes sore throats.

In summary, sage is good for sore throats because:

Anti-inflammatory: reduces throat irritation and pain.

Antibacterial and antiviral: helps fight bacterial and viral infections that often cause sore throats.

It has a soothing effect: it can soothe an irritated throat, making it easier to swallow and reducing the scratchy feeling.

Sage is therefore an extremely useful herb that provides a natural solution for sore throats and colds. The recipes I have shared can be used to effectively relieve sore throat symptoms.

Why use sage for sore throat (with recipes)
Why use sage for sore throat (with recipes)
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What to look out for as an allergy sufferer?

What to look out for as an allergy sufferer?

Recently, the pollen deposition of grasses and summer weeds has started in the last few days, and pollen from many spring flowering trees is also in the air.

So allergy sufferers should be on the lookout!

Pollen from about 20 allergenic plants can be encountered. Pollen from sycamore pollen can be present in high amounts, while birch pollen is only present in low to medium ranges.

Oak pollen concentrations are medium to high, mainly in the Transdanubian region.

Pollen levels of walnut, hornbeam, maple, willow, beech and cypress are quite low. Grasses and summer weeds can be controlled by regularly mowing and cutting the grass. Ragweed is also starting to appear in the fields, so you can pull it up by the roots at this time of year.

The best way to relieve symptoms is to have less and less contact with the allergy-causing particle, pollen. You should even avoid places where you grow a lot of the problem plant. Other allergens can also trigger allergy symptoms and make them more intense. Even foods that cause a hypersensitivity reaction should be avoided. This includes dairy products or baked goods containing gluten. Smoke can also aggravate the symptoms, which is why smoking and passive smoking should be avoided.

It is also very important to pay attention to cleanliness.

Pollen sticks to clothes, hair and skin. It then easily gets into the body, so give it as little chance as possible. Shower daily and wash your hair often. Change your bed linen often too. Wash and vacuum several times a week. If you have pets, bathe them regularly as pollen can easily get caught in their fur. It’s a good idea to wear a mask when cleaning so you don’t breathe in the dust. During allergy season, only ventilate at dawn and keep windows closed during the day.

What to look out for as an allergy sufferer?
What to look out for as an allergy sufferer?
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What maca powder can be used for

What maca powder can be used for

The health benefits of maca powder have long been known, but it has only recently become a popular dietary supplement.

Maca powder is actually the crushed root of the Lepidium meyeneii plant. This plant grows at 4200 metres in the Andes mountains. Its ability to survive in such harsh weather is due to the large energy stores in its roots.

What can maca powder be used for?

Maca is often used to cure anaemia, treat menstrual disorders, improve memory, reduce stress, maintain energy and boost energy levels, and boost overall immune system function.

In short, it can be used in a wide variety of ways.

Traditionally it has been used as an aphrodisiac. It works for both sexes, but does not work through hormones, so it does not increase testosterone or estrogen levels. Men are advised to take it because it increases sperm production and reduces prostate enlargement.

Preliminary research suggests that maca protects brain cells from damage, improves bone health, and enhances cognitive abilities.

For women, regular consumption of maca root shows clear results. It helps to alleviate symptoms of ageing, reduce hot flashes, sleep disturbance and depression. It is also a natural fertility enhancer. For women, maca root has the ability to increase the luteinizing hormone, which improves fertility. Red maca has been found to be the most suitable for this purpose.

In addition, it has a very positive effect on the immune system, as it naturally strengthens and increases its resistance.

What maca powder can be used for
What maca powder can be used for
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Diuretic, tonic, digestive herbs

Diuretic, tonic, digestive herbs

The amazing powers of chamomile, rosehip and mint have been known for thousands of years.

Use nature’s healing herbs and discover their effects now!


It is now known that the most important active ingredient is chamazulene essential oil, which has a strong antispasmodic and bacteriostatic effect. Thanks to this, its decoction not only relieves inflammation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, but also makes chamomile inhalation for colds and tracheitis effective.


As one of the fruits richest in vitamin C, rosehips are nowadays mainly used to get enough vitamin C into your body. It has a higher vitamin C content than lemons, but this applies to raw rosehips, which are significantly reduced by drying and then boiling.


Mint is an antispasmodic and sedative for digestive complaints. Nowadays, mint is the most common herb in our gardens. For brewing, use its leaves, dried or fresh, green, in the latter case it is advisable to boil them for a short time. Thanks to its essential oil and other active ingredients, it is antispasmodic and soothing for digestive complaints, and it is beneficial for regulating the bile flow.

Diuretic, tonic, digestive herbs
Diuretic, tonic, digestive herbs
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What is recommended for arthritis?

What is recommended for arthritis?

One of the most important things to do when treating arthritis is to rest and put the affected part at rest.

To some extent, arthritis can be treated at home.

Many people go straight to the doctor if they have a minor ache or injury. Unfortunately, this is not always a good solution, as sometimes it is enough to carry out a few treatments at home to get rid of the pain. Examples include topical icing or the use of pain and inflammation reducing creams that do not require a prescription.

You can also use various herbs, dietary supplements, and anti-inflammatory creams without having to consult a doctor immediately.

If symptoms subside after a few days, it is not necessary to consult a doctor.

What is recommended for arthritis if the complaints still persist?

In this case, it is essential to seek medical advice. Diagnosis is not always easy, so a detailed physical examination is very important, but it may also be necessary to take blood samples or even an X-ray.

If the symptoms warrant it, stronger medication or cream may be necessary. In particular, it is recommended to use preparations that do not contain steroids. These NSAID creams also have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Physiotherapy can help to such an extent that, with appropriate treatment, and after successful treatment, it can help to prevent the development of further arthritis.

In more severe cases, steroids may also be an option.

In more serious cases, surgery may be considered.

Internally, regular (three times a day) consumption of a decoction of five herbs made from an equal mixture of nettle, goldenseal, birch leaf, willow bark or poplar leaf, or field horsetail or dandelion is recommended.

Externally, any kind of face is worth using some kind of cream. Natural and steroid-free preparations are preferable.

What is recommended for arthritis?
What is recommended for arthritis?


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Important facts about carbohydrates

Important facts about carbohydrates

Carbohydrate facts to be aware of.

Simple carbohydrates – glucose, galactose (a component of milk sugar) and fructose – are easily used by the body, absorbed immediately through the intestinal lining and released into the bloodstream. Complex carbohydrates undergo more complex transformations. To be used by the body, they must first be digested. The digestion process takes place in the alimentary canal, namely the mouth, stomach and small intestine.

Complex carbohydrates are digested by enzymes in saliva, intestinal fluid and in the digestive juices of the pancreas. Complex carbohydrates also include non-digestible dietary or dietary fibre in the diet. These are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes and are virtually unavailable. They play an important role in various diets and in weight loss.

Digestive enzymes get their name from the carbohydrate they are responsible for digesting.

For example, sucrose (beet sugar) is digested by the enzyme sucarase, and fructose is digested by the enzyme fructase, etc. These enzymes are extremely important. For example, lactose intolerance is a disease caused by a deficiency of the enzyme lactose. If our body lacks the milk-digesting enzyme lactase, we cannot digest milk and dairy products.

Energy reserves

Digestible carbohydrates are converted into simple sugars in the digestive tract and then absorbed in the small intestine, from where they pass directly into the blood. From the blood, they pass through the hepatic capuwen to the liver. Glucose that is not used by the body is stored by the liver in the form of glycogen (a complex sugar made up of hundreds of glucose molecules linked together in a chain).

The liver redistributes its ‘energy reserves’ according to the body’s needs, glucose is released into the bloodstream through glycogen breakdown, so that the carbohydrate needed is delivered to all the cells of the body. Of course, the liver only steps in when it really has to, because it is not an inexhaustible reserve. Without carbohydrate replenishment, the balance is upset.

However, the body can only store a certain amount of glucose. Excess glucose – that which the body does not use immediately – is converted into fat, leading to obesity.

Carbohydrates and hormones

In a healthy body, blood glucose levels depend on the interaction of the different hormones that regulate it. The pancreatic hormones, insulin and glucagon, are produced by the endocrine gland of the pancreas, the so-called islets of Langerhans. When large amounts of carbohydrates are suddenly released into the body (for example, by eating sugary foods or drinks), the pancreas releases a corresponding amount of insulin into the blood.

So insulin levels are increased, which lowers the excessively high blood glucose levels and also stimulates glucose to enter the cells so that it can be converted into glycogen or fat. As blood glucose levels fall, glucagon goes into action. As a result of its action on the liver, glucose is mobilised from glycogen stores, causing blood glucose levels to rise. In addition to pancreatic hormones, certain adrenal hormones also affect sugar metabolism.

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Pomegranate: we tell you why it’s a miracle fruit

Pomegranate: we tell you why it's a miracle fruit

An exciting tasting, decorative-looking fruit, pomegranates can be an interesting alternative for vitamin supplementation during the lean winter months.

But it also has a number of other benefits. Get to know pomegranates!

Slows down ageing and strengthens the immune system

Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants that slow down the ageing process, and the fruit’s active ingredients can even repair damaged DNA. It also contains high levels of vitamin C, which is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Just one glass of pomegranate juice a day can help prevent illness.

Protects the liver and kidneys

Recent research has shown that pomegranate contains active substances that protect the liver and kidneys from toxins and even help to regenerate and repair previous damage.

Helps fight cancer

Pomegranates can help prevent and treat many cancers, according to research. Extracts of the fruit have been shown to prevent skin cancer in experimental animals. Another study has shown that substances extracted from pomegranates have a significant protective effect against prostate cancer and human breast cancer cells. It has been shown that pomegranate extract can promote the differentiation of cancer cells, i.e. their ability to revert to a healthy form.

Also protects the cardiovascular system

Pomegranate consumption reduces LDL (harmful cholesterol) levels by 20 percent and significantly increases HDL (beneficial cholesterol) levels in the blood. The fruit helps normalise blood pressure, improves insulin sensitivity and sugar absorption. It can also slow the development of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Pomegranate: we tell you why it's a miracle fruit
Pomegranate: we tell you why it’s a miracle fruit
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Here’s what you need to know about herpes

Here's what you need to know about herpes

Not only can cold sores appear on the lips, they can often spread to the nose or even the eyes, but some people also get cold sores on their fingers.

Not only by exchanging kisses, but it can also spread from a shared glass, cutlery or even lipstick and razor to another person.

Herpes is infected not only when it is blistered, but also when it is just there in the area. It is important to note that herpes only looks like a pimple on the outside, so it should not be squeezed. The fluid in the blisters is also infectious, and it is harder to heal if you scratch, squeeze or touch it. It’s true that herpes will go away on its own, but you can speed up healing and prevent further infection and scarring of the skin by treating it.

Herpes is not only infectious when it is in a blistered state.

It is not only infected when it is on the lip but also when it is scarred. In fact, it can even be transmitted when the herpes virus is in its latent phase. The herpes virus spreads regardless of age, even a newborn can catch it. People who have never had herpes are not fully protected against herpes.

Herpes only looks like a pimple and there is no biological connection between them.

Both cold sores and genital herpes are caused by the same virus and can easily spread from one area to another. It’s true that herpes will go away on its own, but if you treat it you will speed up the healing time a lot. Medication only prevents the virus from multiplying, it cannot eradicate the pathogens from the body. If you start treatment, the disease may flare up temporarily in the first 2 days of treatment, then there may be a sudden recovery.

Unfortunately, lemon juice and vinegar are not good for herpes at all.

There is little point in using them in your treatment. They just wash out the skin and dry it out. Peppermint oil can be great as it has excellent antiseptic properties. Calendula products are also great anti-inflammatories.

Here's what you need to know about herpes
Here’s what you need to know about herpes