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These are signs of hormonal imbalance

These are signs of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance can often lead to sudden bursts of anger, rage, fear, depression and mood swings.

More serious problems can develop, such as loss of libido, infertility, menstrual problems.

Don’t ignore the signs below, get the problem fixed in time!

6 signs that the balance is out of balance

1. Constant hunger pangs
Hormonal imbalance can often lead to morbid obesity. We can struggle with constant hunger pangs, with the body constantly craving food.

2. Mood swings
Mood swings can occur rapidly and from one extreme to the other. One minute we may be cheerful, the next minute we may be overcome with great uncertainty and fear.

3. Fatigue
A rise in cortisol, which is responsible for stress, can lead to a constant feeling of fatigue.

4. Unnecessary weight gain
If you keep gaining weight despite regular exercise, it could mean that your hormonal balance is upset and your metabolism is not working properly

5. Reduction of libido
Estrogen and testosterone imbalances, but often also vaginal dryness

6. Insomnia
This problem can affect you most during menopause. It is also associated with heavy night sweats, palpitations and restlessness.

These are signs of hormonal imbalance
These are signs of hormonal imbalance

What to know about oestrogen dominance

Oestrogen dominance is a hormonal disorder in which oestrogen predominates over the balancing progesterone. Estrogen levels are highest in the first half of the menstrual cycle, followed by progesterone in the second half. In the case of oestrogen dominance, the hormone is always in excess.

Reducing oestrogen

If a specialist deems it appropriate, a reduction in oestrogen may prescribe lifestyle changes and certain nutritional supplements to improve the condition. In this case, it is important to get rid of excess weight as this alone will improve the condition. It is recommended to eat foods that help to improve the metabolism and to avoid foods that are full of artificial ingredients.

The building blocks of the female hormone system are essential vitamins and minerals. It is an extremely complex “machine”, but it should be remembered that it needs vitamins and minerals to function properly, just like any other organ system.

These vitamins are needed to maintain proper hormone balance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant for the body and is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Research has shown that vitamin C may play an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle and ovarian function, and in healthy ovulation.

Vitamin D

Almost everyone now knows that we need vitamin D not only for strong bones but also for a well-functioning immune system. But it is much less well known that it is also needed for the production and activity of various hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone.


Magnesium calms the nerves and helps reduce stress, which is good for the menstrual cycle and hormone balance. Adequate intake of magnesium can relieve the symptoms of PMS (especially when combined with vitamin B6) and help prevent menstrual cramps. It supports the breakdown of excess oestrogen, helping to overcome oestrogen dominance and thus reducing the risk of oestrogen dominant conditions such as fibroids.


Zinc is a vital trace element, essential for the function of more than 300 enzymes. It contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. Protects cells against oxidative stress, and plays a role in maintaining normal fertility and reproduction. It plays an important role in the production, storage and utilisation of insulin. Required for the production of thyroid hormones and regulates the menstrual cycle.


Selenium is a constituent of more than two dozen so-called selenoproteins, which play an extremely important role in reproduction, thyroid hormone metabolism, immune function and the protection of cells against oxidative stress. A lack of selenium can cause thyroid disorders, fertility problems and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and in the newborn.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (also known as pyridoxine) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for more than 100 types of enzymatic reactions in the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems, for energy production and for the regulation of hormonal activity. Vitamin B6 may help to increase progesterone levels, thus counteracting one of the main causes of hormonal imbalances, estrogen dominance.

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How watermelon and its seeds affect your body

How watermelon and its seeds affect your body

Watermelon is one of the most popular summer fruits, and it is not only delicious and refreshing, but also extremely healthy.

Watermelons are a great source of vitamins (including vitamins A, B and C), minerals and trace elements. What makes it particularly valuable is that it has a very high water content, which means that when you eat watermelon, you are also replenishing the fluids that your body needs. This is particularly important in the summer heat, when there is a greater risk of dehydration.

Watermelon is low in calories and contains no fat or cholesterol. It’s a good choice for those who want to watch their weight. The potassium, magnesium and other nutrients in watermelon help to keep blood vessels healthy and elastic. They also play a big role in preventing vascular stenosis, but regular watermelon consumption reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

Thanks to its high water content and natural diuretic properties, eating melons may also be recommended for those who want to maintain kidney health. It stimulates kidney and liver function. Reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood and prevents the formation of kidney stones. As melon consumption is associated with increased urinary excretion, it is also a good idea to eat plenty of melons if you are prone to urinary tract infections and inflammation.

Surprisingly, watermelon also protects our eyes. It has a high beta-carotene content (like carrots) and also contains lycopene and lutein. These compounds are essential for maintaining eye health.

The eternal question: should we eat the seeds too?

Although most of us throw away the seeds of watermelons, research shows that watermelon seeds are actually good for your body. It’s extremely high in nutrients. The proteins, vitamins and minerals it contains also help fight cardiovascular disease because it is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Feel free to eat it!

How watermelon and its seeds affect your body
How watermelon and its seeds affect your body
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Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

We are now going to talk about one of the most common subtypes of back pain, namely shoulder blade pain.

Before describing shoulder blade pain, it is worth defining exactly which area we are talking about.

The scapula is the triangular bone of the upper back. This bone is more visible when you extend your elbow backwards. The scapula has several functions, one of the most important of which is to support the rotational movement of the shoulder. When you develop scapular pain, the most important question is which scapula is affected. Some conditions are more likely to affect the left side while other conditions are more likely to affect the right side.

Scapula pain can be caused by inflammation or injury to the shoulder, but it can also radiate from other regions of the chest and abdomen. Therefore, if you experience pain in this area, the cause of the pain could be very simple. It could be a mild muscle strain and only rarely is there a more serious problem behind it. Interestingly, gallbladder disease can radiate to the right shoulder blade, while heart disease can radiate to the left shoulder blade.

The most common causes of shoulder blade pain can be musculoskeletal problems.

The muscle strain mentioned above occurs most often. When excessive use is made of the arm and upper body, this may be indicated by pain around the shoulder blade. Even sleeping in the wrong position can cause muscle strain. If you do heavy physical work or a lot of sport, the problem can also occur.

Fibromyalgia can also be behind scapula pain.

Fibromyalgia is the name for the lumps that appear on the back and neck. Unfortunately, these lumps can cause severe pain, especially in the shoulder blade. This problem should always be treated by a specialist.

Rotator cuff tears are also common.

The rotator cuff is located in the shoulder and plays a very important role. If it tears, you may also experience shoulder blade pain.

You may also have a condition known as bouncing shoulder blade syndrome.

The bouncing shoulder blade syndrome can be recognised when you experience a bouncing sensation or clicking on the inside of the shoulder blade. You may not only feel pain in the shoulder blade but also shoulder pain. Physical therapy can be very helpful in this case.

It is not very common to fracture a bone in the scapula but it should be mentioned.

The scapula is one of the strongest bones, so it is very difficult to break. Such fractures can only be caused by serious falls or motor vehicle accidents. If you have had an accident like this recently and your scapula hurts badly, you should get it checked out.

Arthritis can also cause shoulder blade pain.

The scapula can be directly affected but other parts of the chest can also be affected.

In the case of a herniated disc, the cervical nerves are compressed by the damaged disc and this can cause pain in the shoulder blade.

In disc disease, pain can also be felt in the arms and neck.

The most common symptoms of shoulder blade pain are:


-pain when breathing

-stabbing pain

-pain between the shoulder blades

-continuous cough

-pain under the shoulder blade

-pain in the left and/or right shoulder blade

There are some simple ways to treat shoulder blade pain, but it’s worth investigating what might be behind it first, as there can be many causes.

Causes and symptoms of pain between the spine and scapula

Possible reasons:

Muscle strain or pull:

Prolonged poor posture, such as working at a computer.

Physical exertion or sudden movements.

Spinal problems:

Herniated disc: can occur anywhere in the spine, but can often cause pain between the shoulder blades.

Degenerative joint disease: wear and tear or arthritis of the joints of the spine.

Degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

Bone and joint problems:

Osteoarthritis: wear and tear of the joints.

Compression fractures of the vertebrae, often due to osteoarthritis.

Internal organ problems:

Heart problems: angina or heart attack can cause pain between the shoulder blades.

Lung problems: pneumonia or pleurisy.

Gallbladder problems: pain from gallstones can radiate to the scapulae.


Muscle pain:

Sharp or dull pain.

Tightness between the shoulder blades.

Pain that gets worse with movement or pressure.

Pain from spinal problems:

Sharp, stabbing pain that can radiate into the arms or neck.

Numbness or tingling in the affected area.

Weakness in the arms.

Symptoms of internal organ problems:

Chest pain that radiates to the shoulder blades (heart problems).

Difficulty breathing or coughing (lung problems).

Abdominal pain radiating to the back (gallbladder problems).

Causes of stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade

Muscle strain or pull: Can be caused by incorrect posture, strenuous physical activity or sudden movement.

Spinal problems: for example, a herniated disc or other spinal disorder can radiate pain to the scapula area.

Gallbladder problems: gallstones or gallbladder inflammation often cause pain on the right side, which can radiate under the shoulder blade.

Liver or kidney problems: liver or right kidney problems can also cause pain on the right side.

Reflux or stomach problems: Sometimes stomach or oesophageal problems can also cause pain to radiate from the chest to the back.

Respiratory diseases: pneumonia or other lung problems can also cause back pain.

It is important to seek medical advice immediately if the pain is severe, has other symptoms, or has come on suddenly.

Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain
Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

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Bowel cleansing? Here are the best home methods!

Doing a bowel cleanse at home starts with good nutrition.

Let’s also look at how to properly cleanse your intestinal tract.

Why is bowel cleansing and detoxification important? What happens if we don’t detoxify?

Most of the toxins are deposited in the large intestine, from where a smaller proportion is absorbed and passes to other organs. However, a significant proportion remains and cannot be eliminated. Colon cleansing helps to eliminate these toxins.

To cleanse the intestines, it is best to eat a balanced diet, with as much vegetable fibre as possible, such as Jerusalem artichokes, bananas, artichokes, asparagus, oilseeds, onions, root vegetables. You also need probiotics, which fermented foods such as yoghurt (natural), sauerkraut.

Among the best bowel cleansers you can also mention:

Whole grains (brown rice, oats, wholemeal bread)

Kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage)


Chia seeds

Pumpkin seeds


Legumes (beans, lentils)

What are good bowel cleansing foods?

Good bowel cleansing foods are those that promote a healthy digestive system and help cleanse the colon of accumulated waste products and toxins. These foods are usually high in fibre, rich in water and contain certain nutrients that aid digestion.

What are the symptoms of bowel plaque?

The symptoms of colonic plaque can vary, and not everyone has the same symptoms. Colon deposits can usually be the result of diet, lifestyle and other factors.

Constipation: one of the most common symptoms may be constipation or irregular bowel movements. Deposits can interfere with normal digestion and stool formation.

Abdominal pain and discomfort: waste products and toxins deposited in the colon can cause abdominal pain, bloating and general discomfort.

Poor digestive processes: substances deposited in the large intestine can inhibit digestive processes, leading to absorption problems and nutrient deficiencies.

Fatigue and lack of energy: The strain caused by toxins and deposits can cause fatigue and a general lack of energy in the body.

Skin problems: deposits can affect the skin and cause various skin problems such as rashes, acne or eczema.

General malaise: problems caused by deposits in the large intestine can also cause general malaise, stress and mood disturbance.

Doing a bowel cleanse at home starts with good nutrition.

Detoxifying your bowels at home can start by cutting out meat, sugar, coffee and dairy products (except yoghurt and kefir) at least once a week.

If you eat only steamed vegetables and fruit 1 day a week and drink at least 2-3 litres of fluids (water, 100% vegetable juice), you have already done a lot for the health of your gut. Herbs can also help when it comes to bowel cleansing. Drinking a cup of walnut leaf tea on an empty stomach in the morning, alternating with nettle leaf tea for 6 weeks, can help detoxify.

Effective bowel cleansing at home with smoothies and green smoothies, as well as 100% chemical-free vegetable juices, can also help. Just drinking two glasses a day can go a long way. As well as helping to cleanse the bowels, they also give us energy. The recommended duration of a bowel cleanse is about three months. This is about the time it takes to get rid of unpleasant symptoms such as digestive and bowel problems, pain and discomfort. At the end of the detoxifying bowel cleanse, you will feel energised and tired. After the waste products are removed, you literally feel lighter and better.

The first positive sign is that you will feel more energetic, recharged, and the abnormal feeling of tiredness will disappear. You will then understand how much of your strength has been taken away by the presence of waste products.

After that, you can expect to naturally avoid sugary, fatty foods. Your appetite for natural and nutritious foods will increase.

Finally, thanks to the elimination of excess faeces, you will lose weight and increase your physical activity.

Although there are several home remedies for bowel cleansing, most of them are based on drinking the right amount of fluids and eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables. It is important to note that bowel cleansing at home or at home is not recommended! In such cases it is recommended to seek medical help and advice!

Delicious green colon cleanser drink homemade

Ingredients to make a colon cleansing smoothie:

1 cup fresh spinach or kale leaves

1/2 banana

1/2 apple, core removed

1/2 cup fresh pineapple or mango chunks

1 tablespoon flaxseed or chia seeds

1 cup water or juice (natural, sugar-free)

Fresh lemon juice from a quarter lemon


Wash vegetables and fruit thoroughly.

Put all the ingredients in the blender.

Blend until smooth.

Dilute with water or juice as needed.

This smoothie is rich in fibre, which can support bowel function and digestion. The enzymes in apples and pineapple may also help in the digestive process.

Doing a bowel cleanse at home starts with good nutrition.
Doing a bowel cleanse at home starts with good nutrition.
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Treating bruises: effective methods

Treating bruises: effective methods

You should know that bruising is usually harmless but it is true that it is very painful. A bruise cream may be useful in this case.

Most often, bruising is caused by sports injuries or accidents, specifically collisions or falls. It is most common in young children when they are more clumsy and often fall, but it is also common in old age as the skin thins and can be caused by a minor impact. Bruising can cause blood to seep into the tissues from cracks in the capillaries under the skin, which is why it has a purplish discolouration.

The aim of treating bruises is to reduce swelling and bruising and to start regeneration as soon as possible. The most common bruises are those on the back of the hands, arms or palms. In these cases you want to heal as soon as possible because you use your hands every day.

Treatment of a bruised hand

Rest: avoid using the injured hand to promote healing and minimise the risk of further injury.

Ice: Apply an ice pack to the bruised area for 15-20 minutes, several times a day, especially during the first 48 hours. This will help reduce swelling and pain. Make sure that the ice does not come into direct contact with the skin; use a towel or ice bag.

Compression: if possible, use an elastic bandage around the bruised area to reduce swelling. Make sure that the bandage is not too tight, as this may impede blood circulation.

Lift: keep the back of the hand above the level of the heart whenever possible. This helps reduce swelling and helps fluids flow back into the heart.

Pain relief: if necessary, take painkillers to relieve pain. Follow the instructions for use of the medicine and consult your doctor if you are not sure of the correct dosage.

Calm and alert: Monitor the condition of the bruise. If the pain or swelling does not go down, or if other symptoms occur (e.g. severe pain, numbness, inability to move), seek medical attention.

The creams recommended for bruising can be divided into 2 groups.

There are also synthetic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams and traditional herbal-based preparations. The skin discolouration that is typical of bruising can be treated very well with a balm containing black elderberry or horse chestnut. Herbal preparations, because of their combined composition, reduce inflammation, stimulate circulation, cool the painful skin, nourish the skin and, of course, reduce bruising. The best and best known herbs for bruises are horse chestnut, arnica, medical somsquilla and black comfrey, but there are also lesser known but effective herbs. In addition to synthetically produced anti-inflammatories and painkillers, there are also natural substances. There are also herbs that contain methyl salicylate, such as creeping buckthorn and violet. There are also herbs that increase local circulation such as rosemary, lavender oil, pine needle oil. These will stimulate the microcirculation of the injured area and will heal much faster.

The best anti-inflammatory herbal ingredients and plants are:

– orange oil
– bergamot orange oil
– chamomile
– aloe vera
– marigold
– thyme
– wintergreen oil
– eastern teaberry oil

Not only do they relieve the inflammatory symptoms of the skin surface, but they also penetrate the tissue to help the bruise heal as quickly as possible. Cooling creams containing menthol and camphor also help to reduce pain, swelling and bruising. These give a cooling sensation and have a cooling effect.

What is the best cream for bruises?

Of course, it would be difficult to say, because we are all different, so different creams can help. If you’re looking for the best one to treat bruises, you should choose black carnation oil.

Of all the herbs, black celandine is the most recommended as it has extremely strong anti-inflammatory, bone regenerating effects as well as helping tissue rebuilding, it is also one of the best herbs for healing wounds. It can also be used to make ointment for bruises. If you would like to experience the extraordinary effects of black celandine, you should try HillVital Black Comfrey Balm, as it is a great pain relieving cream for bruises! Free and fast delivery and a 30 day money back guarantee.

In general, how long does the bruise hurt?

The healing time for bruises can vary from a few days to two weeks. It is important to note that cold compresses can help reduce swelling and relieve pain for the first few days after the injury. Later, when swelling is no longer significant, a warm compress can help relieve tension and promote healing.

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Bruising cream for children?

This can also be helped with black comfrey balm. This is a great ointment for bruising as it has no side effects. A pea-sized amount should be massaged into the painful area three times a day. IMPORTANT! Do not apply to open wounds! Do not use on pregnant women!

What is the best method for bruising?

The best natural solutions to treat bruises also include cold therapy, rest, padding and wearing compression stockings. Cold therapy helps reduce swelling and pain, while resting helps prevent further injury. Padding helps reduce swelling, while compression stockings help maintain blood flow to the injured area.

What is the best poultice for a bruise?

The best treatment for bruises is the cold therapy mentioned above, which helps to reduce swelling and pain. Cold therapy is most often done with a poultice made of ice or cold water. The compress should be applied for at least 20 minutes and the compress should be changed at least every 2-3 hours. If the poultice is made with ice, a towel should be placed on the skin to avoid icy burns.

It is also important not to use a warm compress when the affected area is swollen, as this can increase blood flow to the affected area, which will increase swelling.

Treatment of mild post-concussion swelling

Rest: the first and most important step is to rest the affected area. Try to bypass the injured part of the body and do not overload it.

Ice: Cold therapy can help reduce swelling and pain. Place an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a towel on the injured area and apply for 15-20 minute periods. Do not bring the ice into direct contact with the skin as this can cause frostbite.

Pressure: Pressurise the affected area with a pressure regulator or bandage. This will help reduce swelling and stabilize the injured area.

High position: try to raise the affected body part above the level of the heart. This may help to reduce blood flow and reduce swelling.

You can also use a percussion cream, but always read the instructions before using it.

Treating bruises: effective methods
Effective methods for treating bruises
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Shoulder sprain: useful tips and things to do to heal

Shoulder sprain: useful tips and things to do to heal

Everyone has experienced a sprain or strain of a joint in their life.

But what can you do if you have a shoulder sprain?

A sprain or strain is usually caused when the joint is subjected to an impact that is beyond its range of motion and therefore puts strain on it. This can be a bad movement, a blow, an injury, pressure or a trip.

In these cases, the ligaments and tendons adjacent to the joints are also overstretched. All the tendons and ligaments have a certain amount of flexibility, so they can stretch. Obviously it is not healthy to have to stretch more than you can, as this can lead to injury.

The tiny connective tissues, visible only under a microscope, can overstretch and tear. If only a few tear, it is partial, but if all of them do, it is a complete tear.

This problem can occur almost everywhere. It most commonly occurs in the ankle, knee, wrist and shoulder joints. It can have several symptoms such as pain, swelling, limited movement and tight muscles.

And now here’s what you can do about it at home if you develop an injury.

Once the injury has occurred, it should be rested and iced as soon as possible. So resting first is important, followed by icing and a tourniquet in the evening. Finally, the limb should be shelved or elevated. Herbal balms can be a great supplement for a sprained shoulder. These have a great anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Only take anti-inflammatory medication if necessary.

Once rehabilitation has taken place, a gradual return to sport or daily use is recommended. If you start straining right away, recovery will be slower. It is also worth going to physiotherapy to make sure you are 100% recovered after a limb injury.

If the pain does not go away in 1-2 weeks, you should definitely see a doctor. You should see a specialist immediately if the joints do not move against your will. The joint becomes numb or numb. If the joint becomes deformed and the swelling becomes discoloured. So if you have any cause for concern, see a doctor.

What is the recovery time for a shoulder sprain?

Many people ask how long it takes for a sprain to heal, but the answer is not simple. The reason is that every case is different, so it is difficult to generalise. The healing time of a shoulder sprain can vary and depends on the extent of the injury and the treatment. It can usually take between 2 and 12 weeks. If the injury is more serious, it may take longer to fully heal, so it is always recommended to see your doctor!

What are the symptoms of shoulder sprain?

Pain: Shoulder sprains can often cause pain, especially on the outside of the shoulder or when moving the arm.

Shoulder dislocations: Shoulder instability can easily lead to shoulder dislocations or dislocations.

Bruising and swelling: Bruising and swelling around the shoulder area can also be common as a result of dislocation.

Clicking or cracking: When moving, clicking or cracking may be heard in the shoulder area, which may indicate a lack of stability.

Limited movement: Shoulder movements may be limited and the person may have difficulty raising or extending the arm.

Weakness: Weakness of the surrounding muscles and ligaments may develop due to shoulder dislocation, which may cause further problems with shoulder stability.

In general, what is the recovery time for shoulder strain?

The healing time of a shoulder strain depends largely on the severity of the injury, the tissues involved and the treatment used. Generally speaking, for minor strains, healing can usually take a few weeks, while for more severe cases or possible tears, the healing time can take months.

How long is the healing time for a shoulder bruise?

Mild bruising: mild shoulder bruising usually takes a few days to a week to heal. Rest, icing, and the use of painkillers can help speed up the healing process.

Moderate bruising: Moderate bruising usually takes 1-2 weeks to heal. During this period, it is important to relieve the pressure on the injured area and follow the treatments recommended by the doctor.

Severe bruising: For more severe bruising, healing can take several weeks. For more severe bruises, recovery may take several weeks.

Shoulder sprain: useful tips and things to do to heal
Shoulder sprain: useful tips and things to do to heal
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The effects of Birdweed that make it worth consuming

The effects of Birdweed that make it worth consuming

The seeds of the starwort, popularly known as Birdweed, remain viable for up to 20 years.

Its flowers are white, but don’t confuse it with a similar looking plant with blue or red flowers!

The leaves, stems and flowers of Birdweed can also be consumed. The effect of Birdweed is really great. One of the reasons for this is that it is rich in chlorophyll, which alkalises the body and helps to cleanse and detoxify the liver. Its fat-burning properties can be of great help to dieters. Its tea can treat respiratory problems and urinary tract diseases. It is excellent in salads, but is also delicious on bread.

It also helps the kidneys and bile to function properly. The tea made from it has a great stone-dissolving effect. It is one of the rare herbs that can lower cholesterol. Can also be used for respiratory ailments, coughs, indigestion and lung ailments. It can also be used to treat rheumatism due to its diuretic properties. It can improve bile because it breaks down blood fat and therefore has a slimming effect.

The question is often asked: is Birdweed poisonous?

Birdweed (Stellaria media) is not usually considered a poisonous plant. In fact, it is used in many cultures for food or for its medicinal properties. Its leaves and flowers are easily identified by the characteristic arrangement of small white flowers and opposite leaves.

The effects of Birdweed tea

It is recommended to drink the tea in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably without flavouring. 1-2 cups of Birdweedtea a day can improve cholesterol levels in just a few weeks, and that’s not the only thing that Birdweed tea does. If you want to improve bile function, drink 1 cup of Birdweed tea a day. If you want to lose weight with its help, consume 1 cup a day before meals.

Birdweed tea reviews

Birdweed tea is a popular herbal preparation that has been used for centuries to alleviate health problems. However, opinions can vary and depend on individual experience and preferences.

What else is Birdweed tea good for?

The consumption of the tea is traditionally recommended for the following health problems:

Digestive problems: Chickenwort tea is a stomach tonic and digestive stimulant, and can help relieve digestive problems such as heartburn, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.

Sore throat and cough: Chickenwort tea has a mild anti-inflammatory effect and can help relieve sore throat and cough.

Skin problems: Used externally, chickenwort tea can help relieve eczema, itching and skin rashes.

Urinary tract problems: Chickenwort tea has a diuretic effect, which means it stimulates urine excretion, so it can help relieve urinary tract infections and urinary difficulties.

It is generally safe to drink, as there are no side effects of chickenwort tea.

However, as with any herb or preparation, some people who are allergic to chickenwort may experience allergic reactions such as rash, itching, dryness, redness or swelling.

Chickenwort tea may increase urination due to its diuretic effect, which can be problematic for people who already urinate frequently. The adverse effects of chickenwort can occur if it is consumed in excessive amounts. In such cases, it can cause diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

In addition, chickenwort tea is not recommended for pregnant women as there is insufficient evidence to show whether it is safe to drink during pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers should also avoid consuming it, as it is not known whether the active ingredient passes into breast milk.

It can not only be made into a tea but can also be added to salads. It also adds a very delicate flavour to salads.

Chickenwort can also be used externally. The squeezed juice should be mixed with a little distilled water and you get a very good mixture which can be used on tired eyes. A poultice made from its tea will nourish dry skin.

Unfortunately, however, it should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women, nor by children under the age of 12.

Make a healthy chickenwort drink.


1 kiwi
1 banana
3 pinches of chickenwort
2 dl water


Wash the chickenwort and cut it up. Once done, cut the kiwi and banana into small pieces. Once the chickenwort, kiwi and banana are in a blender, add the water and blend. You can eat it plain, but you can also flavour it with honey and lemon juice.

The effects of Birdweed that make it worth consuming
The effects of Birdweed that make it worth consuming
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How baking soda can help with stomach problems

How baking soda can help with stomach problems

Heartburn is unfortunately a daily problem for many people.

Baking soda can be used to cure and even prevent stomach problems.

Bicarbonate of soda for the stomach is recommended before or after eating certain heavy foods. The effect of baking soda on the stomach is really great, as it can reduce bloating, neutralise acidity and restore the pH of the stomach. However, you should know that it is not suitable for treating chronic stomach problems. Baking soda is not really recommended for indigestion, only for bloating and stomach acid.

Reflux, the backflow of stomach contents into the oesophagus, can occur even in healthy people. Eating a hearty meal, bending forward or simply wearing tight clothes can cause pressure in the abdomen. Baking soda is not recommended for reflux.

It only becomes abnormal if the complaints recur very often.

According to a survey, one in two people in Hungary experience heartburn either regularly or irregularly, and this is a symptom of reflux.

It is also interesting to note that 20-40% of people are aware of the symptoms of reflux.

Unfortunately, the number of reflux patients around the world is on the rise. Those who ha a higher weight, smoke a lot and even lead sedentary lifestyles may be more susceptible. People tend to have the same proportion of symptoms. An irregular diet and sedentary lifestyle are very conducive to the disease.

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and too much coffee and tea can also irritate the lining of the stomach. Some medicines relax the stomach lining, so people who take sleeping pills or sedatives are more likely to have stomach contents in the oesophagus. Complications can lead to a number of conditions, which is why you need to get treatment as soon as possible.

No medication is needed to treat milder symptoms.

Ordinary baking soda is very good in this case. It can effectively and quickly relieve the symptoms. Dissolve just 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it in one go. Baking soda can also be added to an acidic dish, either during or after cooking. It is more pleasant to consume in a dish than on its own. Regular and large amounts of baking soda consumption should be controlled.

How baking soda can help with stomach problems
How sodium bicarbonate can help with stomach problems
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The composition of the tiny sesame seeds makes them an extremely valuable food.

These are the wonders of sesame seeds

The effects of sesame seeds on the body, or why are sesame seeds good for you?

The sesame seed contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, more than half of its weight is oil. It contains significant amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, E. It is particularly rich in calcium, but is also an abundant source of other minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, and is particularly beneficial for people with high cholesterol levels.

The sesame oil pressed from sesame seeds also contains vitamins B, D and E, valuable amino acids, phosphoric acid and lecithin. Its high energy content – 570 kilocalories per 100 grams – and its vitamins and antioxidants make it an effective tonic. The benefits of sesame seeds are more than that. It’s richer in calcium than cow’s milk, for example, so eating it can help prevent osteoporosis.

How to consume sesame seeds?

It’s best to always have sesame seeds at home, as they can be used to enrich a wide variety of dishes. It is also often sprinkled on sweet and savoury baked goods and homemade cakes, adding to their enjoyment and nutritional value. It can also be added to pasta, both raw and fried. It’s good to know that the nutrients in the seed are better absorbed by the body if the seed is broken up a little or at least coarsely ground, as otherwise the seed is ‘not enough for half a tooth’ – its small size makes it difficult to chew. When making any kind of stir-fried dish, mixing the paneer into the breadcrumbs can make it more flamboyant and healthier.

As it have a fairly neutral taste, you can add a spoonful to muesli and any salad.

Tips and advice

For all those who need a high nutritional value, energy-dense, vitamin-rich, fortifying food, sesame seeds are a regular source of nutrition: they are useful for children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people recovering from illness, people on a strict plant-based diet, and people of all ages.

A simple, ancient recipe, for example, is sesame seeds mixed with honey, which were used by the soldiers of the Roman Empire (to boost their fighting spirit before battle), but also as the basis for the sweet khalsa, a popular dessert in many Arab countries.

For those who are allergic to nuts, it is important to note that sesame seeds can also cause hypersensitivity: there is a so-called cross-allergy between the two foods.

Sesame oil is very useful for massages as its valuable substances penetrate the skin more easily than any other oil.

These are the wonders of sesame seeds
These are the wonders of sesame seeds
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How to treat mild bile problems at home!

How to treat mild bile problems at home

For milder bile complaints, you can treat the problem at home with a few practices.

Treating bile problems at home


If you have bile problems, it is very important to use good quality oils for your food, olive or linseed oil if possible. Avoid fatty heavy foods, as well as cucumbers, peppers and cabbage. Fortunately, the oils of many popular herbs help digestion and regulate bile production. So eat as much basil, rosemary, thyme, coriander, ginger, peppermint, chilli, oregano, peppercorns, turmeric, chilli, lemon thyme, aniseed or fennel as you can. After eating, nibble on cinnamon to restore the body’s pH and normalise blood sugar levels. Gallstones can be treated at home with diet to some extent.


Bile pain can also be relieved at home with aromatherapy. For biliary pain, massage the affected area with a mixture of 30ml of base oil, 4 drops of basil oil, 3 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of coriander oil, 1 drop of ginger oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil.

Herbal therapy

In addition to diets, various herbal teas can also help you: yarrow, yarrow, tarragon, which helps the bile function, but never sweeten them with anything! Half a teaspoon of each tea is enough for a cup of water. Increased stress can also be a cause of gallstones. In such cases, Jerusalem artichokes are an excellent bile buster and can be eaten raw or cooked.


Gallbladder complaints are associated with pulling pains, sometimes with bilious spasms, wind spasms, intestinal pain, vomiting. The gallbladder should be examined and it is advisable to consult a specialist. Nux vomica is one of the most effective remedies that can also be used for heartburn.

Schüssler salt therapy

– In case of gallstones, it is recommended to take 3x 1 tablet of Schüssler salt Natrium phosporicum D6 on one day and 3x 1 tablet of Natrium sulfuricum D6 on the other day.

– In the case of gall bladder inflammation, take 1 tbl of Schüssler salt Ferrum phosporicum D12 every 15 minutes for the first two hours after the onset of symptoms, then switch to taking 1 tablet 4 times a day.

– If you have bile spasms, dissolve 10 tablets of Schüssler salt Magnesium phosporicum D6 in 2 deci of hot water and sip the solution every 5-10 minutes.

Treatment of biliary obstruction at home is tailored to your options and the severity of your symptoms. It is important to note that in cases of severe gallbladder problems, such as gallbladder cancer or gallbladder inflammation, a visit to the doctor may be necessary.


Avoid fatty foods, as fat can increase the risk of gallstones. Try to eat low-fat foods.
Eating foods in smaller portions and more often is recommended to relieve gallstones.
Bile-reducing foods include whole grains, lean protein sources (such as chicken or fish), and vegetables and fruits.

Spices and herbs:

Some spices and herbs can help relieve the symptoms of gallstones. For example, turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and can help with the production of bile fluid.
Milk thistle extract may also be useful to support the gallbladder and liver.

Warm compress:

If you feel mild pain due to biliary stricture, you can apply a warm compress to the affected area, for example under the right ribcage. This may help to relieve the pain.


Maintaining adequate hydration is important for the production and release of bile. Drink enough water daily.


Movement and exercise can help improve the flow of bile. Get regular moderate exercise.


Stress and anxiety can also contribute to bile problems. Try stress-reducing techniques such as meditation or deep breathing.


Some people may find it helpful to take bile enzymes before meals. These enzymes can help digest food.

How to treat mild bile problems at home
How to treat mild bile problems at home