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Surprising causes of joint pain at night

Surprising causes of joint pain at night

Constant pain can be a problem not only during the day, but also at night, when some diseases are more severe.

The pain at night also makes it difficult or impossible for the patient to rest. But what problems can these be and how can they be treated? The most common problem in the elderly is hip pain, which not only prevents movement but can make life difficult.

The hip has a very complex function, which is why even the smallest problem can cause serious pain. For some patients, the pain usually occurs at night or even increases. These are the problems to suspect.

Arthritis: in older people, one of the main causes is wear and tear and inflammation of the joints. In the elderly, joint inflammation is one of the main causes of joint damage. Cartilage itself becomes more fragile as a result. The primary symptoms are pain and limited mobility, which can not only cause problems during the day but also make it difficult to sleep. Arthritis can also be the cause of hip pain at night.

Tuberculitis: during the course of the disease, the tubercles that cushion the joints tend to become inflamed, which can cause stabbing pain in the hip. The whole problem is most often caused by overuse of the hip joint, but it can also be caused by infection and stress. Patients report pain in the side of the thigh that radiates downwards. The symptoms occur during long periods of sitting or lying on your side.

Arthritis: The gums have a high load-bearing capacity but can become badly inflamed if overloaded. In many cases, the inflammation develops on only one side and the pain is only felt here.

Some people may also feel bone pain at night. The causes of bone pain at night can vary, for example:

Osteoarthritis: osteoarthritis is the most common bone disease, causing pain and stiffness in the bones and joints.

Osteoporosis: osteoporosis is a common disease that leads to osteoporosis and can cause pain if bone fractures occur.

Rheumatoid arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints and bones and can cause pain.

Paget’s disease: a rare bone disease that affects the bones and can cause pain, stiffness and deformity.

Fibromyalgia: this is a chronic pain syndrome that can cause pain, stiffness and general malaise in the body, including the bones.

Other diseases: for example lupus, scleroderma and vasculitis can also cause bone pain.

Trauma: accidents, injuries, broken bones, where the bone can be damaged and therefore hurt.

Vitamin deficiency: for example, a lack of vitamin D, which can lead to osteoporosis and cause pain.

Determining the exact cause of bone pain at night requires a proper medical examination.

Unfortunately, there can be so many problems behind the pain. But the first step is always to relieve the painful part. Avoid physical exertion if you can, and if you do sedentary work, get a comfortable chair but it’s advisable to get up and move around a bit every hour. This is not enough for recovery. It is also worth using herbal balms as herbs can work wonders in many cases. If the pain does not go away after these treatments, you should see a good specialist.

Surprising causes of joint pain at night
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