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Muscle pain? How to reduce it naturally!

Let's have a look at some effective natural solutions

Usually, when someone has muscle pain, they almost instinctively turn to medication, but you can also reduce pain naturally and treat muscle pain effectively.

Let’s have a look at some effective natural solutions

On the first day, apply a cold compress, and if the area around the muscle is swollen, apply a compress. It is recommended to keep the frozen vegetables on the problem area for at least 20 minutes. You may also want to give the sore area a rest for a few days.

Sore muscles tend to be very sensitive, so it is a good idea to relax the muscles with some stretching.

Stretching can also help prevent further injury. If your lymphatic system is working properly, muscle pain can also go away sooner. Lymphatic circulation is particularly helped by foods that contain bioflavonoids. These include green leafy vegetables and green tea and adequate fluid intake is also necessary. Drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day. A little yoga also helps the lymphatic system. Stretching exercises also play a big role here.

Herbal balms can be very effective, especially if they contain the right herbs. Kapsamax extra balm contains 8 specific herbs and is made from 100% natural ingredients. Rub well into the affected area.

Let's have a look at some effective natural solutions
Let’s have a look at some effective natural solutions

It can be very effective if you add 2 glasses of apple cider vinegar to the bath water. This method is extremely useful for pain relief, but can also be effective after a hard, stressful day. Adding a few drops of peppermint oil to your bath water can also be a great help as it has a great effect.

You may also want to try acupuncture. The aim of acupuncture is to direct blood to the problem area to relieve the pain. Many experts say that acupuncture can reduce pain and tenderness by up to half.

Angelica is a great herb to use, especially when soaked in bath water. Can relieve discomfort in the form of essential oil. It relieves muscle spasms and can also cure gout. It can also be used for rheumatism and neuritis.

Goldenseal is a wild herb that has great antispasmodic and wound astringent properties. It can also be made into tea and can be a great help in the treatment of rheumatism. It is also great for muscle and arthritis.

The essential oil of anise is also commonly used. It is also a very good antispasmodic, antiseptic and antibacterial. It helps relieve stiffness, which is why it is also used for rheumatic problems.

Juniper is also good for loosening stiff and congested muscles. It also reduces rheumatic complaints and has analgesic properties.

Peppermint is great for rheumatism and can also be used for insect bites. It makes a great herbal bath. This also relieves muscle pain but can also be great for joint pain.

Yarrow has been used in ancient times to heal wounds. Used as an extract it is a great muscle relaxant. It is even effective for varicose veins.

Nettle was also used in ancient times to reduce rheumatism and inflammation. It has the ability to loosen stiff muscles as well as reduce joint and muscle pain.

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