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The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder: Tips for maximum effect

The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder: Tips for maximum effect

Wheatgrass is also known as nature’s multivitamin for its beneficial effects.

How to consume it, what to watch out for in the dosage? The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder follows!

Wheatgrass powder is generally recommended to be eaten shaken in vegetable juice or water. The use of a shaker is recommended for even shaking. Approximately 250 grams of powder can be used to make 10 litres of wheatgrass drink.

When can it be consumed?

In all cases, wheatgrass powder should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach for best results. Afterwards, allow a half-hour break to allow the valuable nutrients and active ingredients to be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach all parts of the body. This means not drinking water or eating any other food for at least half an hour or 1 hour.

There is no time limit on its consumption and no contraindications.

However, as it provides energy, its consumption in the evening is not recommended. It can make it impossible to fall asleep or, even if you do, wake you up in the early hours of the morning. After that, it will be difficult or impossible to fall back asleep.

Wheatgrass powder instructions for use:

The daily dose of wheatgrass juice is always 1 glass per day in the morning. Do not exceed the daily dose! This means that if you miss a day, do not drink two servings the next day. The dosage of wheatgrass powder is as follows. It is recommended to consume on an empty stomach. It is recommended to consume less of it daily. Its beneficial effects would be much better exploited if consumed continuously in small quantities than if consumed infrequently in larger quantities. The daily wheatgrass powder dosage is 1-2 teaspoons.

Wheatgrass and detoxification

The effect of green wheatgrass powder is excellent for the whole body. The effect of wheatgrass juice consumption is always in the positive direction. It clearly has the ability to positively influence the functioning of the body. Its detoxifying effect is often quite intense. During its consumption, accumulated harmful substances are continuously eliminated. Continuous consumption naturally leads to a better feeling of well-being and a feeling of fatigue. Later on, you will notice an increase in work capacity and resistance to illness.

The effects of wheatgrass powder don’t stop there, as it replenishes the body’s energy, tones the skin, regulates blood sugar levels and helps with weight loss.

Wheatgrass powder or juice which is better?

Which is the better choice depends on several factors, including personal preferences, lifestyle and health goals.

Wheatgrass powder


Shelf life: The powder has a much longer shelf life than the juice, as there is no water in it to cause spoilage.

Easy to transport: it fits in a small space and can be taken anywhere, making it easier to integrate into the daily diet.

Versatile: Easy to mix into different drinks, smoothies, or even meals.

Concentrated nutrients: in powder form, nutrients can be more concentrated by removing water.


Taste: Powder can sometimes taste less pleasant and may be stronger than juice.

Preparation: it must be dissolved in water or other liquid, which requires some extra work.

Wheatgrass juice


Freshness: the juice is usually fresher and tastes more natural, as it is made directly from fresh wheatgrass.

Fast absorption: the liquid form allows nutrients to be absorbed more quickly in the body.

Ease of consumption: can be consumed immediately, no preparation or mixing required.


Shorter shelf life: Juice spoils more quickly and requires refrigeration.

Limited transportability: fresh juice is more difficult to transport and can be stored for shorter periods.

Maintaining freshness: For best results, juice must be consumed fresh, which can present logistical challenges.

The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder

How much wheatgrass powder per day

How much wheatgrass per day is a topic of concern for many. However there is no universally accepted wheatgrass daily doseage that is right for everyone. In general, the dosage of wheatgrass powder can vary depending on the manufacturer and the concentration of the product. However, in general, the recommended daily dose for wheatgrass powder is 1-2 teaspoons (about 3-6 grams).

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