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The amazing physiological effects of beetroot juice

The amazing physiological effects of beetroot juice

Beetroot juice has many beneficial effects on health.

In terms of nutritional value, beets contain a lot of folic acid and manganese. However, the green leaves of the beetroot are also very nutritious, and they also contain vitamins A, C and K. In addition, beetroot juice also contains minerals such as potassium, silicon, copper, iron and calcium. These nutrients have a very good effect on the blood, they help the production of red blood cells, and they also increase the hemoglobin level.

The beneficial effects of beetroot juice or what beetroot juice is good for

Beetroot contains a strong antioxidant, which also has an anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect. The raw acid contained in beetroot juice effectively dissolves inorganic calcium deposited in the body. With its regular consumption, complaints such as kidney stones, arthritis and varicose veins can be alleviated. In addition, beetroot juice contributes to healthy digestion and the body’s metabolism. It perfectly cleans the intestines and stimulates its functioning. The fibers in it remove excess waste products.

In addition, beetroot juice, due to its inherent folic acid, has an extremely good effect on pregnant women, as it prevents the development of many birth defects and ensures the proper development of the baby.

The effect of beets on the eyes

Consuming raw beetroot juice has a very good effect on the eyes, especially on the health of the retina. Since these substances are already destroyed during cooking, beetroot juice should be consumed raw.

In addition, regular consumption of beetroot juice can stimulate physical activity and reduce the negative side effects of sports on the body. Balances oxygen consumption and increases endurance.

In addition to all this, beet juice consumption can lower blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol levels, in addition to increasing “good” cholesterol levels. By drinking a glass of beet juice a day, the blood supply to the brain can be stimulated, as the juice dilates the blood vessels.

Since beetroot contains a lot of fiber, but few calories, it is often used for weight loss.

In addition, thanks to the effects of beetroot juice, it effectively strengthens the immune system and protects against repeated infections. Its consumption reduces fatigue and increases endurance. Due to the magnesium it contains, it relieves muscle tension as well as stress and anxiety.

What else is beet juice good for?

Regular consumption of beetroot juice can prevent and treat skin infections such as acne or boils. Its consumption purifies the blood and removes toxins, giving you healthy skin.

The nitrates in beetroot juice can be converted to nitric oxide in the body, which can help increase oxygenation and performance during exercise. The effect of organic beet juice can be much stronger, as it is usually made from beets from controlled organic farms.

How to make raw beetroot juice at home?

Making raw beetroot juice is a simple and healthy way to take advantage of the benefits of beetroot. Here’s a simple recipe for homemade raw beetroot soup:


2-3 medium-sized beets (washed, peeled and chopped)
1-2 apples (washed, core removed and cut into slices)
Juice of 1 lemon
1-2 tablespoons of honey or other sweetener (to taste)
4-5 dl cold water
Ice cubes (optional)


Place the beets and apples in a blender.

Add freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey (or other sweetener) and cold water.

Blend the ingredients together.

The amazing physiological effects of beetroot juice
The amazing physiological effects of beetroot juice
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