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Delicious and healthy onion and beet salad recipe – How to make it!

Delicious and healthy onion and beet salad recipe - How to make it!

Healthy and quick to prepare raw beetroot salad with red onion.

It can be eaten on its own or as a side dish with meat.

Let’s look at the recipe for beet salad with onions.

  • Ingredients:
  • 3 beetroots
  • 3 diced beets
  • 3 diced beetroot 3 diced beetroot
  • 2 red onions

Beetroot is also a very good source of calcium, potassium, iron, silicon and magnesium, but it also contains zinc, copper, sulphur, manganese, iodine, chromium, cobalt and nickel. It is also very rich in vitamins, containing vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C. It also contains folic acid, which is very good for hormones. Potassium is very good for the body, especially the muscles. Its juice contains most of the vitamins. Beetroot is the most common ingredient in smoothies. Beetroot is a great antioxidant, very good for the liver, the body’s detoxification organ. The beetroot neutralizes antioxidants. Regular consumption of beetroot juice is highly recommended for athletes. Beetroot promotes proper blood flow and also lowers blood pressure.

Red onions are extremely rich in vitamin C.

It is worth consuming regularly because of its high vitamin content. The effect of red onions on the liver is very beneficial. Among other things, this is due to its antioxidant content, which can have a positive effect on liver health. These include, for example, sulphur-containing compounds which can help in detoxification processes and support liver function. Incredibly, red onion may also have a blood sugar lowering effect. It is also a very good diuretic. Purple onion also helps to clear the skin, detoxify it and get rid of acne.

Olive oil has many positive health benefits.

The monounsaturated fats in olive oil, especially oleic acid, can help lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and improve the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. This may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and arterial stenosis. Antioxidants in olive oil, such as polyphenols, can help reduce inflammatory processes in the body. This can be particularly useful for chronic conditions such as arthritis or autoimmune diseases.

Preparing the beetroot salad with red onion:

Wash the beetroots thoroughly and soften them in their skins until tender. Wait until they have cooled a little, then peel and cut into small cubes or strips. Drizzle the beetroot with olive oil, season with salt and pepper and add a little cumin seeds. Finely chop 2 red onions, sauté them in a little oil and add them to the beetroot. This salad is delicious hot or cold!

Can beetroot salad be eaten raw?

Yes, beetroot salad can be eaten raw. Beetroot is safe to eat raw and many people enjoy its fresh, crunchy texture and distinctive flavour. However, it is important to know that raw beetroot must be properly cleaned, peeled or grated before consumption.

What salads can be made with beetroot?

  • Beet salad with walnuts and goat cheese
  • Beet salad with apple and hazelnuts
  • Beet salad with orange and walnuts
  • Beet salad with mayonnaise and red onion
  • Beet salad with arugula and feta cheese
  • Beet salad with yoghurt and herbs
  • Beet salad with pomegranate and mint
  • Raw beetroot salad with apple
Delicious and healthy onion and beet salad recipe - How to make it!
Delicious and healthy onion and beet salad recipe – How to make it!
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