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Discover what might be causing your hair loss!

Discover what might be causing your hair loss!

Hair loss is a common cause of discomfort for both men and women. Unfortunately, identifying the possible causes can be a long process.

We have now collected for you the possible causes that can lead to hair loss.

This might help you too.

Stress: a lot of stress, anxiety, depression or some kind of psychological trauma can be very damaging to the hair. Hair loss usually starts a few weeks after the stress and can last up to 6-9 months if you don’t overcome it. It is very important in this case to eliminate the root cause and strengthen your immune system and find peace of mind.

Protein deficiency: if the body does not get enough protein, it can stop hair growth by depriving the hair follicles of nutrients. If you replenish protein, it usually takes 2-3 months for the body to get back on track. The best sources of protein are fish, eggs, green peas, quinoa, chia seeds, tofu, poppy seeds, spinach, chickpeas.

Anaemia: this is a more common problem in women, iron deficiency anaemia. In this case, iron needs to be supplemented, ideally with supplements, but also with food. Apart from hair loss, there are other symptoms of iron deficiency such as constant fatigue, frequent headaches, pale skin, nausea.

Hypothyroidism: this problem also affects women more. Hair becomes dry and may start to fall out. This is because thyroid levels start to fall and blood circulation slows down, reducing the blood supply to the hair follicles.

Vitamin B12 deficiency: this problem is usually caused by malabsorption. This vitamin deficiency is common in vegetarians, as vitamin B12 is almost exclusively found in animal foods. It is worth taking it in supplement form.

Sudden, drastic weight loss: losing weight suddenly can put the body under a lot of physical stress. It can cause hair loss. It is worth losing weight at a steady rate, according to all experts.

Medications: there are antidepressants and other medications that can have side effects on hair loss. In this case, you should always contact your doctor.

Over-use: if you regularly use hairspray or other artificial hair care chemicals, you may start to lose hair. Using a flat iron too much and blow-drying your hair too hot can also damage the structure of the hair shaft and weaken the hair follicles.

Discover what might be causing your hair loss!
Discover what might be causing your hair loss!
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