9 signs that you’re experiencing a nutrient deficiency.

green leafs
nature leafs
the old lady has her hand placed on her head and is looking at herself in the mirror

There are some minor feedbacks from our body that we don’t pay attention to on a daily basis, but it is important to pay attention to these less obvious changes.

These may be symptoms that indicate a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.

Thin, fragile hair

Deficiency: B vitamins
Biotin is essential for strong, lush, healthy hair. If the body is deficient in folic acid or folate, it will result in thin, brittle hair.

What to eat: eat fortified grains such as natural cereals. Eat white rice in small amounts and spinach, asparagus, pulses and liver are also excellent sources of vitamin B.

Ulcers inside the mouth

Deficiency: vitamin B12
If you notice any aphthae in or around your mouth, or if you can’t get rid of ulcers or sores on the lining of your mouth, there is a possibility that your body has low levels of vitamin B12.

What you should eat: poultry, red meat and eggs. People who are vegan or vegetarian should pay attention to supplementation, as vitamin B12 is only found in foods of animal origin.

Graying hairs

Deficiency: copper
Have you found grey hair in your hair and you’re only in your twenties? Your body is probably low in copper, which is responsible for hair colour. Get your copper levels tested!

What you should eat: mussels, oysters and mushrooms are good sources of copper.

Flaky scales on the scalp

Deficiency: fatty acids
If you find yourself scratching your scalp regularly, you may think it’s full of dandruff, but that may not be the only cause of an itchy scalp. A flaky scalp could be a sign of a lack of fatty acids in your diet.

What to eat: introduce oily fish into your diet twice a week. Eat nuts and flaxseed.

Spillage on the arms

Deficiency: vitamin A and zinc
Usually everyone has smooth skin on their arms, unless they suffer from a skin condition. If you notice a pimple-like discharge on your arms without any itchy sensation, it’s due to a lack of vitamin A and zinc, which are essential for maintaining healthy skin.

What to eat: pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, hummus and poultry.


Deficiency: fibre and potassium and magnesium
Many people suffer from constipation and poor bowel movements. There are many reasons for this, but the most common is insufficient consumption of fibre.

What to eat: essentially most vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, oilseeds, pulses, whole grains.

Frequent calf cramps

Deficiency: calcium or magnesium
If you regularly experience cramping in your legs, you may be lacking calcium or magnesium in your body.

What to eat: oilseeds, bananas, avocados supply your body with magnesium.

Constant fatigue

Deficiency: vitamin D
If you’re always feeling sleepy and tired despite getting plenty of sleep, you’re probably suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

What to eat: cod liver, small sea fish, mushrooms, eggs.

Longitudinal grooves on the nail

Deficiency: stomach acid
You may feel that this doesn’t fall into the category of nutrient deficiency, but insufficient stomach acid means that food can’t be broken down properly. Taking too much heartburn medication could be a possible cause of this.

What to eat: add apple cider vinegar to your salad.

9 signs that you are suffering from a nutrient deficiency!
9 signs that you are suffering from a nutrient deficiency!

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