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Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Corn contains a large amount of vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and C).

So the vitamin content of corn makes it a very good choice for everyone.

Now let’s go into a little more detail about its great effects.

It also contains a small amount of vitamin E, which is essential for the body.

It is particularly recommended for its vitamin B1 content, which is also known as the happiness vitamin. Regular consumption improves mood and even reduces the chances of depression. Its mineral content is also worth mentioning.

It also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulphur, folic acid and magnesium.

It is usually recommended to pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy, as its consumption minimises developmental abnormalities.

Corn hair is a great tea to make and has a diuretic effect. It can be used for urinary tract infections and to ease difficult urination. Cornmeal is very good for wounds and can also be used to make ointment.

People with coeliac disease can eat it cooked or grilled.

The consumption of cooked maize has several physiological effects. The effect of cooked maize on bowel movements and absorption of nutrients is also evident, as it is high in fibre, so its effect on digestion is also positive. It is rich in B vitamins, which are important for the health of the nervous system, muscles and skin. The benefits of cooked corn do not stop there. Its high carotenoid content helps to maintain healthy eyes and protect against free radicals. Rich in magnesium, which is important for bone and tooth health, as well as heart function and muscle function.

Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Maize flour is also recommended for people with coeliac disease.

Corn oil is particularly effective for gynaecological problems.

As the husk of the kernel of maize is very fibrous, it can also be used against constipation, so this is another physiological effect of maize.

The benefits of maize do not end there. Its oil can help prevent heart attacks, and its germ oil can also be effective in lowering cholesterol and improving mental health.

True, it is poorer in vitamins than other grains, but its vitamin E content is very high. Many people don’t realise it, but popcorn without salt or with Himalayan salt has a de-acidifying effect. A tea or decoction made from its leaves can help overcome urinary problems and prevent the development of kidney stones. You can also make an excellent tea from cornflower, which has a vasodilating effect. The kernel can be used to make a poultice for skin inflammations, but it is also good as a diuretic. There are many uses for corn, both for human and animal consumption. Its flour and meal are also becoming increasingly common.

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