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The medicinal properties of raspberry leaf tea you need to know about!

The medicinal properties of raspberry leaf tea you need to know about!

Before we get to the heart of the matter and discuss the medicinal properties of wild raspberry leaf, there are a few interesting facts you should know about this great plant.

The raspberry’s Latin name is Idaeus and it is said to be named after Mount Ida in Crete, where the god Zeus spent his childhood. There are many other interesting facts about it. A herd under a blight is kept in Britain by being driven through a raspberry bush. In Germany, raspberry branches are scattered on the ground in the houses of the dead to give the soul of the dead a quick rest. In Moliรจre’s time, it was believed to cure stomach aches. In Chinese medicine, it was used to cure the liver, but it was also used to regulate menstruation and to facilitate childbirth. In the United States it is mixed with a pinch of cayenne pepper and is very good for improving circulation in the hands and feet. It is also used with ginger for nausea. As early as 1941, a medical journal, the Lancet, described raspberry leaf as a herb with positive effects on the muscles of the uterus.

Raspberry leaf has great medicinal properties.

However, it should be noted that only wild raspberry leaves are considered medicinal plants. It can be collected from May to September. A little botanical overview is also worthwhile. The raspberry bush can grow up to 1-2 metres tall and its stems are covered with tiny little hairs. Raspberries grow in rocky, wooded areas. It does not tolerate cold plains or Mediterranean weather. It is usually grown for its fruit. It makes very good jam, syrup or brandy.

Raspberries belong to the rose family. Let’s have a look at the active substances it contains. It contains tanning agents, flavonoids, tannins and polypeptides. It is also very rich in vitamins, including vitamins A, B, C, D and E. The vitamin C content is outstanding. It is also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Forest raspberry leaves make a pleasant tasting and very good diuretic herbal tea. What else is raspberry leaf tea good for?

This great tea can provide relief for many problems. The effects of raspberry leaf tea are extraordinary. It relieves nausea, intestinal cramps, stomach ulcers and aids digestion. It also has astringent properties and can be used for diarrhoea. It can also be given to children if they have a tummy ache, but is good for sore throats, aphta or bleeding gums. It can also be used as a mouth gargle and gargle. It has a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, hence its reputation for making childbirth easier. It strengthens the immune system and can also reduce fever. Otherwise, making raspberry leaf tea is an easy process. Steep 1-2 teaspoons of the extract in 2dl of water and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. Then strain and drink 1-2 cups a day.

The raspberry leaf medicinal uses are not only internal. It can also be used externally, for skin infections and eye diseases.

If you are suffering from chronic colitis, take 1 cup a day until the inflammation is gone. It is also recommended for gout as it reduces uric acid. In case of colds and fevers, it is highly recommended to drink wild raspberry leaf tea. It strengthens teeth, nails and bones and protects the skin.

Raspberry leaf tea can also be used externally for acne-prone skin

Wash the skin with a cup of tea once a day. It is also recommended for daily consumption for its invigorating and refreshing effect. If possible, drink it without flavouring. 1-2 cups per day can be consumed indefinitely. It has already been mentioned that it can also be given to children, but it should be pointed out that it can be given diluted to them from the age of 6.

There are also side effects of raspberry leaf tea, which are not really side effects, but are not recommended for some people. It is not recommended for consumption in the late stages of pregnancy, but it is also worth consulting a doctor during pregnancy. It is also not recommended for people with kidney disease and asthma.

Raspberry leaf

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