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The medicinal properties of aloe vera

The medicinal properties of aloe vera

Aloe vera is not only used for burns.

Aloe vera is a perennial plant of the lily family. It prefers a warm, dry climate. Native to the West Indies and Africa. It can be propagated by sowing seeds or by horns. Propagation time is April and May.

What you need to know about the herb aloe vera?

The internal, gel-like substance of aloe vera has mainly anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic and regenerative effects. Because the plant has a relatively high enzyme content, it is a rare and valuable source of enzymes. Enzymes are essential for the body, being involved in both nutrient absorption and detoxification processes.

The plant’s active ingredients can reduce the side effects of drugs and strengthen the immune system.

What are its medicinal properties?

Thanks to its antiseptic, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties, it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Because it is more absorbable than water, it can penetrate deeper into the tissues, allowing the body to make better use of the active ingredients it contains.

Its high vitamin content strengthens the immune system.

It stimulates cell growth.

It protects the nervous system thanks to its soothing and analgesic properties.

What are the active ingredients in aloe vera?

Mineral elements: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, chlorine, manganese, magnesium, copper, chromium, zinc.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and E

Amino Acids: 7 of all known amino acids and 11 secondary amino acids. These regulate chemical balance and are involved in tissue regeneration.

Enzymes: amylase, catalase, cellulose, creatine phosphokinase, lipase, nucleotidase, alkaline phosphatase, protease.

What are the possible negative effects?

Aloe vera can cause allergic reactions in some people. This usually occurs in people who are sensitive to garlic, onions, and tulips. Symptoms include rashes, hives, swelling or itchy skin, possibly chest pain and difficulty breathing.

In addition, it is also worth knowing that aloe vera can lower blood sugar levels and this can cause problems in the management of diabetes. It can also interact easily with certain medications. Potassium deficiency may occur after prolonged internal use. People with kidney disease should avoid its use.

Do not use on pregnant or breastfeeding women!

Oral use of aloe juice is not recommended, especially for children under 12 and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The medicinal properties of aloe vera
The medicinal properties of aloe vera
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