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Benefits of walnuts that make them worth eating

Benefits of walnuts that make them worth eating

Walnuts are a very popular and healthy stone fruit, recommended for their beneficial effects.

Let’s look at the benefits of walnuts

The effect of nuts on blood pressure

To keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, eat nuts regularly. This is due to the essential fatty acids found in nuts. All you need to do is eat a few nuts a day.


Due to the benefits of walnuts it also have an effect on cholesterol. By consuming walnuts, you can lower the cholesterol level in your body. This is due to the high unsaturated fatty acid content of walnuts. And normalising cholesterol levels helps prevent some serious circulatory diseases later in life. By eating just 25 grams of walnuts a day, you can ensure your daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Vitamin E

You can ensure you get the right amount of vitamin E by eating it regularly. This will help your immune system, help your mucous membranes function properly and also help your body burn saturated fats more easily.


Because of its high Omega-3 content, walnuts improve the body’s insulin production and are therefore recommended for people prone to diabetes. Of course, it does not cure the disease, but it can help to prevent its development.

Healthy skin

Walnuts help protect the skin from drying out thanks to their oiliness and excellent skin soothing and anti-bleeding properties. Walnut oil is often used as a base oil in some medicines and cosmetic products.


Walnuts play a major role in preventing blood clots and keeping blood vessel walls flexible. Just a few grains of walnuts a day will have the desired effect.


Nut consumption during pregnancy has been recommended by folk medicine for centuries. It was believed to make the child smarter because the nut resembles the human brain in appearance. However, this is precisely because of its folic acid content, not its physical appearance.

Mineral content

Walnuts are very rich in minerals. It also contains manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Copper is a component of many enzymes. Zinc also aids growth and development. It also plays a major role in digestion and in the synthesis of nucleic acid.

Kidney function

The effect of nuts on the kidneys can be positive. The active substances it contains help the kidneys to function properly.

The harmful effects of walnuts are not really any, although you should be careful to consume them in moderation, as some people may have acne from eating too many oily kernels.

Benefits of walnuts that make them worth eating
Benefits of walnuts that make them worth eating
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Capsaicin or the medicinal power of hot peppers

Medicinal power of hot peppers

Many people can’t stand hot peppers because they are so hot that some people feel sick, but this burning, hot sensation is caused by capsaicin, which has many important healing properties for the body.

Let’s look at capsaicin, or the medicinal properties of hot peppers.

Not only does hot peppers contain vitamins and antioxidants, but their active ingredient capsaicin makes them an extraordinary medicinal herb.

The effects of capsaicin can be excellent for the whole body, let’s also look at the effects that it has. It is also a very powerful pain reliever and anti-inflammatory. Able to effectively reduce the sensation of pain, which is why preparations containing capsaicin are commonly used for anaesthesia or even to treat migraines. It can also effectively relieve joint and muscle pain.

Its ability to stimulate blood circulation can therefore not only help to control blood pressure but also prevent blood clots. This can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Several studies have already shown that capsaicin protects the lining of the stomach and prevents ulcers. Helps the production of digestive juices.

It also has an anti-tumour effect, so it can help prevent stomach and colon tumours.

A very good detoxifier, as it increases body temperature and increases the body’s use of calories. It also helps the metabolism and has an appetite suppressant effect, so it contributes to effective and natural weight loss.

Not only can it reduce pain, but it can also increase feelings of happiness, which means it increases the production of endorphins.

The extract also reduces fat deposits in the liver, which is extremely unhealthy. It also reduces the amount of fat in the blood.

An excellent capsaicin cream is HillVital Kapsamax Extra which owes its wonderful effects to capsaicin extract. You can use it for muscle pain as well as joint pain. It contains not only capsaicin but also 7 other herbal extracts that have been carefully selected during its development.

Medicinal power of hot peppers
Medicinal power of hot peppers
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The 5 best probiotic foods

The 5 best probiotic foods

Sometimes it’s inevitable that you’ll need to take antibiotics to heal. When this happens, your doctor and pharmacist will recommend taking a probiotic. Because probiotics are natural, living micro-organisms in the gut microflora that have beneficial effects and help to maintain and restore the health of our gut flora, they are essential for the proper functioning of our immune system.

There are a wide range of products available in pharmacies, but some people are averse to them, saying they don’t want more medication and would rather protect their digestive health with probiotic foods.

Here are 5 excellent probiotic foods.

1. Kefir

It contains twelve types of beneficial bacteria that protect the gut and boost the immune system.

2. Yoghurt

The best-known source of probiotics. Yoghurts usually contain two strains of probiotics that are very effective: lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

3. Sauerkraut

An excellent probiotic. Sour cabbage and its Korean sister, kimchi, are packed with immune-boosting vitamins, so eating them during the winter is particularly recommended.

4. Soft cheeses

They aid digestion, but not all probiotics survive their journey to our stomachs and intestines. However, studies have shown that those in fermented soft cheeses such as Gouda are persistent enough to get the job done and boost the immune system.

5. Kombucha tea

This is a sweet, black tea made by fermenting kombucha mushrooms. It’s a very rich probiotic drink with lots of benefits: including being a very powerful immune stimulant.

The 5 best probiotic foods
The 5 best probiotic foods
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Treatment of varicose veins using poultices

Treatment of varicose veins using poultices

Compressing inflamed varicose veins can also help in the treatment of varicose veins. Varicose veins can be treated in many ways at home. We present some effective methods.

Cold water compresses can be excellent for feet.

However, this is due to the cold water rather than the poultice itself.

Cold water compresses contract the muscles of the vein walls, thus promoting their emptying. As an antidote, we definitely avoid soaking in warm water, taking a long bath, and applying warm water compresses. It’s no coincidence that varicose veins get worse in the summer. In this case, due to the heat, the varicose veins expand and congestion increases. With this in mind, use only cold water for compresses on varicose veins.

Calendula can also be a great poultice for varicose veins.

Calendula is very popular in our country, with a high content of vitamin C and flavonoids. This plant is an excellent disinfectant, wound healer and anti-inflammatory.

Treating inflamed varicose veins at home can even be done with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar poultices can also be effective for varicose veins.

Apple cider vinegar reduces inflammation, relieves pain and improves blood flow and cleans blood vessels. When making the poultice, the dilution ratio can vary, but the apple cider vinegar must be diluted! It is recommended to fill at least 2/3 with water.

What can we do to prevent varicose veins?

The first and perhaps most important thing is to pay attention to exercise. Among the sports, water sports have an outstandingly good effect. Swimming or water exercises have a positive effect on varicose veins. During swimming, due to the pressure of the water on the body, the blood is squeezed out of the lower limbs, thanks to which the full veins are emptied. Thanks to the cold water, the walls of the veins contract, which also promotes the emptying of the veins. The rhythmic leg movement during swimming activates the muscle pump, and thanks to the horizontal body position, the weight on the legs is less.

In addition to swimming, cycling is also recommended.

However, let’s be careful not to perform a strenuous, exhausting exercise with constant jumping. Weights are also avoided as a countermeasure.

Exercises can also be done at home.

In the case of the lower limbs, anti-stagnation exercises play a role. In the supine position, moving the ankles and feet, raising them towards the level of the heart, helps empty the veins. It should also be noted that when sitting, the legs should be placed on a lower chair or stool. It is also advisable to put your feet up when sleeping.

Particular emphasis should be placed on excess weight, as this means that the lower limbs have to bear extra weight. It is also recommended to use various creams, which, thanks to their varicose vein tightening properties, refresh tired, heavy varicose legs. HillVital Varikoflex is such a cream. VARIKOFLEX varicose vein cream contains 20 special, special herbs, based on the recipe of our grandmothers, combined with the technology of the modern age. Thanks to its constituent elements, it is recommended for the treatment of varicose veins.

Treatment of varicose veins using poultices

Can you shrink varicose veins naturally?

Shrinking varicose veins naturally is a difficult task and there is no clear evidence that they can be completely eliminated. However, there are some methods and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the appearance and symptoms of varicose veins.

What is the best rub for varicose veins?

Creams containing horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) extract:

The active ingredient in horse chestnut extract is escin, which helps reduce swelling and strengthen vein walls.

Creams containing grape leaf extract:

Grape leaf is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids that improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

Creams containing Arnica montana extract:

Arnica is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, helping to reduce swelling and pain.

Creams containing Oenothera biennis (Oenothera biennnis):

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which helps reduce inflammation and improve skin condition.

Creams containing black comfrey (Symphytum officinale) extract:

The active ingredients in black comfrey help reduce inflammation and regenerate tissue.

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Against diarrhea at home

Against diarrhea at home

There are countless effective ancient remedies for diarrhea, intestinal and stomach ailments.

If someone does not want to treat diarrhea with medicines, then let’s see what we can do against diarrhea at home!

The simplest remedy is to drink 1-1 glasses of lemon water before meals. Protects against infectious diarrhea.

In the case of infectious diarrhea, a mixture of sage tea and wormwood tea is most effective. Put one coffee spoon in 2 dl of water, and drink it warm three times a day. Already “existing” diarrhea can be overcome, and the intestines can also be soothed with the following tea mixture: peppermint, oak bark, chamomile, spear plantain and nettle tea.

Fasting and black tea can also be useful in controlling diarrhea. The brewed tea is left to stand for 15 minutes, and orange juice or grape sugar can be added as a sweetener.

Drink ginger root tea against chronic diarrhea! Boil the root for 5 minutes covered, let it stand for 10 minutes and consume 1 cup 5 times a day!

Diarrhea can be treated at home by eating different fruits.

There are some fruits that are excellent “stomach astringents”, for example: apples have a great astringent effect, banana and lemon juice are also effective. Peeled and grated apples (100-300 g per day) with a few drops of lemon juice help to cure diarrhea. So apples can also be particularly effective for diarrhea. The peel of apples contains pectin. This is a natural vegetable gelling substance that can bind excess water found in the intestine. That is why it is so effective in case of diarrhea.

Belly gripper can also be made at home. We can also prepare carrot soup as a diet on days with diarrhea. Cook half a kg of grated carrots in a little water, add salt, then strain. Add 1 liter of hot water. Anyone can consume it several times a day.

But in addition to these, there is also an excellent stomach astringent: barley and rice porridge, yeast, dark chocolate, ground nutmeg, blackcurrant juice, but more recently ropi is also listed here.

In addition, it is important to mention bed rest and that the very important thing is to replace the lost amount of fluid, because if we do not do this, the symptoms of dehydration can easily appear.

It is also recommended to eat rice, but only by itself. Boiled rice is a great tummy tucker. Eat small portions of it, maybe you can season it with a little salt until the diarrhea goes away.

What teas are good for diarrhea at home?

Orange peel tea is also great. Orange peel can be used to make a very good anti-diarrhea drink. This tea stimulates digestion. It is recommended to buy chemical-free orange juice, because it is not good for you. Just peel an orange, cut the peel into small pieces and pour hot water over it. Cover and let it stand until it cools down. Strain and sweeten with a little honey.

Chamomile tea calms the stomach and intestines. It is able to relieve spasms and reduce inflammation, which is why it is a very good medicinal drink for chronic diarrhea. Herbal tea made from lemongrass can also be excellent for diarrhea. It can be great for stomach problems and diarrhea. It can also be effective against sleep disorders caused by stress, and it is also a great nerve tonic and sedative.

What else is good for diarrhea besides teas?

Some of the best natural belly fattening foods include fiber-rich foods such as the aforementioned vegetables and fruits, peas and lentils, and protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, and eggs. Peanuts, almonds and walnuts are also good choices, as they are digested more slowly due to their high fiber and fat content, so they keep you fuller for longer. In addition, fluid intake is also important to help bowel movements and hydrate the fibers.

Baking soda can also be effective against diarrhea. It adjusts the pH of your stool and can help reduce gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation. Baking soda can help reduce gastrointestinal symptoms such as pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Honey is a natural antibacterial substance and honey is also recommended for diarrhea. The sugars in honey, such as glucose and fructose, can help promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which can improve the balance of gut flora and thereby reduce the inflammation caused by diarrhea.

The best astringent tea can be the already mentioned black tea, which is very rich in tannic acids and has been used in folk medicine for a long time to treat stomach ailments.

This great drink can be an excellent solution for diarrhea, as it hydrates and, thanks to the tannic acids, reduces the inflammation of the intestines. It is also recommended to drink raspberry leaf tea in case of diarrhea, but a decoction of blackberry leaves soaked in hot water can also be effective.

Quince cheese are among the stomach-churning fruits. They are very rich in fiber, but can quickly restore stomach problems. It also contains many vitamins and iron, which greatly help the body to recover.

Cranberry consumption is also recommended for intestinal problems. Boil dried cranberries in water and consume not only the fruit but also the juice several times a day.

Is blackcurrant juice good for diarrhea?

Blackcurrants are high in fibre, and the fibre can help regulate bowel function. In addition, blackcurrant fruit has a high water content, which can help to keep you hydrated, which can be particularly important in diarrhoea, when you can become dehydrated easily.

During diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid, so it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits containing pectin.

In infants, small children and the older people, care must be taken for fluid replacement gradually!

If the diarrhea does not resolve within a few days, consult a doctor immediately! Be especially careful with children, because they may end up in the hospital, where they replace the lost fluid with an infusion. A natural tummy tuck is also recommended for children. Instead of sweets and sugary foods, it is recommended to eat fruits, which children also like and which are rich in fiber. Whole grains and oatmeal are also good choices, as they are digested more slowly due to their high fiber content.

Most of the natural tummy tucks are easily available as you can buy the mentioned fruits and herbal teas anywhere. You don’t need to panic if you suffer from diarrhea. By all means try one of the practices, you don’t have to immediately turn to medicines.

Against diarrhea at home

The lemon juice diarrhea curing effect

The relationship between lemon juice and diarrhea is more complicated than you might think. Its effect on diarrhoea depends on several factors and the results can be mixed.

Positive effects

Antibacterial Properties:Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties that can help kill the bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Pectin Content: lemon juice contains small amounts of pectin, which can help to make stools firmer.

Vitamin C: By boosting the immune system, lemon juice can help promote faster healing.

Negative effects

Acidic nature: the acidic nature of lemon juice can irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa, which can aggravate diarrhoea.

Diuretic Effect: Lemon juice can have a diuretic effect, which can further increase dehydration, especially in diarrhoea.

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These are the best vegetables, fruits for blood cleansing

Vegetables, fruits for blood cleansing

Citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemons, oranges and limes contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants that help support liver function

Green leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, Swiss chard and parsley are vegetables that are high in chlorophyll, which can help remove toxins from the liver.

Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are vegetables that are rich in an antioxidant that plays an important role in the liver’s detoxification processes.

Turmeric: This Indian spice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote healthy liver function and reduce inflammation.

Garlic: This is because garlic’s natural compounds can support the liver’s detoxification processes and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. It is one of the best natural herbs for strengthening the vascular wall.

Vegetables, fruits for blood cleansing
Vegetables, fruits for blood cleansing