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The main cause of itchy varicose veins

The main cause of itchy varicose veins

If the varicose vein itches, it is no longer an initial problem.

The varicose vein disease in the initial stage does not cause any visible symptoms on the skin, but later the varicose itching may develop.

Varicose vein disease can be divided into different phases. These phases help to more easily identify what stage the varicose vein is in.

Let’s look at the phases:

1. No-impact condition. In this condition, there are no visible symptoms, but some symptoms may indicate a circulatory problem.

2. Broom veins, spider veins. These appear first around the inner sole and the inner ankles, as the vascular network is most sensitive here, and therefore small dilated varicose veins are the first to be detected.

3. As the process progresses, larger veins appear alongside the broom veins.

4. The above symptoms are accompanied by watery eyes, or oedema. The leg swells. This is due to inadequate absorption of fluid, which accumulates in the tissues of the skin.

5. At this stage, the characteristic skin symptoms appear. The skin surface becomes dense and hard. The skin becomes brownish. Small areas of white atrophy may develop between the brown patches. The brown discolouration is due to the accumulation of decomposed blood staining as the pressure in the blood vessels causes the blood to squeeze out into the surrounding tissues.

Why does the varicose vein itch? Itchy varicose veins can be very problematic. Eczematous rashes may also appear on the skin. This is due to the fact that the dilated varicose veins are not able to remove the slag material properly. These then cause itchy, dry or in some cases wet patches. So itchy varicose veins can develop because of this. It is most common around the ankles, but itchy feet can also develop.

6. In addition to the above symptoms, light-coloured scars without ulceration may also appear at this stage. The skin may be red, slightly warm and inflamed due to poor circulation. This phase can easily be confused with the symptoms of nasolabial folds. The inflammation produces ivory-coloured scars in patches.

7. This is the final stage of venous disease. Leg ulcers of various sizes appear on the lower limb. They are caused by the death of the skin. This is due to poor circulation and the resulting lack of oxygen.

Ulceration is usually preceded by minor trauma or injury. A wound that develops suddenly does not heal, but continues to grow and deepen.

Itching of the varicose veins can also be treated by natural methods. For this we can recommend Varikoflex Balm, which is specially formulated for varicose veins.

The main cause of itchy varicose veins
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Not all vegetables should be eaten raw

Not all vegetables should be eaten raw

Vegetables are often eaten raw but really can all vegetables be eaten raw?

Most of the vegetables eaten raw is beneficial, however there are exceptions. You would think that you could eat all vegetables raw, but you can’t. There is a long list of vegetables that can be eaten raw, but you should also be aware that not all of them are good for you when eaten raw. Now you can find out which vegetables should be cooked.

The starch in potatoes makes them harder to digest without cooking, baking or steaming, and can lead to bloating and gas formation. It is not recommended to eat green and unripe potatoes, or those that are wrinkled or sprouting. Such potatoes are high in a substance called solanine, which is a toxic compound. It can even attack the nervous system.

Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale have many benefits when eaten raw, but should be considered in this state. Although cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli are edible raw, and are now mainly used as salads, they contain carbohydrates that are easily digested but can cause bloating, stomach pain and gas. For this reason, eating raw cauliflower and eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts raw is not recommended for people with weak stomachs.

Asparagus is not as harmful raw as potatoes and cruciferous vegetables, but you should at least steam them before eating them. This makes it easier to absorb the vitamins (vitamins A, B, C, E and K), minerals and other necessary nutrients.

According to many sources, raw sprouts are healthy because they contain a lot of enzymes, protein, fibre and essential fatty acids. It also contains E-coli bacteria and substances that inhibit thyroid and immune function. Raw sprouts are not recommended for pregnant women, children or people over 60 years of age.

Red kidney beans are a very good source of fibre, they also have cholesterol-lowering properties. It ensures slow energy consumption. However, it is not recommended to eat it without heating. It can cause nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting due to the lectin it contains. Lectin is a protein found in plants and animals. It is essential for many processes. Unfortunately, improperly prepared red kidney beans can cause serious symptoms.

Not all vegetables should be eaten raw

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Foods with very high vitamin K content

Foods with very high vitamin K content

Vitamin K is very important for blood clotting and for bone and heart health.

If you don’t get enough vitamin K in your body, you can develop haemophilia, weak bones and heart disease.

In order to avoid these illnesses and unpleasant complaints and symptoms, it is essential to replenish your vitamin K intake. This can be done in different ways. One way is to find out what vitamin K is in what foods you eat to replenish it. Once we know this, we can then come up with a diet that includes these foods. In addition to eating foods containing vitamin K, it is of course also possible to take vitamin K supplements, which will almost certainly provide the necessary amounts.

Daily dose of vitamin K

The recommended daily intake of vitamin K depends on the age, sex and body weight of the individual. The following figures are for guidance only:

-For adult women: 90 mcg

-Adult men: 120 mcg

-Pregnant women: 90-120 mcg

-Lactating women: 90-120 mcg

Let’s see what vitamin K is in, in other words we examine the high vitamin k foods

The list of foods high in vitamin K is quite long. The best sources of vitamin K are clearly vegetables. The best vitamin k foods are curly kale, Swiss chard, kohlrabi, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

The list of foods containing vitamin K is only just beginning, because the list is not short. There is also plenty of vitamin K in beef liver, chicken meat, bacon, pork liver, egg yolks and chicken liver.

Vitamin K is also found in dairy products. You should eat butter, cream, parmesan, camembert.

Fruits also contain vitamin K. These include plums, kiwis, avocados, pomegranates, grapes and dried figs.

Among foods containing vitamin K, pulses are also worth mentioning. It can be found in green beans, green peas and soya beans.

What else has vitamin K? Several vegetables and seeds also contain it. Continue the list!

Oily seeds such as cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts also contain vitamin K.

While all of the above foods have small amounts, foods high in vitamin K include spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, red onion, sage, lettuce, cabbage, kale, vegetable oils (especially soybean oil), liver and alfalfa.

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for the body.

Let’s look at what foods contain this vitamin. Papaya is very rich in vitamin C. Papaya is a member of the melon family and is a very juicy fruit. It is also recommended for dieters as it is 90% water. It is also very rich in vitamin A.

Broccoli is also an extremely vitamin-rich vegetable. Most people usually eat it for weight loss reasons. A large head of broccoli contains more than 100 milligrams of vitamin C. It is best eaten steamed, as a large part of the vitamin is lost when cooked.

There are about 100 milligrams of vitamin C in a cup of Brussels sprouts, so it’s worth including them in your winter diet.

A medium-sized grapefruit contains 88 milligrams of vitamin C. Oranges are one of the most popular fruits containing vitamin C. An average orange contains 70 milligrams of vitamin C.

Kiwis are one of the best fruits that contain vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, they are low in calories.

Foods with very high vitamin K content

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Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment

Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment

A very common complaint is neck pain, which can have several causes.

The neck is the most mobile part of the spine, but it helps to support the head and the bony canal formed by the cervical vertebrae protects the spinal cord and the neck blood vessels.

Anterior neck pain can occur very suddenly or gradually. If it is sudden, it is acute neck pain, if it is gradual, it is chronic. The most common type of neck pain is chronic muscle pain. People who do occupations that put a lot of strain on the shoulder girdle can have a real problem. These include hairdressers, beauticians and people who work with computers. Other predisposing factors include depression, stress, draughts and prolonged cold.

Neck muscle pain can be caused by a sudden movement or an accident. In this case, the vertebrae can become abnormally displaced and even twisted around their axis. If you are in a forced position at night, your neck can also become sore. This can also be caused by a bad pillow or an inadequate mattress. In this case, you may experience severe pain or even limited mobility.

Muscle tension: excessive tension or spasms in the neck muscles can often cause neck pain. Prolonged poor posture, such as prolonged desk work or phone use, can also contribute to muscle tension.

Nerve problems: Nerve compression or irritation in the neck region, such as pinching of the nerve roots in the cervical spine (nerve root compression), nerve pinching (e.g. sciatic nerve) or inflammation of nerve tissue (neuritis) can also cause pain.

Stress and anxiety: stress and anxiety can affect muscles, including the neck muscles, and cause neck pain.

Massage and HillVital Maximum balm can help a lot to relieve neck spasms, but physiotherapy can also be a great help. With 19 special herbs with high levels of active ingredients, the joy of movement is back. Massaged into the skin, it quickly absorbs the herbal effects. Free and fast delivery and 30 days money back guarantee.

Herbs used: aloe vera, arnica, juniper, lemon oil, walnut leaf, Scots pine, eucalyptus, black needlewort, thyme, chamomile, marigold, turmeric, lavender, goosefoot, rosemary, horse chestnut, castor, mint, camphor wood. Other active ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin E.

Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment
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Surprising causes of joint pain at night

Surprising causes of joint pain at night

Constant pain can be a problem not only during the day, but also at night, when some diseases are more severe.

The pain at night also makes it difficult or impossible for the patient to rest. But what problems can these be and how can they be treated? The most common problem in the elderly is hip pain, which not only prevents movement but can make life difficult.

The hip has a very complex function, which is why even the smallest problem can cause serious pain. For some patients, the pain usually occurs at night or even increases. These are the problems to suspect.

Arthritis: in older people, one of the main causes is wear and tear and inflammation of the joints. In the elderly, joint inflammation is one of the main causes of joint damage. Cartilage itself becomes more fragile as a result. The primary symptoms are pain and limited mobility, which can not only cause problems during the day but also make it difficult to sleep. Arthritis can also be the cause of hip pain at night.

Tuberculitis: during the course of the disease, the tubercles that cushion the joints tend to become inflamed, which can cause stabbing pain in the hip. The whole problem is most often caused by overuse of the hip joint, but it can also be caused by infection and stress. Patients report pain in the side of the thigh that radiates downwards. The symptoms occur during long periods of sitting or lying on your side.

Arthritis: The gums have a high load-bearing capacity but can become badly inflamed if overloaded. In many cases, the inflammation develops on only one side and the pain is only felt here.

Some people may also feel bone pain at night. The causes of bone pain at night can vary, for example:

Osteoarthritis: osteoarthritis is the most common bone disease, causing pain and stiffness in the bones and joints.

Osteoporosis: osteoporosis is a common disease that leads to osteoporosis and can cause pain if bone fractures occur.

Rheumatoid arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the joints and bones and can cause pain.

Paget’s disease: a rare bone disease that affects the bones and can cause pain, stiffness and deformity.

Fibromyalgia: this is a chronic pain syndrome that can cause pain, stiffness and general malaise in the body, including the bones.

Other diseases: for example lupus, scleroderma and vasculitis can also cause bone pain.

Trauma: accidents, injuries, broken bones, where the bone can be damaged and therefore hurt.

Vitamin deficiency: for example, a lack of vitamin D, which can lead to osteoporosis and cause pain.

Determining the exact cause of bone pain at night requires a proper medical examination.

Unfortunately, there can be so many problems behind the pain. But the first step is always to relieve the painful part. Avoid physical exertion if you can, and if you do sedentary work, get a comfortable chair but it’s advisable to get up and move around a bit every hour. This is not enough for recovery. It is also worth using herbal balms as herbs can work wonders in many cases. If the pain does not go away after these treatments, you should see a good specialist.

Surprising causes of joint pain at night
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Simple and effective alkalizing even at home

Simple and effective alkalizing even at home

This is how to alkalize simply and effectively at home! Along with many spices, baking soda can be found in the kitchen, but they don’t know what it can be used for. Now you can learn more about this great alkalizing substance. You might not have thought that it is possible to alkalize the body with baking soda.

It cleans the human body and the apartment will also shine from it. Sodium hydrogen carbonate, i.e. baking soda, can restore the body and the chemical balance. When baking soda comes into contact with an acidic or alkaline substance, it always tries to neutralize and balance the pH. The astringent effect of baking soda allows your body to return to its balance in case of acidity.

Can baking soda be used against acidity?

Yes, baking soda can be used against acidification. Baking soda can be used orally or externally to treat acidosis. It can effectively neutralize acid and help prevent acid damage. It is important to consult your doctor before using it, as baking soda can cause side effects in some cases.

You have probably already used it for heartburn or perhaps for baking cakes. In addition to these, you should know that it can be used for countless problems. It is also suitable for cleaning teeth and can even remove tartar.

Baking soda can be used as a very good alkalizing therapy, but it can also be part of a detoxification and deacidification regimen.

However, you should not overdo it, as a lot of baking soda can cause acid overproduction and damage the stomach wall. Baking soda dissolves spasms, speeds up the emptying of the stomach and relieves stomach pain. Baking soda dissolves in water and has an alkalizing effect when absorbed. Due to alkalizing with baking soda and detoxification, it is recommended to carry out a 2-week course at certain intervals, which means that you have to consume 1 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water twice a day.

Or there is another type of cure, during which you drink 1 glass of hot water on an empty stomach every morning for 1 month and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Eat as hot as you can. After 10 minutes, drink a glass of cold water with 10 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After that, you should not eat for 30 minutes. You will feel much better after just 1 week, as the elimination and neutralization of acids starts in the body.

Water helps eliminate an excessively acidic pH value and restores the body’s normal pH value. Before the prescription, it should be added that you should definitely ask your doctor’s opinion, as too alkaline can also be harmful. If you eat a balanced, healthy diet and exercise regularly, the ratios should not shift.

Now you can learn how to make alkalizing water. First, fill a bottle with 1.5 liters of purified water and add a lemon cut into pieces. Do not squeeze the lemon and soak it for 10 hours.

In another version, add a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda to 250 ml of clean water. Stir until the baking soda dissolves.

In a third version, you need to wash the cucumber and lemon. Cut the cucumber in half and circle it, then dice the lemon next to it. Put them in one and a half liters of water and let them soak overnight.

Alkaline of the acidic body can also be done at home with the help of fruits and vegetables.

It is very important to always pay attention to your body’s reactions. If you feel that alkaline water or one of the suggestions does not suit you, then definitely stop drinking it. One of them is worth trying, as it can help with reflux and indigestion.

Elimination of acidification can be facilitated using several methods. Among them, the following are worth mentioning.

Healthy diet: Eating foods low in acid, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, can help reduce the risk of acidosis.

Stress management: Reducing stress levels can help prevent acidosis.

Quitting alcohol and smoking: Continuously reducing or quitting alcohol and smoking can help reduce the risk of acidosis.

Simple and effective alkalizing even at home
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Possible causes of burning back pain

Possible causes of burning back pain

There are many types of pain, one of the most characteristic is burning back pain, but this can be caused by several diseases.

The exact determination of the location, regularity and severity of the burning pain can help a lot in detecting this.

Patients often feel a burning sensation, but many people only call the tingling and stabbing pain that way. The burning sensation can also develop all over the body. If the pain is intense or persists for a longer period of time, it definitely means something bad. One form of back pain can be chronic pain, which can occur acutely or intermittently.

The cause of the pain may not always be an organic problem. There are also cases where there is a psychological illness in the background, in which case no difference can be proven.

Unfortunately, a burning sensation in the lower back can occur in many cases. Burning back pain and burning lower back pain can usually develop from a simple stretch, or if you have done some strenuous work or training. “Burning sensation on my back” If you also experience this after playing sports, it is definitely worth waiting a few days, as it usually goes away. A burning sensation in the back can be caused by many reasons, but the most common cause is exercise, such as overexertion or poor posture. Burning back pain can also be caused by spinal problems, skin diseases, inflammatory conditions, back pain syndrome, back injuries, and internal organ problems such as stomach or liver diseases. In the form of burning pain, it can also accompany muscle or muscle diseases. Burning pain in the back, therefore, in many cases does not indicate a serious problem.

What are the causes of burning, stabbing back pain?

A burning and stinging back can have many causes, including wear and tear on the back, herniated disc, inflammatory joint disease, back muscle tension, spinal cord disease, and wear and tear caused by stress and posture.

A tear, sprain or other mechanical injuries are also accompanied by a burning pain, a feeling of warmth in the back. These problems usually arise during sports, but they can also be caused by a wrong movement. You may also feel burning pain if the joint capsules are damaged, bruised or broken. The burning pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting or dizziness. So, unfortunately, the burning sensation in the back can be caused by many different problems. Be sure to pay attention to the symptoms and, of course, it is worth contacting a specialist if the feeling does not subside.

Skin pain is also worth mentioning. Skin pain can also develop on the back and can be caused by a number of reasons, including:

Exercise: Muscle pain caused by excessive exercise or bad posture.

Skin diseases: For example, eczema, psoriasis.

Neurological diseases: For example, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, which can also affect the skin.

Trauma: Pain caused by an accident, surgery, or skin injury

Inflammation: For example, inflammation of the joints and rheumatoid arthritis

Infections: For example, bacterial or viral skin infections

Allergy: For example, allergic reactions affecting the skin

Hormonal changes: For example, skin pain during menopause.

Burning pain can also be an accompanying symptom from various accidents, such as also appendicitis, but this is not typical of burning back pain, but the pain can be felt on the right side of the abdomen. You should first use the HillVital Herbal Master Balm to relieve the burning pain. Its lasting popularity is due to its effectiveness. It is made with the professional use of 12 special herbs and contains the pure, true power of nature. This is the balm that should not be missing from anyone’s home pharmacy.

Can a cold cause back pain?

A cold is usually not accompanied by back pain, however, the body’s response to a cold may include general weakness, fatigue, and pressure on the top of the head.

Can pneumonia cause back pain?

Yes, pneumonia can also cause back pain. Back pain can be caused by the swelling of the inflamed lung and its pressure on the back muscles, or coughing can also cause pain in the back. In case of pneumonia, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible!

Possible causes of burning back pain
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Mild burns can be treated with ointment!

Mild burns can be treated with ointment!

You can get a minor burn almost anytime in the kitchen.

But what is a burn?

A burn is the result of an impact on the body surface that is much hotter than body temperature. It can be liquid, steam, flame, etc.

Burn injuries can be classified into four degrees according to the involvement of the outer covering. Its severity is determined by the affected surface, degree of burn and age.

Symptoms of burns

-skin redness

-skin tension

-skin pain

-blistered skin surface

-reddish marbled skin surface

-vesicular wound surface

-white wound surface

-dirty gray wound surface

-painless wound

-charring of skin tissues

Degrees of burn injury


In the case of a first-degree burn, only the topmost layer of the skin, the epidermis, is damaged. The burned area is red, the skin is tight, smooth and very painful. The most common first-degree burns include burns caused by the sun and tanning beds.


Second-degree burns damage all layers of the epidermis and several layers of the dermis.

Superficial quadratic:

Superficial second-degree burns penetrate to the upper layer of the dermis. Their surface is wet, blistered and very painful. It is characterized by its reddish-pink marbling, which turns white under pressure. At this level, the cream can be effective even for blister burns, but above that it is not really recommended.

Deep secondary:

Second-degree burns affect both layers of the dermis. The wound surface is white and blistered. If the formed blisters are ruptured, the blood plasma that flows out of them can become infected and fester. The pain is intense.


In addition to complete damage to the epidermis and dermis, the subcutaneous connective tissue is also affected. The surface is dirty gray or very pale, charcoal, parchment-like, the picture is dominated by tissue death. The wound is painless because the nerve endings in the area have died.


The tissues are charred. Subcutaneous connective tissue, muscle tissue and bone tissue are burned. Its surface is no different from a third-degree burn.

Healing of burns

First-degree injuries usually heal within 7 days, while superficial forms of second-degree burns heal within about two weeks, without leaving behind a significant scar.

In the case of deep second- and third-degree injuries, recovery may take up to 4 weeks. Healing is often influenced by the condition of the affected organs.

Healing the burn with an ointment

Ointments recommended to be used only in case of first or mild second degree injuries. If we have cooled the wound, we can apply some kind of cream. Most of these creams help prevent infections and peeling.

Instead of creams with an artificial composition, we can confidently use herbal ointments. You can consider aloe vera for burns, calendula cream for burns, nettle and St. John’s wort can also be good for burns.

Calendula cream is one of the best ointment for burn skin treatment and it is very popular due to its wound-healing effect. It helps not only in healing wounds, but also in the treatment of scars. Due to its high content of active ingredients, the improvement can be felt even within days. So, in the case of milder degrees, the burn can be treated with an ointment.

It is important that the use of creams is no longer enough for a deep second-degree injury! In this case, consult a doctor immediately!

Mild burns can be treated with ointment!

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Effective treatments for mild burns

Effective treatments for mild burns

First, let’s assess the scale of the problem.

If the burn is bigger than the palm of your hand, if it’s on your face or around your genitals, you need to see a doctor. Fortunately, minor burns other than these can be treated at home.

Many factors determine the severity of a burn.

These may include the size of the affected body surface, the depth and degree of the burn, the general health of the injured person and their age. Babies, sick people and older people are more at risk.

The combustion can be divided into 4 stages.
The 4 stages of combustion are as follows:

In a stage I burn, only the top layer of skin is damaged, swollen, red and painful.

In stage II burns, the deeper layers of the skin are also damaged and blisters appear in the affected area, initially with a transparent, later yellow pus.

In a stage III burn, many more blisters appear. These blisters appear in the deeper layers of the skin. The burnt skin is grey in colour.

In a stage IV burn, the skin and underlying tissue are charred.

The combustion can be divided into 4 stages.

But if we are sure that it does not require hospitalisation, we can start treating the wound.

Mild burns can be treated at home. Treat first and second degree burns at home! Treatment of 2nd degree burns is only recommended at home if you have some experience. Otherwise it is a moderately deep burn that usually requires medical attention.

– The wound must be cooled! Hold the burnt surface under cold running water for about 15 minutes. Ice should not be used to cool it, and the water should not be too cold. Cooling is important for several reasons. Firstly, it eases the pain and protects the deeper tissues from further damage. In the past, folk medicine recommended sour cream, but this is now discarded.

– Next, the wound is dressed with a sterile gauze pad or bandage. This will stop the wound from becoming infected. Do not use cotton wool for this purpose, even sterile cotton wool, because it will stick!

– In second degree burns, small blisters appear on the skin surface. Do not touch these!

– The burn is then treated, the primary aim of which is to relieve pain. Aloe Vera gel or calendula ointment can be used for this purpose.

– The last step is to dress the wound. Burns should be dressed very carefully. Use sterile gauze and bandages for this too!

First degree burns usually take 5-8 days to heal, second degree burns 1-2 weeks. In this case, if the burn is purulent and bloody, consult a doctor after you have treated it at home. Treatment of a fissured burn is not a home or home treatment, so leave this to a doctor. For third or fourth degree burns, an ambulance should be called.

Honey can also be great for burning at home. Because of its antibacterial properties, it helps prevent the wound from becoming infected. It also kills bacteria and prevents infection.

Treatment of a blister burn is very important as it is an indication of a second degree burn. In this case, the blister must be removed and proper dressing will be required. This is recommended to be done by a specialist. A cream can also be applied to a blister burn to help soothe the skin and relieve the pain. Examples of such creams are chamomile or aloe vera based creams. Care must be taken, otherwise the blisters may break out. Treating a blister that has ruptured requires medical expertise and should be referred to a doctor. Unfortunately, home treatment can only make matters worse if the injury is of this severity.

Treating sunburns at home is easy. It is very important to cool the burned surface. An ice compress can be great. If a blister or pimple appears, you should not touch or fiddle with it. Aloe vera can also help as it cools and heals the inflammation. Treating scalded skin with aloe vera can also be effective. Alternatively, if it is very blistered and painful, it is definitely recommended to show it to a doctor.

Effective treatments for mild burns

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There may be more than one problem behind back pain

There may be more than one problem behind back pain

Lower back pain is a common and long-standing problem and affects a very large proportion of the population. “My back is cold!” is a common cry. What might be behind the waist pain?

It’s important to note that lower back pain can indicate more than one problem. It is common to talk about lower back pain when there is pain or discomfort in the area between the lower rib cage and the tailbone. This may or may not be accompanied by radiating pain in the leg. In terms of duration, we can talk about acute (i.e. less than 1 month), sub-acute (2-3 months), recurrent or chronic (if more than 3 months) low back pain.

A common misconception about back pain is that it is caused by herniated discs. This is incorrect for several reasons, as hernias tend to develop in the discs between the vertebrae that make up the spinal column. A more common and more likely cause is tension in the muscles, ligaments and soft tissues, which is the cause in 70% of cases. Lower back pain can also be caused by a sudden movement of the trunk, lifting heavy weights, or by an incorrect posture.

A cold can also cause waist pain, of course. That’s why when the weather gets colder, it’s a good idea to dress with your waist covered. However, it is not only the waist that can get cold, but also a cold that can cause waist pain, i.e. a cold with waist pain. In this case, the symptoms of a waist cold may be accompanied by the symptoms of a cold (runny nose, fever, chills, cough) and also by waist pain. Colds can often cause joint pain, which is common in the problem areas. This area is generally the waist.

Lower back pain is a symptom, so it can indicate the presence of several problems. There is also non-specific low back pain, which occurs when the origin of the pain is not related to musculoskeletal problems. It is caused by a wrong movement, strain or stress. Most patients experience this type of low back pain. It can also be caused by a cold, because you cough so much that it causes muscle fever in the lower back.

The other type is specific lower back pain. This is when someone has back pain due to a medical condition such as articular cartilage wear, osteoporosis, disc herniation, spinal stenosis or vertebral problems. Many people think that back pain can be caused by a simple cold, but this is not the case. However, in the case of a viral illness that is associated with a fever, you may also develop lower back pain and limb pain.

The treatment tends to be different for different reasons. The good news is that the most common way to get rid of pain is non-surgical. Your doctor will usually recommend injections, painkillers, painkiller patches and anti-inflammatory medication. It may also be supplemented by physiotherapy and physical therapy. It is also advisable to use herbal products as they can give great results without side effects. A cold in the lower back can also be treated with herbal creams, but warm compresses and warm clothing are recommended, as it tends to occur in the winter months.

Can I develop lower back pain due to flatulence?

Yes, a urinary tract infection caused by flatulence, bacterial or viral infection can contribute to lower back pain.

A cold sore back, also known as back pain, is usually caused by fatigue or overuse of the muscles in the back. Symptoms of a cold back include back pain that can be aggravated by movement, laughing, coughing or sneezing, and tightness and spasm of the back muscles. Back pain is often temporary and can heal on its own, but if it persists for a long time or is more severe, you should seek medical advice. Back pain can be treated with pain relief creams, cooling or warming packs, massage and exercise. It is important to stand, sit and sleep properly and to exercise regularly to prevent back pain.

Treatment of a cold sore waist usually involves the following steps:

-Rest: Resting the waist can help with recovery.

-Anti-inflammatories: can help reduce pain and inflammation.

-Stretching and strengthening exercises: stretching and strengthening exercises can help strengthen muscles and reduce pain.

-Medical help: if the pain is severe or if treatments are ineffective, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and prescribe appropriate treatment.

There may be more than one problem behind back pain