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Effective treatment for eczema scalp

Effective treatment for eczema scalp

Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is one of the most common skin inflammatory diseases.

Generally speaking, the skin first becomes red, then itchy, small blisters develop, and after scratching, small sores, welts or scaling may appear.

Causes of eczema

There are many possible causes of eczema, but they can be divided into two groups.

Exogenous: Mostly caused by external influences. Substances that are deposited on the skin cause skin inflammation in those who are susceptible.

Endogenous: In this case, a specific predisposition or susceptibility is required for development. This includes fungi that multiply in the body or on the skin.

Eczema on the scalp (Seborrhea) or also known as eczema hairline

Unfortunately, eczema can occur on many different parts of the body, including the scalp. Another name for scalp eczema is seborrhoea, which essentially refers to eczema on the scalp. Eczema scalp symptoms include itching, blisters, oozing and scaling. It can easily lead to dandruff and, in more severe cases, even hair loss.

There are several possible causes of eczema on the scalp.

Genetic predisposition: If someone has a family history of eczema, they are more likely to be prone to it themselves.

Allergic reaction: Hair dye, hair care products, etc. may also cause eczema.

Stress and nervousness: stress and nervousness increase the likelihood of dermatitis.

Treatment of eczema scalp

If the problem appears overnight, it is worth paying attention to what may have triggered it. You may suspect a new shampoo, dye, conditioner or even other cosmetic product.

The key to treating eczema scalp is to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. This can be achieved by using different creams. However, some of these creams are steroidal and some are non-steroidal. Of these, if you can, stick to non-steroidal ointments and creams. One such non-steroidal cream with natural ingredients is Dermasoft Extra balm, which can provide relief with the help of herbs.

Treatment of eczema scalp at home is mainly focused on moisturising the skin, reducing inflammation and eliminating the underlying causes.

Here are some useful tips to help you manage your eczema scalp

Use nourishing and moisturising hair care products: use a conditioner that contains the right amount of moisturiser to achieve balanced hydration. Avoid products containing alcohol as this can dry out the skin.

Baths and compresses: baths and compresses containing lukewarm, nourishing oils can help relieve itching and inflammation while moisturising the skin. Some suggested oils include almond oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil.

Careful hair washing: Avoid overwashing your hair as this can dry out the skin. Use warm or lukewarm water and gently massage the conditioner into the scalp.

Remove the triggers: if you know which products are causing the allergic reaction, avoid them and use other products.

Stress and nervousness: stress and nervousness increase the likelihood of dermatitis, so stress management is a very important part of the treatment.

In general, what can be done about itchy scalp?

To relieve itching and treat symptoms, the following few steps may help:

Clean your scalp: Keeping your scalp clean can help reduce itching. Use a dandruff conditioner and massage gently into the scalp.

Use moisturising hair care products: dry skin often causes itching, so it’s important to keep your scalp properly moisturised. Use a moisturising hair conditioner and avoid products containing drying alcohol.

Fight dandruff: Dandruff often causes itching. If you suspect you have dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner.

Avoid triggers: if you know which hair care products cause itching, avoid them and use other products.

Seek professional help: If itchy scalp symptoms persist and do not subside, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

These are also recommended for eczematous itchy scalps, and it is very important that no matter how itchy the scalp, it should not be scratched.

Advice for eczema:

During the winter, make sure that the room has the right amount of humidity.

It is recommended to avoid furry toys and pets.

Avoid long and too hot baths. Instead, it is recommended to take lukewarm showers and to use special washcloths.

It is advisable to use natural detergents.

When drying your skin after a bath, do not rub it, but gently press it dry.

Do not use strong allergenic hair lotions or shampoos.

Shampoo for eczema scalp or what to look out for?

Shampoos for eczema scalp are products that nourish the skin, reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

Anti-inflammatory shampoos: specially formulated anti-inflammatory shampoos can be used to treat eczema scalp. For example, shampoos containing tea tree oil, rosemary, chamomile, and blue agave can relieve inflammation and itching.

Hypoallergenic shampoos: eczema-prone scalps are often sensitive to different ingredients, so it can be a good idea to choose hypoallergenic shampoos. Shampoos with natural ingredients and those that are paraben-free and SLS-free are recommended.

Nourishing shampoos: eczema scalps are often dry and dehydrated, so it’s important that the shampoo nourishes the skin. Choose shampoos that contain moisturising ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter or hemp seed oil.

PH balanced shampoos: eczema scalps are often sensitive to pH fluctuations, so it’s a good idea to choose shampoos that balance the skin’s pH.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the best shampoo for eczema scalp. We are all different, so it often varies which shampoo works for which person. But the most important thing to remember when washing your eczema scalp with shampoo is to avoid chemicals!

Effective treatment for eczema scalp
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The natural disappearance of the double chin

The natural disappearance of the double chin

The natural disappearance of double chin. With these simple home remedies, it’s easy to get rid of unsightly and annoying styes.

The causes of double chin may include the following!

Double chin can develop from excessive weight gain, when too much fat is deposited under the skin.

This can be caused by eating too many calories, ageing, lack of exercise and genetics.

If you already have double chin, here are some tips to help you get rid of them.

It can happen even when you’re young because of the extra pounds. Even family traits can contribute to sagging neck skin. Improper posture can also lead to sagging skin, as it is unable to keep the skin taut.

If you want to get rid of the double chin, it is very important to keep the muscles of the face in training.  There is a very simple way to do this. Namely, sugar-free chewing gum. It sounds very simple, but it is very effective. Continuous chewing strengthens the teeth and gums and keeps the facial muscles in constant motion.

In addition to chewing, it is very important to get enough vitamin E. Vitamin E reduces the size of the double chin and increases the elasticity of the skin.  It is therefore important to include foods in your diet that contain vitamin E. You can find this vitamin in many foods. For example: brown rice, oats, pulses, stone fruits, peanuts, liver, etc.

In addition, adequate fluid intake is important. A lack of water can cause the face to become fatter, which can lead to the development of double chin. So if you want to lose weight, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water a day.  This will hydrate the body and flush toxins out of the body.  In addition to water, we also recommend eating foods that are high in water (melons, cucumbers, lettuce).  It is also very important to avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

In order to make the double chin disappear, the neck muscles and the cricothyroid muscle need to be mobilised. Weakening of the muscles causes the extra layer under the chin to form. With a simple exercise, you can already do a lot to combat tochiness. Push your jaw forward, tilt your head back, and from this position turn your head ten times to the left and then to the right.

If you feel a strong pulling sensation around the ear, five times instead of ten is enough.

The next exercise is tongue stretching. Keep your neck and head straight, look forward and stretch your tongue as far as you can. Repeat this three times for about ten seconds.

Here are some packs that can help you to get rid of stinging skin! Removing double chin the natural way! You may want to try these methods.

Egg whites

Egg whites are good for the overall health of the skin and can also help a lot in removing double chin.


-2 egg whites

-1 teaspoon of milk

-a little peppermint essential oil

-1 tablespoon of honey

-1 tablespoon of lemon juice


Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Once this is done, apply to the chin and neck and leave to dry for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash with lukewarm water and pat dry. This mask can be applied daily.

Glycerin or the disappearance of double chin

You can also make a natural face mask with glycerine to combat double chin.


-1 tablespoon glycerol

-half a tablespoon of Epsom salt

-a few drops of peppermint oil


Mix the ingredients and apply directly to the neck and chin using a cotton pad! Leave on the skin for a few minutes to absorb the nutrients. Rinse thoroughly with cold water! Repeat 3-5 times a week for quick results!

With these simple home remedies, you can easily get rid of that unsightly and annoying case. However, keep in mind that they need to be used regularly, without skipping a beat, for positive results!

There are several ways to get rid of double chin at home, but it is important to note that lifestyle changes and a healthy diet are usually required to achieve long-lasting and effective results.

Dietary changes: a well-balanced diet can help to eliminate excess fat. Eating foods that burn fat (e.g. legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, seeds) can help you lose weight and reduce body fat.

Regular exercise: an active lifestyle helps speed up your metabolism, increases energy expenditure and helps burn fat throughout the body. Aerobic exercise such as running, swimming or cycling are very effective fat burners, but strengthening exercises can also be recommended to increase muscle mass and speed up metabolism.

Massage: toe massage can improve blood circulation and metabolism, which can help reduce toe. Massage can also be performed at home, for example by using circular movements with the fingertips in the stubble area.

Drinking detoxifying tea: herbs such as green tea, ginger or milk thistle can help to remove excess water and toxins from the body thanks to their detoxifying properties. These teas can help not only by speeding up metabolism but also by reducing double chin.

Ice pack: massaging the stump with ice helps to break up and remove fat cells. This can also be done at home, for example, by wiping ice cubes over the double chin area.

The natural disappearance of the double chin
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Ink stain removal? How to do it effectively!

Ink stain removal? How to do it effectively!

The most effective home remedy for ink stain!

Ballpoint pen, fountain pen, felt-tip pen – any accident can get ink on your clothes that a simple washing machine wash won’t remove. Ink can be removed from clothing in a number of ways.

Unfortunately, getting the ink stain out is often a headache, but there are a few methods that will get most ink stains out of the fabric. Now, we’re not talking about the vinegar scissors, as many people jokingly say…

There are also times when your hands will be stained with ink.

Let’s look at that first! If your hands become inky, try washing them off with soapy water.

T nail polish remover ink stain cleaning effect

If it does not take off, it means that the ink is not soluble in water. Try a nail polish remover instead! Take a cotton swab and wipe the surface of the skin with the solution. Once the ink stains are gone, wash your hands again with soap.

Now, let’s see the clothes! We will need to remove the ink stain:

– bucket

– hot water

– hairspray

– pure spirit or acetone

– towel and cloth

Removing ink stains from clothes

First, soak the garment in warm water for at least 2 hours to dissolve the dried ink. Removing dried ink from clothes is not as difficult as the problem sounds.

Remove the cloth from the warm water and spray the stain liberally with hairspray. Spread the stained cloth on a towel, then take a clean cloth, dip it in clean alcohol or acetone and start rubbing the stain. Spray the stain again with hairspray and continue rubbing the fabric. Repeat this until the stain has been removed. Then wash and dry the cloth in the usual way.

The salt also removes the ink stain. Sprinkle salt on the moistened ink stain. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then wash and rinse as usual!

Let’s see how to remove ballpoint ink from clothes

Unfortunately, there is no ink stain remover specifically, but there are several practices that can help.

Liquid detergent: liquid detergent can also be effective in removing ballpoint pen ink. Drip a few drops directly onto the stain, then rub with a clean cloth or brush. Then wash your clothes as usual.

Lemon juice: Lemon juice can also be a natural way to remove ballpoint pen ink. Squeeze a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice onto the stain and leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water and wash the cloth.

Alcohol: It is also possible to remove the ballpoint pen stain with alcohol. Dampen a cotton swab or clean rag with isopropyl alcohol, then gently wipe over the stain. The alcohol helps dissolve the ink and makes it easy to wash out.

Ink stain

Acetone for ink stains

Acetone is a powerful chemical often used to clean paint, glue and other stains. Acetone can be an effective source to remove ink stains from surfaces such as plastic or hard surfaces like tables and tiles. However, care should be taken when using it on textiles such as clothes or carpets, as acetone can damage the fabric and cause colour deterioration.

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It is worth including sesame oil in your diet for its physiological effects

It is worth including sesame oil in your diet for its physiological effects

Sesame oil is often used in Chinese cuisine.

It has a characteristic smell and taste. Cold-pressed oil, used either internally or externally, is an excellent way to stay healthy.

The effect of sesame seed oil is really great. It is very rich in linoleic acid, which our body cannot produce.  Research has shown that it has beneficial effects on the kidneys and heart. It also plays an important role in regulating blood pressure and is effective in treating dehydrated skin.

The wonderful physiological effects of sesame oil:

The effects of sesame seed oil are manifested in several areas. It lowers blood pressure and glucose levels in hypertensive diabetes.

Replacing all oils in the household with sesame oil can be beneficial in bringing blood pressure back to normal.

Sesame oil can reduce inflammation of the gums and reduce the formation of tartar.

The oil can reduce the development of multiple sclerosis.

Reduces the risk of heart disease and kidney disease.

One of the effects of sesame oil is that it protects DNA from the damaging effects of free radicals.

It has a skin regenerating, beautifying effect.

However, not only sesame seed oil is considered very healthy, but there are many other oils.

Sesame seed oil contains a fairly high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, and half of its weight is oil. It contains high amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2 and E. It is also very rich in calcium and contains other minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It has a cholesterol-lowering effect and prevents plaque formation in the vascular walls.

Sesame seeds are used to press sesame oil which is very rich in vitamins B, D and E. It also contains many valuable amino acids, phosphoric acid and lecithin. It has a high energy content and is rich in calcium, at least as much as cow’s milk, so regular consumption can prevent osteoporosis. Vegetarians should include it in their diet as it contains valuable proteins. It is also recommended for anyone with digestive problems or vascular diseases. It is worth keeping sesame seeds at home as they are very healthy and can be used to flavour many dishes. A very good recipe is sesame seeds mixed with honey, as it can be a very tasty dessert.

We recommend it primarily for people who need a high nutritional value, vitamin-rich, energy-dense food. These include children, adolescents, pregnant and breastfeeding women, people recovering from illness, people of changing age and those following a strict plant-based diet.

Interestingly, according to Hindu beliefs, sesame seeds carry the blessings of the deity Yama, and are therefore considered a symbol of immortality in this culture.

Sesame oil
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Benefits of arugula for the body

Benefits of arugula for the body

The amazing physiological effects of arugula.

Arugula is a slightly pungent-tasting herb that not only adds extraordinary flavour to salads but also has health-promoting properties.

Now you can find out what effects it has, in other words lets the arugula benefits

It’s very rich in fibre and antioxidants, and the flavouring it contains prevents tumour cells from multiplying. It is particularly protective for the breast, lungs, pancreas and prostate.

Very rich in chlorophyll.

To get the most chlorophyll it is recommended to eat it raw. More than 90% of arugula is water. It is very refreshing and healthy to eat in the summer heat.

Strengthens bones.

The effect of arugula also affects the bones. Vitamin K is important for bone health. It helps prevent calcium from being absorbed from bones and teeth. Eating 3 small pots of arugula will cover your body’s need for vitamin K throughout the day. It is also worth noting that it contains 8 times as much calcium as iceberg lettuce. But the vitamin content of arugula doesn’t end there. It also contains vitamins A, B2, B5 and C. It is therefore safe to say that it is a real vitamin bomb. Once you get used to its bitter taste, it can become one of your favourite vegetables.

The effect of arugula on digestion

In the digestive tract, the fibres in arugula help to maintain a healthy intestinal tract by helping to regulate bowel movements and aid digestive processes. The high chlorophyll content of arugula and its enzymes can promote the production of bile and digestive enzymes, which also aid digestion.

Arugula also contains phytonutrients, which have antioxidant properties and can help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and tissues, which over time can lead to disease.

Arugula also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Other benefits of arugula include being a very good source of energy and a very good detoxifier. The fibre and antioxidants it contains help to eliminate toxins.

Arugula also helps to keep you mentally fresh, thanks to its vitamin B content. The folic acid it contains is particularly good for pregnant women.

Because it contains so many effective nutrients, it can also be used for dieting due to its low calorie content. There are no known adverse effects of arugula.

Benefits of arugula for the body

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There is a way out of haemorrhoids without a haemorrhoid suppository!

There is a way out of haemorrhoids without a hemorrhoid suppository!

Hemorrhoids cone are not the only solution to hemorrhoids!

Haemorrhoids are now almost a disease of civilisation. It is a common result of a lot of sitting or standing in one sitting or standing position. Of course, it can also be caused by other things, such as poor diet, excess weight, regular constipation and childbirth.

The haemorrhoid problem can be basically divided into two parts. External and internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids develop outside the anus and are therefore visible and palpable. In contrast, internal hemorrhoids develop inside the anus and are therefore neither visible nor palpable.

External haemorrhoids

External haemorrhoids develop in the area under the anal sphincter. It occurs as a painful swelling around the anus. External haemorrhoids are much less common than internal haemorrhoids.

Because the area around the anus is richly infused with nerves, haemorrhoids are felt and painful from the start.

This type of haemorrhoids is less prone to bleeding because the epithelial cells of the covering skin protect it from rupturing.

External haemorrhoids

Internal haemorrhoids

The internal haemorrhoid is located in the inner wall of the rectum and is not visible from the outside. It is the most common type of haemorrhoids. It can be divided into four stages.

I. the patient is asymptomatic for a long time.

II. the haemorrhoids bleed and sometimes break out.

III. the haemorrhoids fall out, but can still be put back by hand.

IV. the haemorrhoids can no longer be reinserted.

It is important to know that even though the internal haemorrhoids have turned inside out, i.e. fallen out at the anus, they are still internal haemorrhoids.

Internal haemorrhoids

However, there are also cases where both the external and internal haemorrhoids are present, this is known as the composite or intermediate type.

In order to know for sure what you are dealing with, it is worth looking at the symptoms above or consulting your doctor.

What is the solution for haemorrhoids?

Once we’ve identified the type of haemorrhoids you have, we can start the treatment. Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for haemorrhoids. Treatment depends on the type of haemorrhoids and how far advanced they are.

Hemorrhoids cone:

The hemorrhoid suppository is a very unpleasant but often effective method. Its effectiveness is due to its topical application and the right amount of active ingredients. It contains only enough active ingredients to treat the hemorrhoids, so it has less effect on other organs. However, it is important to know that the hemorrhoid suppository is usually used to treat internal hemorrhoids. In the case of prolapsed hemorrhoids, the internal hemorrhoids should be gently pushed back inside the anus. If you consult your doctor, he or she will be able to recommend a suitable method for this and can also help you choose the best hemorrhoid suppository for you.

Can bleeding hemorrhoids be treated with a suppository?

The suppositories that can be used include preparations containing a local anaesthetic, corticosteroid, anti-inflammatory, anti-haemorrhagic or other active ingredients. In more severe cases, the choice of treatment for haemorrhoids with a haemorrhoid suppository should be a medical decision.

Nevertheless, hemorrhoids suppositories are available without a prescription, the main reason being that they are very treatable with internal hemorrhoids suppositories. It is often used for mild symptoms.

However, it is also important to note that over-the-counter suppositories may not always help. Unfortunately, there are some conditions for which it is important to seek medical advice and to take prescribed medicines and suppositories. Steroidal haemorrhoid suppositories are only available with a prescription.

Hemorrhoids cream:

Fortunately, there are now many over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams that can effectively reduce swelling and reduce pain and itching. However, it is important to know that these creams are usually only suitable for treating external hemorrhoids. However, they are much easier and more pleasant to use than suppositories.

Of course, these preparations are only intended to relieve symptoms and possibly provide a temporary solution. In more severe cases, surgery may be an option. However, the real help can come from a carefully managed and implemented lifestyle.

There is a way out of haemorrhoids without a hemorrhoid suppository!
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The medicinal properties of raspberry leaf tea you need to know about!

The medicinal properties of raspberry leaf tea you need to know about!

Before we get to the heart of the matter and discuss the medicinal properties of wild raspberry leaf, there are a few interesting facts you should know about this great plant.

The raspberry’s Latin name is Idaeus and it is said to be named after Mount Ida in Crete, where the god Zeus spent his childhood. There are many other interesting facts about it. A herd under a blight is kept in Britain by being driven through a raspberry bush. In Germany, raspberry branches are scattered on the ground in the houses of the dead to give the soul of the dead a quick rest. In Molière’s time, it was believed to cure stomach aches. In Chinese medicine, it was used to cure the liver, but it was also used to regulate menstruation and to facilitate childbirth. In the United States it is mixed with a pinch of cayenne pepper and is very good for improving circulation in the hands and feet. It is also used with ginger for nausea. As early as 1941, a medical journal, the Lancet, described raspberry leaf as a herb with positive effects on the muscles of the uterus.

Raspberry leaf has great medicinal properties.

However, it should be noted that only wild raspberry leaves are considered medicinal plants. It can be collected from May to September. A little botanical overview is also worthwhile. The raspberry bush can grow up to 1-2 metres tall and its stems are covered with tiny little hairs. Raspberries grow in rocky, wooded areas. It does not tolerate cold plains or Mediterranean weather. It is usually grown for its fruit. It makes very good jam, syrup or brandy.

Raspberries belong to the rose family. Let’s have a look at the active substances it contains. It contains tanning agents, flavonoids, tannins and polypeptides. It is also very rich in vitamins, including vitamins A, B, C, D and E. The vitamin C content is outstanding. It is also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Forest raspberry leaves make a pleasant tasting and very good diuretic herbal tea. What else is raspberry leaf tea good for?

This great tea can provide relief for many problems. The effects of raspberry leaf tea are extraordinary. It relieves nausea, intestinal cramps, stomach ulcers and aids digestion. It also has astringent properties and can be used for diarrhoea. It can also be given to children if they have a tummy ache, but is good for sore throats, aphta or bleeding gums. It can also be used as a mouth gargle and gargle. It has a tonic effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, hence its reputation for making childbirth easier. It strengthens the immune system and can also reduce fever. Otherwise, making raspberry leaf tea is an easy process. Steep 1-2 teaspoons of the extract in 2dl of water and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. Then strain and drink 1-2 cups a day.

The raspberry leaf medicinal uses are not only internal. It can also be used externally, for skin infections and eye diseases.

If you are suffering from chronic colitis, take 1 cup a day until the inflammation is gone. It is also recommended for gout as it reduces uric acid. In case of colds and fevers, it is highly recommended to drink wild raspberry leaf tea. It strengthens teeth, nails and bones and protects the skin.

Raspberry leaf tea can also be used externally for acne-prone skin

Wash the skin with a cup of tea once a day. It is also recommended for daily consumption for its invigorating and refreshing effect. If possible, drink it without flavouring. 1-2 cups per day can be consumed indefinitely. It has already been mentioned that it can also be given to children, but it should be pointed out that it can be given diluted to them from the age of 6.

There are also side effects of raspberry leaf tea, which are not really side effects, but are not recommended for some people. It is not recommended for consumption in the late stages of pregnancy, but it is also worth consulting a doctor during pregnancy. It is also not recommended for people with kidney disease and asthma.

Raspberry leaf

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Apple cider vinegar for dandruff and also against acne

Apple cider vinegar for dandruff and also against acne

Apple cider vinegar is also a natural remedy for hair and skin, as it eliminates dandruff and is also effective against acne.

Cosmetics and hair dyeing are very hard on the hair and the skin of the head. Hair can become heavy, lose its shine and dandruff can appear.

If you want to prevent or even eliminate these problems, make the following hair rinse as apple cider vinegar is also effective on the scalp:

Mix 0.5 litres of apple cider vinegar into 1 litre of cold water. Once this is done, wash your hair with shampoo or conditioner. It’s best if they don’t contain any chemicals, as this alone can help your hair a lot.  After washing your hair, rinse your hair and slowly spritz apple cider vinegar conditioner on your head and massage it through your scalp.

Then gently towel dry your hair and let it dry on its own. Don’t use a blow dryer either, as the heat from a blow dryer won’t damage your scalp. By repeating this method once a week, you can maintain a dandruff-free scalp in the long term. Apple cider vinegar has strong antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties. It maintains the pH of the head and strengthens the hair follicles, leaving hair stronger, shinier and healthier.

Treatment of acne scalp at home

You can also use apple cider vinegar for acne. The appearance of inflamed, red lumps is usually due to the production of excess sebum, which can be reduced with vinegar, as its acidic properties help to normalise the skin’s pH and tighten pores. It also has the effect of killing the bacteria that live around acne.

Washing your hair with apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for dandruff, as vinegar water can be very effective for dandruff hair.

Very easy to do, as you only need to rinse your hair with the apple cider vinegar water. To the boiled water, add 5 tablespoons of vinegar per litre. Be careful to apply this method to hair that has already been washed. If your scalp is very dry, do not rub it in, as this will only make the situation worse. Just wash your hair with it and you’re done. This is how easy it is to apply vinegar to dandruffy hair.

Apple cider vinegar for dandruff and also against acne
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The physiological benefits of a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey

The physiological benefits of a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey

There is no doubt that honey and apple cider vinegar have many medicinal properties. But what happens when you use them together?

A decoction made from apple cider vinegar and honey has long been used by people to treat certain ailments, especially joint pain.

What is apple cider vinegar good for?

Apple cider and honey benefits from each other. When used together, apple cider vinegar and honey have the benefits of both: vinegar is naturally acidic, but has an alkalizing effect on the body. This is why apple cider vinegar has become a real medicine, as it counteracts the effects of a highly acidic diet. Honey is also a great medicine, it has a low PH value and is alkalizing when consumed. Honey is often added to vinegar to make it more palatable, although it is still not very tasty. But if consumed regularly, you will experience very beneficial changes in your body!

Let’s look at the benefits of honey cider vinegar

The vinegar and honey benefits include the following:

– Sore joints, sore throat, constipation.

– Stomach problems, prevents heartburn.

– Reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.

– Increases energy and stamina.

– Delays ageing.

– Contributes to weight loss.

– Eliminates bad breath.

But the effects of apple cider vinegar with honey do not end there. It also has a calming effect, so the combination of honey and apple cider vinegar can also be used in cases of chronic fatigue.

How to prepare this great home remedy?

The key is to consume both in their raw, natural form! Processed versions contain fewer valuable nutrients. You can find this out from the product label. And honey is best bought straight from the producer. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add 2 dl of lukewarm water. Stir well! Drink once a day on an empty stomach!

The physiological benefits of a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey

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The effects of apple cider vinegar when consumed on an empty stomach

The effects of apple cider vinegar when consumed on an empty stomach

For a few years now, the apple cider vinegar diet has been spreading like wildfire. The method is simple, consume apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach to lose weight.

Consuming apple cider vinegar is highly recommended for our health. Although apple cider vinegar has an acidic chemistry, its consumption alkalises the body. So it is precisely because of its alkalising effect that it is important to consume it on an empty stomach.

Apple cider vinegar contains many valuable nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, iron amino acids, sodium, enzymes, pectin, vitamins A and C, and beta-carotene.

Its medicinal properties include lowering cholesterol levels in the body, its antioxidant content, which is useful in the prevention of cardiovascular problems, and its high fibre content, which is also very beneficial for stomach and digestive problems. Apple cider vinegar, consumed in moderation, can even restore the body’s acid-base balance. This can make you feel more refreshed and energetic. Apple cider vinegar helps alkalise the internal pH, which is so good because diseases tend to favour an acidic environment. It also helps detoxify the body, cleansing the kidneys. It has a great fat burning effect, which is why it is recommended for weight loss. It can even relieve allergies. It can cure sinusitis, flu and sore throat. So it’s also worth using apple cider vinegar against these problems. It can also play a big role in curing skin problems. It can be great in curing acne, rashes and warts. It can even be of great help against arthritis and joint stiffness.

Apple cider on empty stomach?

Drinking apple cider vinegar in the morning will also help you lose weight. To lose weight, it is a good idea to drink apple cider vinegar water in the morning on an empty stomach. Apple cider vinegar water is the most effective in the morning, it speeds up metabolism, aids digestion, is diuretic, detoxifying and appetite suppressant, and also inhibits the deposition of fats. Apple cider vinegar water is also a long-lasting drink, which means that it does not overload the body. In conclusion, apple cider vinegar may be best in the morning on an empty stomach, it is worth a try.

It is recommended to consume about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 3 litres of water 10-15 minutes before eating.

Benefits of honey cider vinegar

Honey apple cider vinegar has similar benefits to apple cider vinegar, but adding honey can have some extra benefits. The addition of honey can help reduce the acidity of the apple cider vinegar, and thus be easier on the stomach. Honey’s natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties can also help detoxify the liver.

Similarly, honey apple cider vinegar should be diluted with mineral water and not consumed in excessive amounts. According to some sources, honey cider vinegar may have the following beneficial effects:

-can help with weight loss

-may aid digestion

-improve general health

-support the detoxifying functions of the liver

-may improve skin condition

The effect of apple cider vinegar on the liver

Apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for the liver, as it supports the liver’s detoxification functions. It can help reduce the amount of fats deposited in the liver and improve the activity of liver enzymes. However, it is important to note that apple cider vinegar has no clinical evidence for the treatment of liver disease and it is not recommended to overdose as it may cause other complications.

Side effects of apple cider vinegar

There are some possible side effects of apple cider vinegar if too much is consumed. Due to the high acidity of apple cider vinegar, you may experience the following side effects:

Stomach irritation: due to its acidic composition, apple cider vinegar can irritate the stomach and cause heartburn and pain.

Dental damage: due to its acidic composition, apple cider vinegar can damage tooth enamel if used regularly.

Skin irritation: apple cider vinegar may cause irritation if applied directly to the skin.

High blood pressure: the potassium in apple cider vinegar can cause high blood pressure if too much is consumed.

Always dilute apple cider vinegar with mineral water and do not consume too much to avoid side effects.

Drinking apple cider vinegar in the evening

Apple cider vinegar can also be consumed in the evening, but care should be taken with the dosage, as consuming large amounts of vinegar before going to bed can cause heartburn or other digestive problems. If you want to consume it in the evening, use a small amount and dilute it well.

The effects of apple cider vinegar when consumed on an empty stomach

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