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Treatment of purple patches and haematoma

Treatment of purple patches and haematoma

Purple patches, or haematomas, occur when an injury causes blood to leak from a damaged blood vessel into the tissues.

Blue, purple and green-yellow patches on the skin, most often caused by physical impact. In the case of a minor injury, the bruise is in the skin, while in the case of a more severe, deeper injury, the bruise is usually in the muscle tissue.

Where can a haematoma develop and why?

Haematoma can be found not only in the upper layer, but also in deeper areas such as under the periosteum. In more severe cases, such as skull injury, a very serious and severe condition can develop. Medical attention is required in such cases and others.

However, mild injuries can be an everyday occurrence, so bruises and purple spots can be completely commonplace. It is very common to develop a haematoma on the knee or a haematoma on the leg. Simply bumping into a hard and solid object can cause purple spots to form in these areas. Another common area is the arm. Like the leg, haematomas on the arm can form very easily.

In addition to impact, it may be more difficult to determine the cause of purple spots in some cases. This could be, for example, a bleeding disorder, taking anticoagulant medication or the weakening of blood vessels that is common in old age. In simple cases, where there is no major complaint, a cream can be applied to the purple patch to help the healing process.

When the purple patches appear on the leg, arm or any part of the body for no apparent reason, i.e. the bruising occurs without a blow, it is also called spontaneous or idiopathic bruising.

Purple spots on the body can occur for a number of reasons, including:

Blood clotting disorders: conditions such as blood clotting disorders, haemophilia or von Willebrand’s disease may increase the risk of spontaneous haemorrhage.

Vascular problems: vascular disorders, such as damage to the vascular wall, weakness of the vascular wall, or vascular blockage, can cause blood to spontaneously leak through the vascular walls and under the skin.

Inflammatory diseases: certain inflammatory conditions, such as vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis, can cause bruising.

Side effects of medicines or supplements: certain medicines or supplements, such as blood thinners or aspirin, can cause haemophilia, which can lead to spontaneous bruising.

Traumatic or non-pressure skin injuries: sometimes subcutaneous haemorrhages can occur without damage to the skin, for example as a result of pressure, excessive force, lifting weights or massaging.

Skin changes with age: older people’s skin becomes thinner and the vascular system may weaken, which can increase the risk of spontaneous bruising.

Why does a haematoma change colour?

The characteristic colour of bruising in superficial injury is due to haemoglobin in the red blood cells. The changing colour of bruises is due to the compounds produced during the breakdown of haemoglobin. In most cases, these are absorbed and disappear during the healing process.

Let’s also look at how purple patches and haematoma are treate

How can a haematoma be treated?

Treatment of bruising depends on the underlying cause. If the bruising is caused by a disease, such as a blood clot, treatment of the underlying disease is essential to stop the bruising. If the bruising is caused by an accident, the most important step is to treat the wound and stop the bleeding.

A haematoma often resolves itself in a relatively short time. However, the removal of a purple patch can be accelerated by the use of an anti-pain cream. The use of a cream for blue green purple spots may be beneficial not only to speed up the healing of the discoloured area. The bruise can often cause the affected area to become tender and painful. However, this can be reduced by using a bruising cream. However, in addition to creams, some home remedies can also help.

The clotted hematoma

A clotted hematoma, also known as a blood clot, is a condition in which the blood in a hematoma clot coagulates and then changes shape and hardness. Ingrowing haematomas are usually blue-purple in colour and can cause swelling, pain and tenderness in the affected area.

The treatment of an ingrowing haematoma usually depends on the cause. Mild hematomas will usually dissolve on their own and warm compresses applied to the affected area can help relieve pain and swelling. However, treating more severe hematomas is not something you can do at home. In such cases, medical intervention may be necessary!

Treatment of bruising at home:

-the most commonly used method to remove bruising is to apply cold to the affected area. This helps to reduce swelling and relieve pain

-elevating the bruise site with a high pillow, which helps to improve blood flow and reduce swelling

-bruising can also be treated with a cream that can be easily applied at home

Although it is possible to speed up the healing process, the speed of bruising may depend on the injury and the treatment. Home treatment of bruising is not recommended if, for example, the size and shape of the leg or hand changes or if the bruising is very painful. In this case, a doctor should be consulted to rule out underlying conditions and more serious problems.

Bleeding under the skin

Subcutaneous haemorrhage, also known as bruising, is an injury that occurs when blood vessels under the skin are damaged and blood leaks out into the tissues. The most common causes are accidents, bumps or falls, which damage blood vessels and cause bleeding in the tissues.

Treatment of a subcutaneous haematoma is not usually necessary, as it will heal on its own over time. However, if you want to speed up the process, cold compresses, resting and the use of creams can help.

What cream should be used to help healing and pain relief?

Fortunately, if we decide to treat the unpleasant symptoms and pain, there are several types of hematoma ointments and creams available.

These creams can be divided into three groups according to their composition:

Artificial, steroidal and natural.

In most cases, steroid creams should only be used on prescription or under medical supervision and when justified. It is worth knowing that they are extremely effective in both relieving pain and reducing inflammation, but their long-term use is also extremely harmful to the body.

The situation is similar for creams with artificial ingredients, although not as drastic. They can also cause very unpleasant side effects with long-term use, but not to the same extent as their steroid counterparts.

With creams containing natural ingredients, there is no need to fear unpleasant side effects from long-term use. Thanks to their natural active ingredients, they can fight pain without harming the body.

If you are looking for a haematoma ointment or a haematoma cream, it is recommended that you try natural-based creams first. An example of this is HillVital Black Comfrey Balm. For haematoma, black comfrey is extremely beneficial. Not only does it help heal the wound, but it also helps to soothe the pain. It is one of the best choices for bruising when you want to apply an herbal cream.

How long does it take for the haematoma to be absorbed?

The healing time of a bruise depends on its size, location and the cause. Usually bruising will disappear in 1-2 weeks and the skin colour will return to normal.

Smaller bruises often disappear in 1-2 days, while larger bruises may be visible for up to 2-4 weeks. If the bruise develops on a pressure point on the body, such as the leg, it may take a little longer to heal because the blood flow is more difficult to repair.

What is a haematoma?

Haematoma is a medical term that refers to a hematoma that forms as a result of bleeding in the body. As such, the absorption time of a haematoma is also referred to as hematoma.

What home remedies can help against bruising?

In addition to using ointments for bruising, there are also home treatment methods. Home methods to remove purple spots can be done with the help of, for example, icing or compresses. When icing, it is important not to apply ice directly to the surface of the skin. Use some kind of textile to help. In the case of a scrub, the only option is a cold compress. The cold not only relieves the pain, but also constricts the blood vessels. This reduces the amount of blood flowing to the tissues.

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The 10 benefits of turmeric

The 10 benefits of turmeric

Turmeric has been used for centuries, but it is a spice that is popular all over the world, not only for its beautiful colour and delicate flavour, but also for its extraordinary medicinal properties.

Let’s see what these problems are, or what turmeric is good for:

Acne: It has a very good anti-inflammatory effect. If you mix a tablespoon of turmeric with a little yoghurt, it can be very good for treating acne. It also helps to reduce redness and scarring because of the effect of turmeric.

Alzheimer’s disease: regular consumption can greatly help to prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by supporting the functioning of the nervous system.

Arthritis: turmeric can help mainly with knee joint problems. In particular, turmeric can help to reduce pain and stiffness. Research shows that it is more effective than glucosamine, which is specifically recommended for joint problems.

Diabetes: research has found that if you take turmeric regularly over a long period of time, you are much less likely to develop diabetes.

Bloating: turmeric is also excellent for bloating and inflammation of the intestines. It is detoxifying and invigorating and helps to bring digestion back to normal.

Pain: Turmeric can be an excellent alternative to many painkillers. It stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and regenerates tissues.

In case of burns: mix turmeric with a little water to make a paste and apply it to the burnt skin. Spray the paste with water after it dries. Repeat this until the skin is no longer burning.

Stomach ache and menstrual problems: just mix a pinch of turmeric with a teaspoon of honey and drink 1-2 times a day.

Sore throat: Boil half a teaspoon of turmeric in 1 glass of water, strain after 10 minutes and consume while still lukewarm.

Face mask: mix 4 teaspoons of milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric and use the resulting mixture as a face mask. The mask leaves the skin very smooth and even relieves acne complaints.

The effects of a turmeric cure on the body:

Daily consumption of turmeric cure is extremely effective. The benefits of turmeric are reflected in the fact that it has not only been used in ancient Indian medicine, but has also been recognised by the modern health industry. Thanks to its antioxidant activity and its antioxidant enzyme activating effect, it is able to enhance the cell’s defence against oxidative stress. Its beneficial properties have also been demonstrated in laboratory conditions in cases of liver fibrosis and diabetic kidney damage. Further experiments have also confirmed its anti-inflammatory activity.

The dosage of curcuma powder may vary depending on individual needs and health, but in general it can be used as follows:

General health maintenance: usually 1-3 grams (about 1/2 – 1.5 teaspoons) of turmeric powder per day is recommended for general health maintenance. This amount can be divided into several portions and can be added, for example, to food, drinks or supplements.

Anti-inflammatory: If you want to achieve an anti-inflammatory effect with turmeric powder, the recommended dosage is 1.5-3 grams (about 1-2 teaspoons) per day, depending on your body’s needs. This can also be divided into several portions throughout the day.

Healthy digestion: turmeric powder can also be useful in aiding digestion. It is recommended to take 0.5-1.5 grams (about 1/4 to 1 teaspoon) per day, also divided into several portions.

However, it is also important to know that turmeric can cause stomach upset if consumed in large doses, so it is recommended to take a break from time to time. Therefore, it is important to use caution when consuming turmeric powder.

What is golden milk?

Golden milk is an ancient Indian recipe used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda). The recipe is based on milk and ginger and turmeric, usually cooked together with cinnamon, cloves and other spices.

The main ingredient in golden milk is turmeric, which is a rich source of polyphenols that are beneficial for health, and also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat chronic diseases such as arthritis and diabetes. Ginger also helps the gastrointestinal system, relieves digestive problems and improves immune function.

Milk contains calcium, protein, potassium and other nutrients that are needed for healthy bones and teeth, and to help the body function properly.

Golden milk is a very healthy and easy to make drink that can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. However, like all herbal foods, medical consultation is recommended if you suffer from certain medical conditions or are taking medication.

The effects of golden milk

Anti-inflammatory effect: turmeric, a key ingredient in golden milk, is a rich source of polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties. It can help relieve symptoms of chronic diseases such as arthritis.

Digestive aid: ginger helps relieve digestive problems such as abdominal cramps and gastrointestinal complaints.

Improve the immune system: ginger, as well as cinnamon and cloves, can improve immune function and help prevent illness and flu.

It reduces stress and improves sleep quality: golden milk contains spices such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon, as well as tryptophan, which is found in milk and helps improve sleep quality and can help reduce stress.

Nutrients: Milk is a great source of calcium, protein, potassium and other nutrients needed for healthy bones and teeth, and to help the body function overall.

Its health benefits are best when taken in powder form. This is important because the curcumin compound in turmeric is most effective for you in this form.

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Common causes, symptoms and treatment of clavicle pain

Common causes, symptoms and treatment of clavicle pain

Why does my collarbone hurt? The question often arises. We will now look for the answers. When the shoulder moves, the clavicle is subjected to considerable stress in the joints located there. Before or instead of browsing the Causes of Clavicle Pain forum, you may want to read the full article.

If it is overworked, it can even become inflamed, which can cause very severe pain.

Symptoms can include shoulder pain and a lot of pain with pushing and leaning movements. Overhead movements may also cause pain. The area of the joint is very often thickened and protrudes from the contour of the shoulder.

Surgery is not always necessary in this disease. Physiotherapy is usually used, or medication may be recommended. Physiotherapy can also help. In some cases, injections may be used. There are also cases, of course, where natural remedies can help. Herbs can heal, especially if you use the right ones.

In the case of clavicle neck pain, the pain may be accompanied by numbness and loss of sensation. It may also be associated with arm and hand pain, and upper limb muscle weakness or, in the worst cases, paralysis due to damage to the nerve supply. In addition to the clavicle, damage to the cervical nerve root can also radiate to the arm, hand, shoulder blade, back of the head and head. Interestingly, rheumatic diseases can also cause neck pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is most common between the ages of 30 and 50, but can also develop over the age of 60. It is associated with swelling and pain in the joints of the hands and feet and can be accompanied by fatigue, weakness, heavy sweating, sleep disturbance and malaise.

If you have pain below your left collarbone, many people may think of a heart problem. The heart is indeed located on the left side, but in the case of a heart attack, the pain is most often felt in the middle of the chest. However, it may be concentrated on the left side. It is a very strong squeezing and pressing sensation that lasts for more than a few minutes and is recurrent. If you have other symptoms such as sweating, vomiting, shortness of breath, or radiating pain into the shoulders and arms, you should call for help. Of course, there is no need to be alarmed immediately, as it may not just be a heart attack. It could also be angina, which means that the heart muscle is not getting enough oxygen. The cause of subclavian muscle pain, however, can often be linked to lifting heavy objects or working in the same position for long periods of time.

Often reflux can also cause left chest or clavicle pain. We talk about reflux when the stomach contents back up into the oesophagus or even into the oral cavity. Other complaints may include heartburn, burning sensation in the mouth and bad breath. The burning sensation is felt in the chest and may radiate to the neck, chin, shoulder blades and arms.

Shoulder pain can be the result of several factors.

My collarbone hurts, but what could be the cause? Clavicle pain can also be caused by tendonitis of the rotator cuff. Another problem could be impact syndrome which is pain caused by the structure of the shoulder. There are also cases where the pain is not in the shoulder but in the neck or upper arm muscle. This type of pain is not usually worse if you move your shoulder. There are several conditions that can cause shoulder pain. These include many forms of clavicle arthritis and cartilage damage.

Shoulder and collarbone pain can be caused by a number of things, including:

-Excessive strain or movement

-Injury, such as fracture, sprain or dislocation

-Tendonitis or other tendon problems

-Arthritis or other joint diseases

-Neck and shoulder muscle strain or injury

-Nerve problems or pressure

-Heart problems such as angina or heart attack

-Muscle pain below the collarbone

The most common cause of muscle pain below the collarbone is physical strain or insufficient work of the pectoral muscles. If you have done heavy physical work or an activity that uses these muscles, there is no need to worry, as this is probably the cause of the pain. Although there can be several types of pain around the clavicle, in the event that muscle pain occurs below the clavicle and we do not know the cause, it is recommended to have it checked out. Furthermore, if it is muscular in origin, clavicle pain may also be associated with swelling. This is also true in cases of joint problems, injury and infection.

There can be a number of reasons for stabbing pain below the collarbone, including:

-Fracture or injury to the clavicle

-Injury or inflammation of the shoulder joint

-Injury or overuse of muscles or ligaments of the shoulder girdle

-Cervical spine problems such as dislocation of the cervical vertebrae or disc herniation

-Cardiovascular problems such as heart disease

-Inflammation of the tendons can also cause very uncomfortable shoulder pain.

Some people may also develop a clavicle bone tumour. This bone growth can be very irritating to ligaments, tendons, muscles and can cause clavicle inflammation. Acute shoulder pain can also cause injuries. In these cases, proper treatment is very important. This pain does not usually go away on its own. In these cases, some form of therapy is essential. Natural-based products are worth trying first.

Pain below the collarbone can often be caused by a spinal problem or perhaps a shoulder joint problem.

Pain above the collarbone may also be due to lymph node enlargement. In such cases, the lymph node may become palpable.

Right clavicle pain and left clavicle pain are usually caused by the same problem. If there is a problem on both sides, there is definitely some strain behind it. If you’ve lifted heavy weights or overextended yourself. If it only hurts on one side or the other, don’t be alarmed, it could be due to an injury or a bad movement. If it persists for a longer period of time, you should seek medical advice.

There are several possible causes of pain below the left or right clavicle:

Trauma or injury: an injury to the clavicle or surrounding tissues can cause pain.

Overloading: if the arm or shoulder is overloaded, this can lead to irritation of the muscles and ligaments connected to the collarbone.

Tendonitis: tendonitis can cause pain below the collarbone when moving the arm.

Cartilage wear: articular cartilage wear can cause pain in the joint area between the collarbone and the chest.

Pinched nerve: Pinched nerves under the collarbone can cause pain and tingling.

Bursitis: inflammation of the shoulder joint bursa can cause pain below the collarbone.

Other diseases: some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, or diseases of other surrounding organs can also cause pain below the collarbone.

Herbal Master Balsam is a preparation containing 12 carefully selected herbs. It also contains no chemicals or artificial ingredients.

This natural remedy can also be very helpful for neck and collarbone pain.

Clavicle pain
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Recognise psoriasis: the 5+1 sure signs that leave no doubt

Recognise psoriasis

You’ve probably all heard of the skin condition psoriasis. Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease that unfortunately occurs quite often.

Psoriasis is a chronic and incurable disease. Psoriasis develops when the skin cells regenerate too quickly due to faulty signals from the immune system, in 3-4 days instead of the usual 28-30 days. Psoriasis has characteristic symptoms. Excess skin cells appear on the surface of the skin as red, scaly, flaky and inflamed rashes. These rashes may itch, bleed, break up and, of course, hurt. These rashes can cause serious lesions on the skin and unfortunately they can make you feel very unwell because you can be stared at on the street. People with psoriasis are often discriminated against. Psoriasis usually affects the limbs, genitals, joints and scalp, but it can affect any part of the body.

Psoriasis can also have a negative impact on the patient’s quality of life. Some research suggests that living with this problem may be worse than living with other chronic diseases. What was considered worse, according to the research, was depression. It can come in many forms. Doctors usually categorise it as mild, moderate or severe based on the amount of scaling, redness and the size of the affected area. The severity of psoriasis is measured in clinical trials. The classification system is called the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). This system usually ranges from 0 to 72. The higher the score the more severe the conditio

Mild – 10 PASI value

Medium – 10-50 PASI value

Severe – 50-72 PASI value

Different forms of psoriasis affect roughly one in 50 people worldwide. It can develop at any age, even in infancy, but most commonly affects people aged 15-35. There are several distinct types of psoriasis and they not only differ in appearance but also require different treatments.

Recognise psoriasis

Let’s look at what these types are:

Patchy psoriasis (plaque): this develops in 75-80% of cases. It tends to be the most common form of psoriasis. This type is characterised by a scaly, silvery-white layer and a thickened red skin surface. It most commonly appears on the knees, scalp, elbows, behind the ears, navel, sacrum, genital area and buttocks.

Spotted psoriasis (guttate): this affects roughly 15-20% of psoriasis sufferers. This form is most common in children. Dropshaped, thin scales of varying diameter are formed. Most of them form on the trunk or face. It usually occurs after an infection.

Pustular psoriasis: affects 2% of cases. It is a rarer and more difficult to treat form of psoriasis. It tends to develop in older people. It appears as small blisters which are mainly visible on the hands and feet in red form. It is also called vesicular psoriasis because of its characteristic symptoms.

Eritrodermic psoriasis: occurs in 1-2% of cases. Inflammatory rashes appear on up to the entire body surface and are accompanied by reddening. It develops in people with chronic psoriasis and in people over 50 years of age.

Psoriasis of the scalp: 50% of cases. It is a plaque type of psoriasis and unfortunately quite difficult to treat due to the thickness of the plaques.

Inverse psoriasis: this type occurs only in the folds of the body, in the creases (armpits, groin, skin folds). The rashes are smooth and red but not scaly.

Psoriatic arthritis: 2-3% of patients suffer from this. It is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation and swelling of the hands, feet or joints. It can cause stiffness, pain and even joint damage. These inflammations are most commonly associated with psoriasis.

Nail psoriasis: can affect 50% of cases. Large and deep irregularly shaped holes appear on the nails. Most patients will have a lesion of the nails.

After the types of psoriasis, let’s now look at the signs that you may be suffering from psoriasis:

1. One of the most common signs of psoriasis is the appearance of a dark red, scaly nodule (or red rash) on the skin that protrudes slightly from the skin surface. The nodule can be as small as 1-2 cm in size and several of these can develop into a large plaque several cm in size. These plaques are distinct from the healthy skin surface and are usually covered with a kind of squamous cellular peeling that is waxy white in colour. This peeling layer can be scraped off very easily, and then small spots of tiny bleeding can be seen – this is called Auspitz symptoms. This occurs because the vascular structure of the skin in the plaques is completely altered.

2. Another sign of the disease is Köbner’s symptom, which means that psoriasis nodules develop after at least 2 weeks in response to stimuli to the skin. It usually develops in scars or around parts of the body after surgery. The Köbner phenomenon explains the appearance of psoriasis in certain areas of the skin. It is more common on the elbows and knees as they are more often damaged. Psoriasis most commonly appears on the hairy scalp in the form of a thick scaling. Tiny pinprick-like spots appear on the fingernails and are called beau dots.

3. Psoriasis symptoms are not painful but rather itchy. In about 5% of cases, the joints will also be problematic. It is also possible that the joint pain occurs before the skin problems. It can affect the hands, small joints in the feet, spinal joints, but also hip, knee, ankle and shoulder joints. Such joint inflammation can even lead to deformities later on.

4. It is very rare for psoriasis to occur over the entire surface of the body. In this case, the entire skin surface becomes inflamed, red, flaky, hair and all the hair may fall out and lymph nodes may become enlarged. This is a very severe form of psoriasis and the signs are obvious. In this case, hospital treatment is recommended.

5. The most severe form of psoriasis is when pustules appear on the skin. These are called pustules. These blisters may be about 1-2 mm in size but can grow to several centimetres. In the mildest cases, they appear only on the palms and soles of the hands, but in more severe cases they can appear all over the body. Unfortunately, it can lead to serious internal complications, infections and septicaemia.

6. There are even signs you wouldn’t have thought of. Unfortunately, a psoriasis patient will avoid all social events and become increasingly withdrawn after a while. Unfortunately, a lack of mental balance can also lead to other illnesses such as depression. This is why it is important to think about mental problems as well as physical symptoms.

The source of the psoriasis problem lies in toxins. Many doctors believe it is more of a digestive problem than an actual skin condition. This does not mean, of course, that the symptoms cannot be relieved effectively and without risk. In general, all therapies focus on eliminating the symptoms of psoriasis. This usually results in temporary symptom relief. In milder cases, the dermatologist may recommend only topical treatment. Scales visible on plaques are usually removed with an exfoliator. There are several types of solutions to inhibit epithelial cells. In the past, preparations containing tar were often used, but this is no longer so common. There are a lot of different steroid ointments and creams that are applied to the plaque.

In more severe cases, internal drug therapy is used in addition to local treatment. The retinoids, derivatives of vitamin A, are also very effective and tend to normalise the process of hair loss. If there are also joint problems, cytostatic treatment is used, but this can only be done in hospital.

Light treatment is also very good for psoriasis. Both UVA and UVB light are used. There are also a number of natural solutions such as herbal balms that contribute to surface treatment. Psorisoft Extra balm contains 11 herbs which all have a great effect on psoriasis.

We can also talk a little about prevention.

Unfortunately it’s not really prevention as we are all born with a certain genetic make-up. Rather, you can just try to avoid symptoms by protecting your skin from damage, paying attention to seemingly harmless infections and skin fungi. You should also be wary of sunburn and of taking medications that can provoke the development of psoriasis.

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The most common causes of arm numbness

The most common causes of arm numbness

The arm may be numb or sore for several reasons. Most commonly, problems with the cervical spine can cause arm numbness.

Let’s see what the most common causes of arm numbness are

Unfortunately, you need to be alert to such problems because they can also indicate heart problems. It could also be just poor posture or even nerve damage. If the numbness is frequent, it can be a sign of several conditions, so you need to be very specific about the nature of the pain so that you can make a diagnosis. Numbness should be taken very seriously and it is worth finding out the cause as soon as possible.

Numbness, whether left shoulder numbness or left hand numbness, most often has a musculoskeletal cause.

If the pain is felt around the vertebrae of the spine, the numbness can radiate to the shoulders, back and arms. It is also possible that poor posture can cause the arm to go numb and become permanently numb. Nerve damage can also cause numbness in the legs and arms. It can also be caused by alcoholism, liver damage, diabetes, thyroid disorders and vitamin deficiencies.

Causes of arm numbness at night

Possible causes of night-time numbness may include blood disorders, diabetes, thyroid disease, peripheral nervous system disorders, nicotine addiction, joint or spinal problems, and blood pressure problems. Night-time numbness of the arms and legs usually occurs in the limbs and causes pain and discomfort at night. A medical examination is necessary to determine the exact cause.

Many people die from cardiovascular disease, which is why prevention and effective treatment should be a priority. Most heart diseases develop slowly, so if caught early they can be easily treated.

If the numbness is mainly in the left hand, or even in the whole left arm, then a cardiological examination is recommended, as there may be more heart problems behind this symptom. However, in case of left arm numbness and heart stabbing, you should consult a doctor immediately, remember that. Unfortunately, left arm numbness can also be caused by a heart attack.

Causes of left arm numbness

Left arm numbness can be caused by a number of things, including:

-narrowing of the arteries, which blocks the blood supply

-compression of the nerves, which prevents the transmission of nerve impulses

-damage to the shoulder joint, wrist, forearm or fingers

-a lesion in the spinal cord or brain, such as a stroke

-diabetes, which can damage nerves and blood vessels

-wrist syndrome

-arthritis of the shoulder joint

-other diseases such as thyroid problems, B12 deficiency.

However, a medical examination is needed to determine the exact cause of left-sided numbness.

Left hand pain or left upper arm pain can be caused by a variety of problems, the most common of which are:

Heart conditions: angina (a precursor to myocardial infarction), heart attack or other heart conditions can also cause left upper arm pain. It is usually a pressing, squeezing pain that radiates to the middle of the chest and can also radiate to the left arm, jaw, neck or back.

Injuries: pain in the left upper arm can be caused by an injury such as a sprain, bruise, fracture or sprain. Sports injuries, accidents or other physical trauma can cause this pain.

Pinched nerve: Pinched or irritated nerves can also cause left upper arm pain. For example, nerves in the neck or back can become pinched or irritated and cause pain in the left arm.

Musculoskeletal problems: Injury or inflammation of joints, tendons, muscles or ligaments can also cause left upper arm pain. For example, arthritis, tendinitis, muscle strain or torn ligaments.

Nervous system disorders: certain nervous system disorders, such as spinal or brain problems, can also cause left upper arm pain. For example, spinal hernia, neuritis or nerve damage.

What causes left arm numbness at night?

If left arm numbness occurs at night, it may be caused by:

Cervical radiculopathy: Inflammation of the nerve in the cervical part of the spinal cord, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: compression of the nerve in the wrist, which blocks the transmission of nerve impulses

Arthritis: wear and tear of the articular cartilage, which causes movement and joint pain.

Peripheral neuropathy: Damage to the nerves that prevents the transmission of nerve impulses.

High blood pressure: High blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels and therefore nerves.

Diabetes : The diabetes that can damage nerves and blood vessels

If you have severe chest pain, numbness in the left arm or numbness in the left forearm, you may even suspect a heart attack. Left arm pain and numbness can also be a serious problem.

If you go for a check-up because you have a family history of cardiovascular disease and other symptoms, you will first be asked if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease. Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment can be started and may even prevent the development of a serious disease. If the left arm numbness and pain is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, it is important to be aware that this could be a symptom of a heart attack. This is exactly the same if the left arm numbness is accompanied by dizziness.

In most cases, the symptoms of a heart attack include:

evere chest pain, which can occur in the chest, jaw, shoulder, back, arm or forearm.

-Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

-Nausea, vomiting.

-Dizziness, fainting.

-Heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat.

-Chills, sweating.

-Fatigue, weakness.

If you notice symptoms of a heart attack, do not hesitate to call an ambulance!

A heart attack (angina pain or angina pectoris) is when the heart does not get enough blood and oxygen to the heart muscle, causing pain. The causes of heart stenosis can include:

Coronary artery disease: the most common cause of angina is coronary artery disease, when the blood vessels responsible for supplying blood to the heart muscle become narrowed or blocked. This can be the formation of plaques (fatty deposits) within the vessel wall, which restricts blood flow.

Myocarditis: Acute myocarditis (myocarditis) can also cause a heart attack. This can develop due to infection or autoimmune disease and can cause inflammation in the heart muscle, which can cause pain.

Insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle: Insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle can be caused by other conditions such as narrowing of the heart valves, arrhythmias or abnormal thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

Stress: insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle and consequent angina pain can be triggered by stress, excitement or anxiety.

Other factors: other causes of angina include smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, an inactive lifestyle and genetic predisposition.

Causes of right arm numbness

Right arm numbness can be caused by a number of things, including:

Nerve compression or nerve pinching: Pinching or compression of nerves in the neck or shoulder girdle area can cause numbness in the right arm. This can occur, for example, due to intervertebral disc problems, scoliosis or muscle tension.

Channel syndromes: pinching of nerves in the channels can also cause numbness in the arm. For example, carpal tunnel syndrome, where the constriction of the canal under the back of the hand can cause numbness in the hand and fingers, including the right arm.

Cardiovascular problems: Cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis or heart disease, often cause numbness, tingling or pain in the arm, especially the left arm. However, sometimes the right arm can also be affected.

Neurological problems: Neurological diseases such as neuropathy or disorders of the brain and brain nerves can also cause numbness in the arm, including the right arm.

Injuries: physical injuries such as bruises, sprains or nerve damage can cause numbness in the right arm.

Musculoskeletal problems: musculoskeletal disorders such as arthritis, muscle tension or neck problems can also cause numbness in the arm.

Right arm numbness is usually caused by a damaged nerve. It is no different from everyday hand or finger numbness. There is usually no serious problem behind it.

“My left arm is numb!, My left hand is numb! or My right arm is numb!”

This type of complaint is also most often caused by neuropathy. The most common of these is numbness due to peripheral neuropathy, which can be caused by nerve damage to the hand. In most cases, it will go away on its own, but if it is accompanied by the chest pain mentioned above, you should seek medical advice immediately.

All in all, it’s very important to prevent real trouble, so a check-up can’t hurt anyone.

Causes of arm numbness
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What could be the cause of right back pain?

The cause of right back pain.

Right-sided back pain can have many causes, which is why it is necessary to review the possible causes.

Back pain on the right or left side can be very unpleasant, however, at the end of the article, we offer you a possible solution to these problems.


Stress and anxiety can be so severe that it can even cause back pain, pounding heart, shortness of breath and chest pain.

Muscle strain:

Several muscles in the back can be strained and overworked. This can be caused by physical activity or a forced workout. If the back pain occurs in the middle on the right side, as well as if the back pain occurs on the upper right side, we can also assume that the muscles around the shoulder blade have been strained. You need to rest and the pain will subside.


If a specific injury, e.g. If the pain is caused by an accident or fall, you should see a doctor, even if there is no outwardly noticeable trauma.


Of course, the causes of back pain can also be linked to diseases affecting the lungs. A bacterial, viral or fungal infection can also cause pneumonia. It primarily appears when breathing, also during pain and coughing.


Shingles affects not only the skin but also the nerves. Back pain may appear on one side. Heartburn similar to reflux and even heart attack-like chest pain, usually on the right side, may develop.

Unfortunately, right-sided back pain can be caused by many other factors, including back muscle strain, scoliosis, herniated discs, kidney stones, gallstones, and heart disease. To determine the cause, you need to see a doctor who can examine and diagnose the problem.

If the back pain occurs in the middle on the right side, it often happens that the problem is caused by pinched nerves or irritation. In such a case, the right-sided back pain may even spread to the arms, legs, chest, and abdomen. Since the middle and upper spine consists of vertebrae, discs, and muscles and ligaments, problems with these can also lead to middle back pain.

Right chest and back pain

Right sided chest and back pain can be due to many different causes.

-Muscle tension

-Spine problems

-Inflammation of the pleura

-Kidney stone

-Pancreas problems

If the back pain is dominant on the right side and more in the lower part, it may also be that problems with internal organs are causing the pain.

If this is the case, then not only the lower right part of the back hurts, but pain in the abdominal wall and pelvic region may also appear. In this case, it could be inflammation, irritation or infection of the internal organs. Causes of severe right-sided back pain include kidneys, appendix, colon, gynecological problems, and pregnancy. Whatever the case may be, it should not be neglected and it is recommended to investigate what is causing the pain. There is no need to panic if you are pregnant, this is a common symptom. In such a case, it is recommended to rest or even do physical therapy.

In the case of pain radiating to the right side of the back, a disease of the internal organs, more specifically the kidneys, or kidney stones may arise. Its characteristic symptom is that it often only occurs on one side, so right-sided pain in the back can also be attributed to this. This is because kidney stones usually affect only one kidney, but an inflammatory process affecting both kidneys can occur. In case of a kidney problem, severe abdominal pain, nausea, fever, and urination problems can also be experienced.

In contrast to the left side, in the case of right-sided back pain, we do not have to immediately suspect a heart attack. At the same time, lung-related problems can also arise, of which pneumonia is very common. For this reason, if we can clearly rule out pain caused by physical exertion, whether it is of muscle, nerve or joint origin, it is still recommended to consult a doctor for an examination.

Disc herniation:

A herniated disc is a common spine problem that becomes more common over time due to wear and tear and the discs becoming more prone to damage. At the same time, it can also be triggered by sudden movement or lifting too much weight, but incorrect posture can also lead to its development. These protruding cartilages often irritate a nerve, causing a stabbing pain in the middle of the back.

My back hurts on the right side:

In the case of stabbing pain under the shoulder blade accompanied by chest pain, the possibility of diseases affecting the lungs may arise. In such a case, especially if the pain under the shoulder blade is accompanied by a cough, you should definitely consult a doctor! Right-sided stabbing pain in the back can also occur in the case of muscle tension, muscle tension, kidney disease, or pleurisy. A medical examination is required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Lower back pain on the right side can develop for several reasons.

Some possible reasons for the development of back pain on the right side are:

Muscle pain: Overworked or tired muscles can cause lower back pain on the right side.

Spinal problems: Problems with the spine, such as a fractured vertebra or osteoarthritis, can cause lower back pain on the right side.

Nephritis: Nephritis (pyelonephritis) is an inflammation of the kidneys that can cause lower back pain on the right side.

Health problems: Some health problems, such as inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or intestinal obstruction, can cause lower back pain on the right side.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the growing fetus can put pressure on the waist and abdomen, which can cause lower back pain on the right side.

In the event that the back pain occurs on the lower right side, the underlying causes may generally include the following:

– Muscle tension

– Damage to ligaments or joints

– Spine problems

– Kidney problems

– Inflammatory diseases

In case of back pain on the right side, it is worth trying herbal balms, as it may just be a simple strain. They also reduce pain and inflammation. If the pain does not go away in a few days or weeks, it is recommended to see a doctor. Unfortunately, the causes of back pain are not always so easy to recognize and treat, so it does not hurt to have a specialist take a look at the problem.

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How can bile spasm be alleviated?

How can bile spasm be alleviated?

In case of biliary spasm, excellent choleretic mineral waters (Mira, Salvus) are available, which can relieve complaints. Bile spasm treatment is also possible at home, for which we now offer several options.

How can bile spasm be alleviated?

You can help with milder complaints with remedies that stimulate the activity of the liver and gall bladder. Teas, drops and other preparations made from herbs can help a lot in the treatment of bile complaints. Black radishes can be of great help against cholespasm at home. Folk medicine, for example, has long used fresh black radish to stimulate bile and liver function. Small gallstones can also be dissolved with freshly squeezed juice.

Where is the bile?

Bile is produced in the liver in the human body and then flows into the gallbladder through the bile ducts of the liver. The gallbladder is a small organ located below the liver, located on the right side of the abdominal cavity, below the liver, below the ribs. The function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile. When bile is needed during digestion, the gallbladder empties bile through the bile duct into the digestive system, a section of the small intestine called the duodenum. Bile plays an important role in digestion in breaking down and absorbing fats.

Where does the bile hurt?

Bile spasm, i.e. pain in the gallbladder or bile ducts, usually occurs in the upper right abdominal area. The gallbladder is located below the liver, under the right rib cage, and the bile ducts lead from the gallbladder to the small intestine. Gallbladder pain is usually felt in the right upper abdomen, under the liver, around the right rib cage, and can often radiate to the back, right shoulder, or right shoulder blade.

The location of the bile

The location of the bile

What should I do if I have gallstones?

Bile spasm is a painful condition that occurs when a gallstone in the gallbladder blocks the bile ducts. In such a case, the following is recommended:

– Rest

– Warm poultice

– Fluid intake

– Painkillers

– Seeking medical help

What else is good for gallstones?

There are many medicinal herbs for gallstone pain, which can be used to support the work of the liver and gall bladder by consuming their decoction. Bile pain is mostly treated at home with the help of herbs, but tea and different tea mixtures can also be used for biliary spasm. St. John’s Wort and Dandelion primarily act as antispasmodics on the bile duct sphincter, so that bile can flow unhindered. These plants also prevent the bile produced in the liver from thickening in the bile ducts and gall bladder. This keeps the bile diluted and reaches the small intestine more easily. Turmeric and artichokes stimulate liver cells to produce more bile. The artichoke also contains cell-protective flavonoids that reduce the effects of liver-damaging substances. With tea made from milk thistle, you can not only improve the general condition of the liver, but also support its bile-producing function. Dandelion and field catang are also excellent for prevention, because they enhance liver function, stimulate digestion and bile production. In the case of bile spasms, you can also choose lemongrass, peppermint, yarrow, as well as peppermint, fustica, chamomile herbs, or a mixture of them.

Be careful, because in the case of acute cholecystitis, teas that stimulate bile activity can have the exact opposite effect, because with increased bile activity, you only increase the pressure in the gallbladder.

How long does inflammation of the gallbladder last?

The duration of inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) depends on several factors, such as the severity of the condition, the way it is treated, and the individual’s health. Gallbladder inflammation can be acute or chronic.

Acute cholecystitis usually begins suddenly and may require immediate medical attention.

Chronic cholecystitis develops over a longer period of time and may have milder symptoms.

The duration of gallbladder inflammation is determined by medical treatment, the severity of the condition, and individual factors.

There are still great medicinal teas against gallstones

Bile pain relief can be done at home with the help of the following herbal teas. First of all, the nettle leaf is considered one of the best cleansing plants, it can also relieve bile spasm. It is able to dissolve metabolic waste products. It removes toxins from the body, which makes it very suitable for biliary spasm. Bile pain relief is also possible with the help of tea made from nettle leaves. It is also used for liver and stomach problems. Its high iron content also helps a lot in blood formation. Medicinal tea made from it is mainly used for liver and bile problems. It stimulates the kidneys and lowers the level of uric acid in the blood. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to do a course with it, which should last 6 weeks.

Medicinal tea made from walnut leaves also has a great effect if the goal is to relieve bile pain. It is also excellent for digestive problems and diarrhea. It stimulates the functioning of the liver, increases blood circulation and also removes waste products. It improves digestion, so it is recommended to consume it after meals.

The herb called goldenrod stimulates the production of bile and cleans the bile and the liver. It also plays a huge role in digestion. If you are overloading your stomach, this can be an excellent help.

Field katáng has a great digestive, choleretic, diuretic and body-cleansing effect. It helps the gallbladder to empty completely, but it also cleans the liver, spleen and kidneys. It also helps with ideal bowel function. The medicinal tea made from it should only be consumed as a cure. It is recommended to drink 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 week, in the second week only every other day, and in the third week every third day. It is enough to carry out such a choleretic treatment twice a year.

So, as you can see, it is also possible to induce bile at home, with the help of herbal teas, of course.

It is best to treat gallstones at home with the herbs mentioned above. However, it is important to know that gallstones can recur, which is why surgery is usually recommended in many cases. Recurrence can also be prevented with a diet, the main rule of which is that it is not recommended to eat high-fat or excessively spicy foods. In the case of gallstones, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, preferably only water.

However, the immediate relief of bile spasm is not so simple. First of all, it is very important to eat only low-fat foods in case of cramps. Bile plays a very important role in the digestion of fats, so fatty foods contribute to making bile spasms more painful. Dandelion tea is the best and fastest solution. It acts as an antispasmodic on the sphincter muscle of the bile duct, so bile can flow unhindered. If we struggle with regular bile complaints, dandelion tea is essential in our home pharmacy.

What should be done in case of gallstones?

Consumption of the herbal teas mentioned above, (dandelion is best in case of spasms), externally warm poultices, and massage can help. In addition to herbal teas, there are also several herbal extract bile spasm medicines available, which are often made from the above-mentioned herbs. However, you should also know that biliary spasm can even indicate an inflammatory condition, so it is definitely worth seeing a doctor in case of a long-lasting complaint.

In the case of biliary spasm symptoms, the most significant is an intense, even stabbing pain in the middle or upper right part of the abdomen, which can radiate to the shoulder, chest and shoulder blade. The pain can be stabbing, sharp, or cramping. In addition, nausea, vomiting, sweating, bloating, a feeling of fullness, heartburn, and frequent belching may also occur.

Where does the bile spasm hurt, in which part of the body does the pain occur?

Bile spasm occurs mainly in the area of the gallbladder, where bile is stored. The affected area is below the right rib, usually in the upper right abdomen.

How long does a bile spasm last?

Bile spasms are usually short-lived, but generally speaking, they can last from a few minutes to a few hours. In rarer cases, bile spasm can last for days. Biliary spasm usually occurs suddenly and is accompanied by severe pain, but it is also possible that the symptoms are milder and last for a shorter time.

The nocturnal bile spasm

Nocturnal biliary spasm is an unpleasant and painful condition that can develop due to gallstones in the gallbladder or stones in the bile ducts. Symptoms of nocturnal biliary spasm usually occur at night when a person is at rest and the body is in a horizontal position.

Symptoms may include:

Pain: The most common symptom of nocturnal biliary spasm is intense pain. It usually occurs in the area under the right rib cage, at the location of the gallbladder, and can be sharp, stabbing or spasmodic. The pain can radiate to the back, neck, shoulder and even the right arm.

Nausea and vomiting: Nocturnal bile spasms can usually cause nausea and vomiting.

Heartburn and Bloating: Due to nocturnal biliary spasm, patients may also experience heartburn and bloating.

Fever and chills: In more severe cases, nocturnal bile spasm can be accompanied by fever and chills.

Fast pulse and high blood pressure: Nocturnal bile spasms can cause the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise.

What foods cause gallstones?

Bile spasm is usually caused by bile accumulated in the gallbladder, but food can also contribute to the development of symptoms. Bile spasm can be triggered mainly by fatty, heavy and spicy foods, as well as alcohol and caffeine, but smoking can also be mentioned.

What are choleretic foods?

Bile diluting foods are foods that help produce bile or increase the emptying of bile from the gallbladder.

Cabbage: Different types of cabbage, such as white cabbage, red cabbage and sauerkraut, can help with bile production and bile flow due to their high fiber content.

Beets: Beets are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which can support gallbladder and bile duct health and promote bile flow.

Green Leafy Vegetables: Vegetables such as spinach, Swiss chard and broccoli can support bile production and bile flow due to their high fiber content.

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits, such as lemons and grapefruit, are rich in vitamin C, which can promote gallbladder and bile duct health.

Apple: The high fiber content of apples can promote bile production and bile flow.

Oily seeds: Oily seeds, such as flaxseeds, walnuts, and almonds, contain healthy fats that can help produce bile.

Bile spasm
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Exploring the common causes of back and chest pain

Common causes of back and chest pain

The most common causes of back and chest pain can even be life-threatening, so consult a doctor in the following cases if you experience pain in the middle of your back and chest.

The causes of back and chest pain can be different.

Back and chest pain can be caused by:

-Locomotor problems

-Spinal diseases

-Neurological diseases


-Cardiovascular diseases

-Respiratory diseases

-Intestinal diseases

“My lungs hurt in the back” or back pain resulting from a lung problem

The causes of back pain can often be traced back to lung problems. If lung pain occurs in the back and is accompanied by back pain, the following may arise.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is an infectious disease that causes inflammation in the lungs. Pain in the upper or middle back can be a common symptom. This is usually caused by irritation of the infected lung tissue.

Pulmonary embolism: A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood clot or other substance enters an artery in the lung and blocks blood flow. This results in chest or back pain, which may indicate a problem in the lungs.

Pleural Effusion: A pleural effusion is an abnormal accumulation of fluid between the membranes surrounding the lungs (pleura). This can put pressure on the lungs and chest, causing pain in the back or chest.

Pneumothorax: A pneumothorax occurs when air enters the space between the lungs and the chest and compresses the lungs. This can cause a sharp, stabbing pain in the lower back or chest.

In the following cases of back and chest pain, call for help immediately.

Unfortunately, the rapidly occurring symptoms like “pain in my chest and back”, “pain in the middle of my back” and “pain in my heart and back” can in some cases also indicate a very serious problem, which is why we often need immediate help. The pain begins suddenly, is strong, unrelenting, pressing, accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath and weakness. As the possibility of a heart attack may arise in this case, call the ambulance immediately.

If you experience chest and back pain upon exercise, which disappears after the exercise is over, a cardiology examination is warranted, as this may even be a symptom of a heart attack.

“What makes my back hurt?” A stabbing pain associated with breathing, accompanied by weakness and shortness of breath also requires emergency care, as it may even indicate a pulmonary embolism.

Sudden, very strong, pounding chest or abdominal pain that occurs while lifting a heavy weight may even be a sign of a ruptured coronary artery, which also requires emergency care.

It is also worth being aware that lung pain can also occur when touching the back and chest. In this case, depending on the degree of pain, it may be recommended to consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Despite the fact that back pain with chest pain can easily indicate pneumonia, it can also be a sign of a heart attack, so don’t hesitate to call for help.

Now let’s look at the cases when it is not necessary to immediately call for help.

Not very strong chest and back pain that lasts for several days can even be of musculoskeletal origin. Diseases related to the neck and back can cause pain of varying intensity and duration.

Coughing and breathing-related chest pain in addition to fever may indicate pneumonia or pleurisy. The appearance of stabbing pain in the middle of the back can also be a sign of this. It is worth putting special emphasis on this, especially if you have recently recovered from an illness. It is possible that a complication has remained, for which it is recommended to consult a doctor!

Although these cases do not pose an immediate threat to life, it is recommended to visit our doctor.

In the following cases, it is not absolutely necessary to visit our doctor.

There are hardly any people between the ages of thirty and sixty who have not encountered this or a similar problem. A natural reason for this can be the loss of muscle mass and synovial fluid.

Muscle strains can also manifest with similar symptoms. In such cases, rest or home treatment can help a lot.

Nervous chest pain

Such pain is known as neuropathy or intercostal neuralgia, and may result from irritation or damage to the intercostal nerves. It usually occurs during movement, shortness of breath or coughing and can vary in severity. Nervous chest pain often goes untreated because it can be misinterpreted, for example, as a sign of angina or a heart attack. A medical examination is required for an accurate diagnosis.

Chest pain.

The middle of my back hurts! Many people have already heard this exclamation and the question, why does the middle of my back hurt? There can be several reasons for this pain.

If middle back pain occurs in old age, it may be due to decreasing muscle mass and decreasing joint fluid. At a younger age, the pain may be caused by arthritis or, in worse cases, a vertebral fracture. There is also the case that the pain develops due to a muscle strain or muscle tear, and this can easily occur in the back. Spinal chest pain can also occur. In this case too, the cause may be some strain or even a muscle strain. Stinging pain in the back is also common with a muscle strain, or it may even be caused by a cold or pneumonia. Definitely worth investigating.

If you wake up in the morning with pain in your back and chest, it is probably just a muscle fever, or the muscles were pulled during physical work or sports.

“What makes my chest hurt? What makes my chest sting?” We can also get answers to such and similar questions. In the case of chest and back pain, it could also be a herniated disc. A worn disc is much more easily damaged and a hernia may develop due to a sudden load. Many people can also feel that my chest and back are stinging at the same time. In this case, it is definitely worth visiting a doctor, because it could even be caused by a heart problem. Unfortunately, the cause of back pain in the chest can be very broad, among which several life-threatening problems can arise, so the problem should not be taken lightly. At the same time, it should also be noted that reflux is one of the causes of chest pain, so there is no need to be afraid and do not immediately think bad things!

Back pain radiating into the chest

Common causes of back pain radiating to the chest include sudden movement, falling, or staying in the same position. If it is not a special case, it is often treated with rest, pain relief, or prevention.

Back pain.
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These may be the causes of thigh pain

These may be the causes of thigh pain

Many people can develop meralgia, or thigh pain. This is also a tunnel syndrome that develops in the lower limb and is a very common condition.

The idea is to put pressure on the cutaneous nerve supplying the outer part of the thigh. Damage to or impairment of the purely sensory nerve does not affect the muscle function of the limb.

The symptoms are:

– You may experience numbness, numbness and burning pain in the outer thigh area.

– This is usually a unilateral complaint.

– The pain increases after prolonged standing or walking.

– The pain may increase at night with the leg stretched out.

– There may be a dull aching pain in the buttocks, most often felt when climbing stairs.

There are some reasons why thigh pain can develop more easily. It can be caused by a tight dressing, but it can also occur after an accident, in the case of a herniated disc, during abdominal surgery, or even from prolonged standing.

There are also risk factors such as being overweight. Being overweight increases the pressure on the nerves. Increased pressure also occurs during pregnancy. Diabetes can also be a risk factor and of course age. People between 30 and 60 can be affected.

Possible therapies include removing the pressure on the nerve, wearing looser clothing and reducing your weight if you are overweight. You may also experience thigh pain and upper thigh pain after pregnancy. After childbirth, the symptoms usually disappear.

Thigh pain

The thigh pain causes may depend on several things. It is more common in women. Reasons include pain associated with menstruation and pregnancy. Whether it is left thigh pain or right thigh pain, it can be caused by inflammation after surgery or by external physical impact. In such cases, ultrasound may be necessary to identify and treat the problem.

Femur pain

Thigh flexor pain is most often caused by an external injury (sports injury) or joint or other muscle problems. If we can’t pinpoint the cause of the pain, it is recommended that you have it checked out!

Thigh pain when sitting

Thigh pain when sitting can be caused by a number of reasons. One of the most common causes is piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the piriformis muscle is swollen, strained or pressing on the spinal cord. Other possible causes include abnormalities of the muscles, joints or bones, but also osteoporosis, poor posture, sedentary work, muscle weakness and general health.

Thigh pain and numbness

Thigh pain and numbness can occur for a number of reasons, such as neurological problems, a herniated disc, sciatica, the femoral nerve and others. Other causes may include venous thrombosis, arterial blockage, muscle inflammation, and joint and bone abnormalities. Therefore, if the complaints are persistent and do not stop, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Pain in the back of the thigh, or back thigh pain, can be caused by a number of different things.

Muscle strain: The muscles in the back of the thigh, such as the hamstrings, can be easily strained or overstretched, for example as a result of intense exercise, overloading or sudden movements. This can lead to muscle pain in the back of the thigh.

Muscle injuries: muscle injuries such as muscle tears or strains can also cause pain in the back of the thigh.

Nerve-related pain: nerves running along the back of the thigh, such as the sciatic nerve, can be damaged or pinched, causing pain in the back of the thigh.

Hip joint problems: pain in the back of the thigh can also be caused by hip joint problems, such as arthritis, injury or wear and tear of the joint tissue.

Spinal problems: lower back pain, such as in the waist, can also lead to pain in the back of the thigh, for example due to scoliosis or hernia.

Thigh neuropathy

Femoral neuritis is most often caused by a bump, hernia or degenerative disease between the vertebrae in the lumbar spine. In addition, osteoporosis, musculoskeletal disorders and pregnancy can also cause thigh neuritis. Symptoms can include pain, tenderness, tingling, weakness in the thigh and leg, and limited mobility.

Night thigh pain

Night thigh pain is a condition in which thigh pain occurs at night or during sleep. It can be an unpleasant and disturbing symptom that can be due to a variety of causes. There are different forms, causes and treatment options for night thigh pain.

Musculoskeletal causes:

thigh pain at night is often linked to muscle and bone problems. Muscle spasms, muscle strains or muscle spasms can occur at night as the muscles relax during sleep and this can cause thigh pain. Wear, inflammation or injury to joints such as the hip joint or knee joint can also cause thigh pain at night.

Treatment: the treatment of musculoskeletal causes depends on the underlying problem. Stretching, massage or hot baths can be used to relieve muscle spasms. For joint problems, treatment may include physiotherapy, medication (e.g. painkillers or anti-inflammatories), injections or even surgery if necessary.

Neurological causes:

certain neurological conditions can also lead to thigh pain at night. For example, nerve inflammation, such as sciatic neuralgia (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), or nocturnal leg movement syndrome (RLS) can also cause pain in the thigh at night.

Treatment: treatment of basic neurological problems depends on the diagnosis. Medications, physiotherapy or other therapeutic options may be used, depending on the cause.

Circulatory causes:

circulatory problems, such as arterial stenosis or thrombosis, can also be behind thigh pain at night. Such conditions often cause pain at night, as blood circulation can slow down during sleep and this can exacerbate symptoms.

Treatment: treatment of basic circulatory problems depends on the diagnosis. Lifestyle changes, medications or surgery may be necessary for vasoconstriction.

Musculoskeletal problems:

thigh pain at night can be caused by musculoskeletal problems such as fibromyalgia or arthritis. These conditions often cause pain in the thigh at night as the affected tissues are strained by postures during sleep.

Treatment: the treatment of basic musculoskeletal problems depends on the disease. Prescribed medication, physiotherapy, lifestyle modifications or other alternative therapies may be used.

Treatment of thigh pain

Treatment of thigh pain

Treatment of thigh pain depends on the cause. To relive the pain in thigh muscles there are a number of treatment options available, such as: painkilling medication, physiotherapy, muscle relaxation exercises, massage, and in the case of spinal conditions, surgical treatment may be necessary. To choose the right treatment, a medical examination is necessary to identify the cause and to apply the appropriate treatment.

Medication for pain relief is often recommended, but it is also worth trying herbal balms as natural pain relief can also be effective. If conservative treatment is not successful and symptoms are long-standing, surgery may be an option. The condition should also be distinguished from spinal neuritis and hip and pelvic processes as the symptoms are similar. For very persistent numbness and burning pain in the thighs, especially if there are risk factors, self-medication may be helpful.

Groin pain is discomfort or pain that occurs in the groin area.

The groin is the area at the junction of the lower abdomen and the thigh where the muscles of the abdominal muscles and the lower limb meet. There are many different causes of groin pain and many different conditions that can trigger it.

Some possible causes of thigh groin pain:

Injuries: injuries to tendons, muscles, ligaments and other tissues in the groin area can cause pain. For example, a lumbar hernia, strain or tear in the lumbar area can cause pain.

Muscle or tendon strain: Groin pain is often linked to excessive strain on muscles and tendons, for example due to sports injuries, strength training or overuse.

Inflammatory diseases: groin pain can be the result of inflammatory diseases such as inflammation of the hip joint (arthritis), arthritis or ligament inflammation.

Nerve-related pain: Nerve-related pain, such as nerve entrapment or sciatic nerve irritation, can also lead to lumbar pain localised in the groin area.

Internal medicine: certain internal medicine conditions, such as kidney disease, kidney stones or kidney infarction, can also cause lumbar pain.

Burning thigh pain reasons or risk factors may include.

Reasons include:

– injury

– prolonged standing

– dressing too tightly

– disc herniation

Risk factors may include:

– overweight

– advancing age

– diabetes

– pregnancy

Hamstring pain can be common after a sports accident, especially after running or playing ball games, so muscle pain in the thigh is not a rare case at all.

In the case of such sports accidents, left thigh pain and right thigh pain may occur. In the area of the damaged muscle fibers, pain or swelling immediately develops and may even be very sensitive to pressure and may limit movement. In case of such an injury, therapy must be used, the aim of which is to alleviate the pain. Future injuries must also be avoided, and the balance of the muscles must be restored. Icing, ultrasound treatment and stress relief can also be very effective.

Sports-specific exercises and soft tissue mobilization are also recommended, which relaxes the muscles, but the correct warm-up and cool-down exercises are also important. In the case of thigh muscle pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor if the condition does not improve within a few days or if it has existed for a long time.

Muscle fever-like pain in the thigh can develop for many different reasons. Let’s see what these might be:

Intense exercise: After intense exercise, such as long periods of running, exercising or lifting weights, the build-up of lactic acid and other substances in the muscles can cause a feeling of muscle soreness.

Muscle overload: Excessive or repeated strain on the muscles, such as sudden intense movements or repeated movements, can even cause pain in the thigh similar to muscle fever.

Injuries: Injuries to the thigh muscles, such as strains, tears, or bruises, can also cause pain.

Excessive muscle tension: Prolonged muscle tension, such as prolonged sitting or standing, can cause muscle pain and fatigue, which can be similar to myasthenia gravis.

Myositis: Inflammation of the muscles, such as myositis or myositis, can cause muscle fever-like symptoms, including pain in the thigh.

Weak muscles: Sudden straining or overloading of inactive muscles, such as muscles that are suddenly subjected to heavy strain after sitting for a long time, can cause pain in the thigh, similar to muscle fever.

Outer thigh pain can indicate several problems. During pain radiating to the outer thigh, inflammation of the nerve may occur, but the problem may also be of joint origin. Combisitis may also be the cause, which should definitely be treated. In many cases, someone can also be sensitive to frontal effects and feel the pain in the thigh. The causes of outer thigh pain include an injury or a more intense workout. If the pain does not go away on its own or with herbal balms, it is recommended to see a specialist who will investigate the problem.

A common cause of front thigh pain can be a nerve twitch, overload or injury. It can also be caused by strenuous physical activity, but it can also be caused by poor posture and mechanical irritation of the lumbar nerve. The latter can often be caused by prolonged sitting and sedentary work.

Treatment of outer thigh pain in most cases depends on the underlying cause:

Rest: If a muscle strain or overuse is causing the pain, rest the affected area and avoid excessive strain until the pain subsides.

Ice: Applying ice or a cold pack to the affected area can reduce inflammation and swelling. Apply for no more than 15-20 minutes and avoid direct contact with the skin to prevent frostbite.

Pain relievers: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used as prescribed by a doctor to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical therapy: Physical therapy methods such as massage, stretching, strengthening exercises, and stabilizing the affected area can help relieve pain and help the muscles recover.

Wearing the right shoes: If outer thigh pain occurs during running or other sports activities, it is important to wear the right shoes that provide proper foot support and cushioning.

Correct Posture: Pay attention to correct posture and exercise during daily activities to avoid excessive strain on muscles and ligaments.

Medical treatment: In more severe cases, such as injuries or nerve inflammation, medical treatment may be required, such as X-rays, MRI or physiotherapy.

Thigh pain

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The most effective home remedies for stomach pain

The most effective home remedies for stomach pain

Stomach pains can be a source of discomfort for many people. However, there are a number of herbal teas and herbs you can use to relieve stomach cramps. In such cases, you should seek immediate help to relieve the pain. These are the ones we are going to introduce you to.

If you don’t have any medicine to hand, or prefer to stick to more natural solutions, home remedies for stomach pains can be an option.

The most effective home remedies for stomach pain!

Baking soda can help with stomach pain. However, this is only a temporary relief. Many people use and like baking soda because its effects are almost immediate, whereas with a medicine you have to wait up to half an hour to feel the effects. Unfortunately, this benefit is only apparent. Bicarbonate of soda is very fast-acting for stomach pain, but it wears off quickly and the pain or heartburn can come back again. In this case, of course, you need another dose of bicarbonate of soda.

All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. This will help with mild burping in most cases and also helps with acid reflux. Stomach chemistry cannot be adjusted so easily with a little bicarbonate of soda. So it is only recommended for mild stomach pain or as a temporary solution. But if that’s not enough, the more adventurous can try drinking a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with a little apple cider vinegar. It can also be a great help in uncomfortable moments, but if you do this you should be aware that vomiting may follow.

– If you’re prone to it and often experience bloating with stomach pain, you should eat papaya. Thanks to the enzyme it contains, it can eliminate bloating.

– You may also want to try rice “tea”, as this can also help relieve stomach upset. It can also be effective against stomach ache at home. Boil half a cup of rice in 6 cups of water. Honey can be added to the liquid. Sip it while it is still warm.

Medicine can also be effective for frequent stomach pain. Antacids are also used to treat the acid reflux that can cause stomach pain – this is simply an antacid. It can be either in the form of chewable tablets or in some liquid form. In most cases, the active ingredient is a combination of calcium and magnesium carbonate, which is neutralised by the acids in the stomach and the pH of the stomach rises after just a few minutes. This of course means that these antacids interfere with the body’s self-regulatory system. So it is not advisable to take medicine for severe stomach pain for a long time, just for a few days until the problem goes away.

There are also teas for stomach aches and pains, and there are several varieties. You wouldn’t believe how effective it can be, and it’s all natural.

Katanga: recommended for those with a heavy stomach. It is a great digestive herb. It can be prepared in 2-3 minutes and should be taken in the evening as a cure for 1 month.

White acacia flower: it can reduce stomach acid production, so it can also be used to relieve reflux. It is also known to have an appetite suppressant effect, but also has a minor laxative effect. White acacia flower is an excellent herbal tea for stomach ache.

Goldenseal: recommended for bloating and a feeling of fullness. It is recommended to take 1 cup after a meal. It is also recommended for diarrhoea. It also helps the bile and the liver. To prevent digestive problems, it is recommended to consume 2-3 cups per week.

Forest raspberry leaf: relieves nausea and aids digestion and can also provide relief from intestinal spasms. You can also use it to relieve diarrhoea.

Chamomile tea for stomach ache: the best home remedy for stomach ache is chamomile tea. It is almost common knowledge that the essential oils in chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also recommended for mild stomach problems and abdominal pain.

Wild blackberry leaf: this tea is great for diarrhoea. Brew it for just a few minutes to release the astringent tannins. Drink up to 3 cups between meals.

Walnut leaf tea: many people do not know that not only the fruit but also the leaves of the walnut tree can be used. Folk tradition and natural medicine attribute many beneficial effects to it. Its leaves contain valuable tannins and essential oils, which are excellent stomachic and digestive aids.

What else is good for a stomach ache?

Here we would like to highlight ginger, as it can be excellent for stomach pain. Ginger for stomach ache can be especially useful for everyone. Although you can also make tea from it, we prefer to buy it separately. This is due to the fact that it is most commonly used as a tea ingredient, meaning it can be made with any tea. However, if you want to use it for stomach upset, it is best to chew it raw. It is worth eating a little every day, as it can help to reduce stomach upset, nausea, stomach pain and acid reflux.

How is a stomach ulcer treated at home?

There are several home methods for treating stomach ulcers, but not all of them have been scientifically proven. However, bioflavonoids can have a beneficial effect, so it is a good idea to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Examples of plants with high bioflavonoid content include grapes, apples, berries and dark green leafy vegetables. In addition, probiotics can be very effective and are particularly important if you need to take antibiotics.

What can you do if your stomach cramps or hurts?

Spasmodic pain around the mouth can be caused by food, stress or even bacteria. In these cases, however, the pain is almost temporary. In more serious problems, such as gallstones or kidney stones, the pain can last for hours. In addition, there are also cramps caused by menstruation in women. In such cases, a warm water bottle can be used at home to relieve the pain in the stomach by placing it on the painful area and reducing the cramps and nausea. Fortunately, however, there is also a tea that can be easily prepared by yourself. For stomach cramps, herbal teas such as fennel, ginger, anise, chamomile or basil are great. Prepare them in the traditional way and when consuming them, try to drink them without flavouring. So for severe stomach cramps at home, some herbal teas can be great.

There may also be a case where the pain in the stomach radiates to the back. Yes, stomach pain can radiate to the back.  In this case, stomach problems such as heartburn and gastritis can cause back pain.

If stomach pain is also associated with bloating, it can usually be caused by:

Gastrointestinal diseases: Gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis can cause stomach pain and bloating.

Eating habits: Stomach pain and bloating can be caused by food, drink or eating habits, such as excessive consumption of certain foods, e.g. fizzy drinks, dairy products, sweeteners, spicy foods, eating too quickly and large portions of food.

Stress and anxiety: stress and anxiety can also cause stomach pain and bloating. Stress and anxiety can cause the body to become tense and can lead to stomach problems.

Medications: some medications such as steroids, antibiotics, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can also cause stomach pain and bloating.

There are several causes of stomach pain:


-Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)


-Food poisoning

-Disordered eating

-Stress and tension

-Organic lesions

What should I do if my stomach hurts?

In case none of the above methods help to relieve stomach pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor and investigate the exact cause of the pain!

The most effective home remedies for stomach pain

What can you do for stomach pain?

One of the most tried and tested and simple methods, and often instinctive, is to find the position that hurts the least. This usually means lying on your side or with your legs up. In this case, the muscles are hardly stretched at all. Warming pads can also be used to cause localised congestion. Also avoid eating heavy, fatty, bloating foods for a while.

If this does not help, or is not enough, you can also use raspberry leaf tea or Chinese star anise tea in addition to the herbal teas mentioned above.

Stomach pain in waves can be caused by many different things.

One of the most common causes is stress or nervousness, which can affect the digestive system and cause stomach pain. Overeating or eating spicy, fatty foods can also cause stomach pain in waves. Food poisoning, stomach infections, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and stomach ulcers can also cause similar symptoms.

Can stomach pain be treated with medicine?

Yes, it can be treated, but in this case, if the stomach pain persists for a longer period of time, a medical consultation is essential!

Is there a non-prescription medicine for stomach pain?

Yes, there are several different medicines available that can help relieve various stomach problems.