A lack of vitamin C in the body can have serious consequences, including a weakened immune system, skin problems and weak bones.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that performs a number of important functions in the body, including the synthesis of collagen, which is important for healthy skin, bones, teeth and blood vessels. A lack of vitamin C in the body can have serious consequences, including a weakened immune system, skin problems and weak bones.
But what is causing this shortage?
One of the most common causes of vitamin C deficiency is poor diet. The main sources of vitamin C come from eating fruit and vegetables, so people who don’t eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables are likely to be vitamin C deficient. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat and light, so over-processing, storing and transporting fruit and vegetables can also cause a loss of vitamin C.
Stress can also contribute to vitamin C deficiency. Stress causes the body to produce more cortisol, a stress hormone, which increases the rate of vitamin C absorption, so the body needs more vitamin C to function normally. There are some foods that can help to combat stress.
Smoking can also contribute to vitamin C deficiency. The harmful effects of smoking include suppression of vitamin C metabolism, which reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body.
People who drink alcohol are more likely to have a vitamin C deficiency because alcohol interferes with the absorption and metabolism of vitamin C.
Finally, some people may also be deficient in vitamin C for genetic reasons. People who lack the enzyme GLO, which is responsible for the synthesis of vitamin C, are unable to produce enough vitamin C and are forced to make up for this vitamin deficiency through their diet or by taking a vitamin supplement.
In addition, certain diseases can also contribute to vitamin C deficiency. For example, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, diabetes, and malabsorption syndrome, where the digestive system is unable to absorb food properly.
A lack of vitamin C can indicate a variety of symptoms, including weakness, fatigue, tiredness and skin problems such as ulcers, bleeding sores and redness. Vitamin C deficiency can also lead to more serious long-term complications such as bone weakness and heart disease.