Effective remedies to reduce bloating and discomfort.

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A woman holding her stomach and experiencing bloating in her stomach

Inadequate diet is usually behind abdominal bloating. It is important to get enough exercise and change your diet.

In particular, gluten causes not only bloating but also a whole host of other health problems.

What to do in case of bloating?

Don’t eat too much! It is better to eat a little several times a day than to eat a lot a few times a day.
Be sure to eat more fibre! One of the main causes of bloating can be constipation, which is caused by a diet low in fibre. Eat plenty of eggs for breakfast. It is also recommended to eat chia seeds and plantain seed husks.
Eat as many vegetables as possible, preferably raw. They contain the same amount of nutrients and are easy to digest.

Avoid foods that cause bloating, such as cabbage, beans, sprouts and pulses. A lot of spices can also cause bloating, especially hot spices. Pickles, coffee, tea and alcohol also cause bloating.
In many cases, not drinking enough fluids is a predisposing factor.

It’s worth drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, because it’s not true that too much water makes you bloated. However, make sure you avoid drinking fizzy water. Take probiotics (kefir, natural yoghurt) to help digestion.

Other common causes include eating quickly and overeating. It is better to eat more slowly and chew your food well. If you don’t do this and just swallow your food quickly, you may swallow more air, which can lead to a feeling of tightness. If we don’t chew our food properly, we also put a strain on our stomach. We only notice this later, after eating. To avoid overeating, it is better to eat less several times a day.

Avoid simple carbohydrates, pasta, foods containing white flour and fatty and spicy foods.

In the presence of bloating symptoms, daily exercise is also recommended. Sedentary work and stress all increase the problems associated with bloating.

What to do in case of bloating?
What to do in case of bloating?

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