Iodine deficiency can disrupt the function of one of our most important organs, the thyroid gland. Women are more at risk of this problem than men.
Swollen neck, throat and chest pain, nervousness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing.
These symptoms may occur in thyroid problems. Consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. If you have been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, be sure to avoid the following foods from your diet.
1. Sugar
Sugar has a negative effect not only on the thyroid gland but also on many other organs.
2. Soy
Soya affects the function of certain hormones, which is why if you are taking thyroid medication, you should allow a few hours between taking the medication and eating soya. It inhibits the thyroid’s ability to absorb iodine because of its isoflavonoid content. However, if you want to be on the safe side, soya is banned in cases of thyroid disease.
3. Food fried in fat or oil
Foods fried in heavy fat or oil are very unhealthy. They are high in trans fats and have a negative effect on thyroid function.
4. Cruciferous vegetables
These contain isocyanate compounds that inhibit the thyroid’s ability to absorb iodine. The banned list includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower.
5. Gluten
Like soya, foods containing gluten can also negatively affect thyroid function. Avoid foods high in gluten such as rye, barley and wheat.
6. Coffee
According to doctors, more than a cup of coffee a day has little positive effect on the thyroid and adrenal glands.

Underactive thyroid symptoms in females
Hypothyroidism can cause a number of symptoms, which can occur in varying degrees in women. These symptoms usually develop slowly and gradually and are often difficult to recognise because they can be confused with other conditions.
- Fatigue: a feeling of constant tiredness or lack of energy that does not go away even after adequate rest.
- Weight gain: unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
- Cold sensitivity: unusual sensitivity to cold, often cold hands and feet.
- Depression and mood swings: depression, anxiety, or mood swings.
- Constipation: Chronic constipation.
- Dry skin and hair: Dry, flaky skin and brittle hair.
- Hair loss: increased hair loss or thinning hair.
- Muscle and joint pain: Muscle pain, muscle weakness and joint pain.
- Menstrual irregularities: irregular menstrual cycles, heavier or less frequent bleeding.
- Reduced libido: Reduced sexual desire.
- Slow heartbeat: Slow heartbeat or bradycardia.
- Bloating: oedema of the face, hands and feet.
- Concentration problems: memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and a feeling of “brain fog”.
- Rales: hoarseness or deepening of voice.
- High cholesterol: Elevated cholesterol in the blood.
What causes underactive thyroid?
Autoimmune diseases
Iodine deficiency
Infections and diseases