Herbs for dizziness: these may offer relief!

green leafs
nature leafs
A young woman with long brown hair sits on the ground, leaning against a tree trunk in an outdoor park setting.

Unfortunately, dizziness associated with circulatory problems is a common problem for many people.

A number of different herbs can help to restore circulation and relieve dizziness.

Herbs against dizziness

Hawthorn: It is often used as a tea for circulatory problems. Drink 2-3 cups a day. It has a good effect on the heart muscles and also relieves high blood pressure. Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave to stand for 10 minutes and it is ready to drink. A tea made from hawthorns can be very good for relieving stress or for an overworked body. It contributes to the blood supply to the heart muscle and improves the function of the heart muscle cells. The tea made from it reduces blood pressure and has a vasodilating effect. It also helps in the treatment of circulatory problems.

Calendula: It can be very good for dizziness because of the active ingredients it contains, but it also has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. It can also help with digestion and various skin problems. Calendula decoction helps speed up the healing of minor injuries. Its oil is also great for treating wounds and preventing infection. Calendula kills microbes, reduces pain as well. Calendula reduces fungal infections of the skin.

Yarrow: it is used for gynaecological problems, but it can also be used to treat circulatory problems. The tea made from it can also be effective against dizziness. Make a decoction and drink 2 cups a day for at least 6 weeks. For dizziness, its tea can also be very effective and efficient. Yarrow is very good for reducing inflammation of wounds, but it also has fever-reducing properties. It can be of great help in treating colds. It can also relieve menstrual cramps.

Mistletoe: Another excellent herbal remedy for dizziness is mistletoe. It should be poured over cold water and left for 10 hours. It is good for dizziness, headaches, high blood pressure and circulatory problems. Mistletoe improves the permeability of blood vessels, so it is also very good for dizziness and tinnitus. It is also recommended for varicose vein problems and improves concentration. It has a very good diuretic effect. Mistletoe improves the immune system.

Ginkgo biloba: Promotes proper blood flow to the brain. Positively affects cerebral circulation. Ginkgo biloba also has a very good stress-relieving effect. Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba has a very good effect on the functioning of nerve cells. It reduces nerve cell damage, effectively fights dementia and mental problems.

A quick solution to dizziness? Let’s see what can help!

Rest and adequate hydration: if you feel dizzy, first rest in a quiet place to calm down and stabilise yourself. It is important to stay properly hydrated as dizziness can also be caused by a lack of fluids.

Slow movement: When standing up or changing your posture, make slow and careful movements. Do not change posture suddenly as this can increase the chance of dizziness and loss of balance.

Deep breathing and relaxation. Practising relaxation techniques such as meditation or slow breathing can also help.

Is it possible to treat imbalance with herbs?

An imbalance is a condition in which the transmission of information between the brain and the nervous system, the internal processes and systems, is interrupted or disturbed. This can result in dizziness, nausea, loss of balance and other symptoms. In relation to herbal treatment, it is important to note that although some herbs and natural remedies can help to alleviate some health problems, imbalance can also be a serious and complex problem with a number of possible causes. It is therefore advisable to seek medical advice in the first instance!

Can a vitamin help against dizziness?

Dizziness can have a variety of causes and vitamins can only help if there is a deficiency underlying the dizziness. B vitamins (especially B6, B12 and folic acid), iron, magnesium and vitamin D, can be important in supporting the nervous system, energy and metabolism. Deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals can contribute to dizziness in some cases.

What is recommended for everyday dizziness?

Everyday dizziness can be a serious medical problem and can have many different causes. It’s important to consult a specialist, such as a doctor or neurologist, to determine the exact cause of dizziness and recommend appropriate treatment.

Herbs for dizziness - These may help!
Herbs for dizziness – These may help!

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