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The best home remedies for constipation

The best home remedies for constipation

What constitutes constipation varies from person to person. What is optimal for you may not be optimal for someone else.

In general, we talk about constipation when there are stools less than three times a week, which are hard and dry. Fortunately, tummy tucks are also possible at home, you don’t have to take medicine right away.

Fortunately, constipation can be prevented or alleviated with some very simple lifestyle changes. It causes much more trouble and deserves attention if it is persistent or recurring.

Many people ask, what is good for constipation?

The subject may be a bit unpleasant, but it is definitely worth dealing with, because it can also become a serious problem. We will give you some short tips on what natural methods are available to you.

Fiber intake is very important, but we will explain this a bit below. It can also be great if you start the day with a mug of lukewarm drink like lemon water, green tea or even a fruit tea. A warm drink stimulates bowel function. Exercise and sports can also be a great way to relieve constipation. Even a brisk walk can help digestion and bowel movement.

It is best if you exercise regularly three times a week, which can be cycling, running or even aerobics. Magnesium can also be a great help in times of need. This mineral has a mild laxative effect. Beetroot, spinach, cauliflower and raspberries also contain a lot of magnesium. It is also worth trying herbal teas such as anise, licorice, dandelion and dogwood.

Things to know about constipation in the older people.

Constipation in the older people can develop for several reasons, for example: slowing down of bowel movements, reduced fluid intake, low-fiber diet, taking medications that affect bowel movements, low physical activity, muscles that affect stool storage, or pathological changes in the intestinal system. It is important to mention that constipation is a common phenomenon in old age and can be treated with appropriate treatment.


There are many foods and natural remedies that can help you against constipation at home.

When needed, homemade sauerkraut juice is also good, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach. One of the most effective laxatives.

Plum juice, unfiltered apple juice and pear juice have a laxative effect. This is perhaps the best homemade laxative for children as well.

The loosening of hard stools can also be helped by eating foods with a high fiber content. Due to its high mucilage and fiber content, flaxseed is also considered a mild laxative.

If we want to use a laxative at home, eating prunes or figs is considered one of the best natural stool softeners. These can be eaten as they are, or soaked or pureed. Eating prunes is the fastest laxative when used at home.

Sometimes it even helps if we eat a spoonful of olive oil or castor oil. Olive oil is a laxative that works immediately.

Kiwi can also help with constipation at home – due to its high fiber content, it does not cause bloating, eliminates most of the gases produced during digestion, and also supplies the body with vitamin C.

Even lemon juice can be a great homemade laxative. Lemon juice invigorates digestion and also helps to eliminate waste products as soon as possible. Just squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and pour it into a mug of warm water, then sip. In some cases, immediate abdominal thrusts may occur, so it is worth preparing for this.

The apple cider vinegar and baking soda laxative effects are considered very useful.

Apple cider vinegar can be excellent for constipation and is not only used for this. It is recommended to drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach with a little water and it will reduce your appetite. If you drink apple cider vinegar water after a meal, it will help your digestion a lot. Since it helps digestion, it also prevents constipation. Apple cider vinegar is considered a weaker natural laxative. Its consumption is definitely recommended due to its positive physiological effects. One of the best choices among home laxatives.

Baking soda for constipation โ€“ baking soda can be effective against constipation if you take a teaspoon of it before going to bed. The laxative effect of baking soda is indisputable. It helps neutralize stomach acid and thus contributes to healthy bowel function.

However the combined effects of apple cider vinegar and baking soda for constipation is does not usually help directly.

Homemade laxative baking soda recommendation

It is also a good method to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 dl of warm water and stir it up at the same time. This is a great homemade baking soda laxative recipe.

Like all home remedies, they help WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS, but they need a little lead time until results are seen.

What else is worth doing in case of constipation, what home laxative practices are available?

– If we put on gloves to prevent constipation at home, we increase the fiber, liquid and mineral content of our food, this increases the amount of stool and thus improves the functioning of the intestinal muscles.

– In case of constipation, be sure to eat more vegetables and fruits. It’s worth experimenting to see which exactly results in a more optimal stool-relaxing effect. It is worth supplementing our diet with high fiber foods.

– We limit the consumption of certain foods, such as foods high in fat and sugar and low in fiber. By all means, increase your daily fluid intake. It can be water or tea, but perhaps it is best to make something easy to consume with a high fiber content from fruit and smoothies.

– If we use laxatives, we should give them up, as this can lead to addiction in the long term. It’s better to experiment for yourself to see what might be good for your body.

– Flaxseed oil can be a very good home remedy against constipation, which increases the number of bowel movements, thus promoting the faster elimination of waste products.

– Plantain seed husk has many physiological effects. It has a great effect on digestion due to its high fiber content. It can also be used against constipation. Laxative tea can also be made at home. Just mix 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds in 1 glass of water and drink it.

– For many people, morning coffee helps to start the morning stool. In addition, we can mention physical exercise, barrier massage, as well as drinking lots of fluids and fiber.

– Sugar water can also be used in case of constipation. The laxative effect of sugar water is partly due to the high sugar content. High sugar consumption can stimulate the digestive system and sometimes relieve constipation. However, it is important to note that sugar water is only a short-term solution.

It is also worth being aware that this is a complex problem that often requires complex solutions.

Thanks to this, it is almost impossible to eliminate constipation immediately. If our condition is critical, home practices may prove to be insufficient. In this case, an enema can be considered. This method is used to remove thickened, thickened and dried stool. The enema can also be done at home, we will cover the topic in our next article.


There are also home remedies for hard stools! These are the best laxative foods and drinks!

Water – constipation can also occur if you do not drink enough water every day. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 liters per day. The laxative effect of lukewarm water has been proven. If you drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water in the morning, it can activate emptying.

Coffee – proven to promote bowel function. If you drink coffee with breakfast, your bowel function will be much better and there will be no sign of constipation.

Chia seed – it has a very high fiber content and therefore has a favorable effect on digestion.

Kiwi – this is also thanks to its high fiber content for its great effects. It is worth blending two kiwis with 2 dl of water, so it has the best effect.

Orange – among citrus fruits, oranges are one of the best sources of fiber. It stimulates the large intestine and helps the growth of intestinal flora.

Peppermint – due to its sedative effects, it helps to relax the muscles of the intestinal tract and thus the stool can move more easily.

Beans – this is also used by many people against constipation, as it also has a high fiber content and the carbohydrates in it are absorbed slowly.

Avocado – due to its high magnesium content, it helps bring the moisture content of food into the digestive system. This also helps soften the stool.

Green tea – increases metabolism and has a laxative effect due to its high caffeine content.

Pear – it not only contains a lot of fiber, but it also contains sorbitol, which loosens the stool.

Anise tea – one of the best digestion boosters, reduces bloating and the feeling of fullness, so it is known to be a good carminative and antispasmodic.

A fast laxative can also be prepared at home, which is guaranteed to be fast.

A combination of castor oil and fruit juice can be effective. Constipation will decrease after a few hours, so it is worth staying at home during this time. Water with baking soda can also help a lot, as it cleans the colon and facilitates bowel movements.

Applesauce is also a great home-made stool softener. Mix 1 cup applesauce, 1 cup prune juice and 1 cup oats or wheat bran. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture every night, and then drink 1 glass of water. If there is no change within 1 week, the dose should be increased to 3-4 spoons a day.

It is important to point out that the use of cooking oil for constipation has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years. On the one hand, this is not only dangerous, but can also be extremely unpleasant. If the above methods do not help, do not try cooking oil, but consult a doctor!

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