5 effective herbs for naturally lowering cholesterol.

green leafs
nature leafs
Natural solutions to lower cholesterol: 5 of the most effective herbs

First of all, it is worth knowing that cholesterol builds up on the walls of blood vessels and then narrows and can later block them.

It can cause heart problems, high blood pressure and increase the risk of stroke. It can also be good to lower cholesterol naturally because many drugs can have side effects and this can put a strain on the body. If your condition allows it, you should use natural methods. Stinging nettle is probably one of the best methods, it will be included in the list.

In most cases, spices help a lot to lower cholesterol.

However, in most cases people do not consume large amounts of spices. But they are very helpful in solving the problem. Such great spices include oregano, thyme, sage, marjoram, dill, coriander, cloves and cinnamon. Herbal teas can also keep your blood vessels in good order if you drink the right amount.

It is also possible to reduce high cholesterol with herbs, so let’s take a look at the 5 most effective cholesterol-lowering herbs:

1. Ginger

Ginger is one of the best herbal remedies for cholesterol. Not only does it have a great cholesterol-lowering effect, but it can also relieve nausea, cramps, inflammation, fever and cough. It has a very strong antiseptic effect.

Also contains vitamins A, C, E and B, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc. It should be eaten every day at least from autumn to spring as it strengthens the immune system. You can also use it fresh or ground. Freshly grated ginger has a much stronger and more intense flavour. It can be very pungent, so it should be eaten with caution. Ginger is very easy to obtain, you can find it in any grocery store.

It can be made into tea or even added to sauces or soups. It also makes a good cholesterol-lowering tea. It’s also very good in cakes or with meat. It may sting like garlic, but it doesn’t leave an unpleasant smell after eating it. So it is definitely worth consuming. Ginger is also used to make cholesterol-lowering herbal capsules, but it is better to use it in herbal teas.

2. Nettle

Many people think of a weed that can only sting and itch, but nettles are one of the best cholesterol-lowering herbs. It has wonderful medicinal properties and everyone should use it. In folk medicine, fresh nettle was used to tap the limbs of rheumatic patients and is still used today.

But it is also a great blood purifier, as it dissolves waste products and detoxifies. You can also buy dried nettle leaves from us. It is most commonly made into herbal tea. In the spring, nettle is a great detoxifying treatment that should last 6-6 weeks. It should be consumed 1 cup per day without flavouring. The freshly picked leaves can also be used to make cream soup or stew.

3. Field horsetail

This herb is called by many different names such as poppy, cindro, frog’s bane, or sorrel, to name but a few. It is mainly known for its blood purifying effects, but it also fits very well into a cholesterol lowering diet. It also has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. You can take it as a herbal tea as a cure-all like nettle tea.

4. Hawthorn

Hawthorn is an excellent herb for cholesterol and is one of the best herbs for helping the heart and circulation, and makes a great cholesterol-lowering tea. The flowering shoot ends are collected and used to make herbal tea. If you do not have heart problems, 1 cup a day is enough. Oh, and we’ll add that it also has cholesterol-lowering properties.

5. Chickweed

Everyone thinks it’s a weed because it’s in every garden. But in fact it is also a medicinal plant. You can pick it while weeding, but it’s better to buy it cleaned and dried. It’s usually used as a cholesterol-lowering medicine, but you can also add it to salads or smoothies.

Other cholesterol-lowering herbs:

Artichoke: The leaves and flowers of artichokes contain compounds that lower cholesterol.

Garlic: Garlic is one of the best cholesterol-lowering agents, as its extracts help lower cholesterol levels by improving blood flow and promoting fat breakdown.

Beetroot: Beetroot is definitely one of the foods that should be mentioned among the cholesterol-lowering foods. A smoothie made with beetroot, or simply its juice, can lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health, which can help lower cholesterol.

Turmeric: The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, lowers cholesterol and oxidative stress, which plays a role in the development of heart disease.

Flaxseed: The fibre and omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed help lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

Rosemary: Among the herbs that lower cholesterol, rosemary should also be mentioned. Rosemary’s antioxidant compounds can lower cholesterol and promote healthy circulation.

Fast cholesterol reduction

Some emergency measures can be taken to reduce cholesterol levels quickly, but it is always important to consult a health professional before making any significant changes to your lifestyle or diet.

Immediate dietary changes:

Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.

Eat more fibre-rich foods such as vegetables and fruit.

Replace red meat with lean meat and fish.

Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon or chia seeds.

Increased physical activity:

We immediately increase your physical activity. Even short walks or light exercise can help.

Weight loss:

In case of higher weight people, weight loss can help reduce cholesterol levels.

Reducing or avoiding alcohol:

Reducing or completely avoiding alcohol consumption can help lower cholesterol levels.

Vitamin C and antioxidants:

Eat foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, and foods rich in antioxidants.

What not to eat if you have high cholesterol?

If you have high cholesterol, it is important to avoid certain foods, as they can contribute to high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.

What not to eat if you have high cholesterol, or the following foods to avoid:

Foods rich in saturated fats: for example, red meats (pork, beef), fatty cheeses, whole dairy products and saturated fats in pasta dishes.

Trans fats: foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils such as some semi-finished products, cakes, biscuits and fast food.

Foods high in cholesterol: For example offal (liver, kidney), egg yolks and seafood.

High-fat foods: foods that are high in fat should be avoided, such as oilseeds, oily fish, avocados and high-fat snacks.

Sugary and refined foods: foods and drinks high in sugar can contribute to obesity and unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Natural solutions to lower cholesterol: 5 of the most effective herbs
Natural solutions to lower cholesterol: 5 of the most effective herbs

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