Signs of vitamin B-12 deficiency to watch for.

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A man holding his head with both hands, appearing distressed, with a blurred swirling effect in the background representing dizziness.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.

If you don’t have enough B12 in your body, you may have the following symptoms:

We can barely stay awake even after a full night’s sleep. Fatigue is the first sign of a vitamin B12 deficiency, as it contributes to the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the organs.

Also, if our red blood cells don’t get enough oxygen, our muscles weaken and we find that even light physical work can be extremely strenuous. So if you experience symptoms like these, it’s worth suspecting a B12 deficiency in the first instance.

We experience strange things in our bodies, we often feel a tingling sensation, like being stabbed with a thousand needles. And this is because the nerve cells don’t get enough oxygen, so they can’t do their job properly.

Suddenly we forget basic things or mix things up. This doesn’t mean that dementia has set in, it could just be a vitamin B12 deficiency.

We feel dizzy when we climb small stairs or do any large, strenuous exercise. This is another sign that we have too little vitamin B12 in our body.

Emotional outbursts and instability can also be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. If you cry a lot, you are more sensitive, and at other times you become nervous and irritable, it is worth replenishing this important vitamin.

Eye defects and vision problems can also develop if vitamin B12 deficiency persists for a long time. Specifically, we may become sensitive to light and have double vision.

There are two possible solutions to replace it:

1. With proper nutrition. Vitamin B12 can only be produced by microorganisms. It can be found in animal products such as meat, fish, seafood, milk, cheese and eggs, and in offal such as liver, kidneys and heart. It is also found in sauerkraut (the acidification process involves micro-organisms) and in sea buckthorn.

2. By taking vitamins. Vitamin B12 is readily available in tablet or capsule form in health and dietary supplement shops or online. These supplements can be taken orally and help to make up for vitamin B12 deficiencies.

If you are low in vitamin B, you may have these symptoms
If you are low in vitamin B, you may have these symptoms

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