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Apple and cinnamon drink recipe

Apple and cinnamon drink

How to make an apple-cinnamon drink

We touched on apple cinnamon water in a previous topic and you asked for the recipe, so here it is by popular demand:

– since some of you have now joined the thread, let’s first talk a little about why apple+cinnamon is a super healthy combination!

The apple

Helps digestion, high in vitamins, phosphorus and malic acid. It regulates and supports kidney and liver function. It is a powerful detoxifier (it is also recommended for the treatment of acne), which is supported by popular experience, which shows that where apples are consumed in large quantities, gout sufferers are rare. Fresh apple juice is refreshing and a drink that increases secretion. It is recommended in cases of fever, various inflammations, hoarseness, insomnia, gout and indigestion.

The cinnamon

The healing properties and benefits of cinnamon could fill pages of books. Basically, it is a very powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral and antibacterial.

It also delays the emptying of the stomach, reducing hunger pangs and improving the success of diets. By consuming 3-4 grams of ground cinnamon per day, digestive discomfort, bloating and excess kilos can be lost more quickly.

Furthermore, nutritionists agree that cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels because its active ingredients reduce the body’s production of insulin by increasing the sensitivity of insulin receptors. It has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels.

The recipe for the apple-cinnamon drink:


– 2 litres of water

– 1 medium apple

– 2 sticks of cinnamon

Fill a jug with water and put in an apple cut into roughly six halves. Add two cinnamon sticks, whole or broken into smaller pieces. Put in the fridge for half an hour to allow the flavours to blend.

This drink combines all the positive qualities of the 2 ingredients: it speeds up the metabolism, detoxifies, energises and, as it must be drunk with water, it also hydrates. It can also be drunk instead of coffee!

Try this great drink for yourself!

Apple and cinnamon drink
Apple and cinnamon drink