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The wonderful effects of apple cider vinegar on the skin

The wonderful effects of apple cider vinegar on the skin

The effect of apple cider vinegar on the skin is very impressive and enviable.

The use of apple cider vinegar on the skin can be felt even after a short time.

It makes the skin of the face healthier, increases the elasticity of the skin, gets rid of annoying acne and even reduces the presence of wrinkles. Research has shown that apple cider vinegar can kill 90% of bacteria and 95% of viruses. Apple cider vinegar can kill the bacteria that is responsible for the formation of acne in most cases.

What is apple cider vinegar good for?

The beneficial effect of apple cider vinegar on the skin is significant in several ways. It also helps to get rid of inflamed, post-acne scars. The acetic acid in it removes dead skin cells and regenerates the skin. The lactic acid also in it makes the skin flexible and smooth. It is also excellent against acne. Pour a 1:2 ratio of apple cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle. Shake this up, then squirt some of it onto a cotton pad. It is worth wiping your face with this regularly.

In addition to all this, it is also recommended for use on burns. Of course, don’t put it directly and undiluted on the skin, because it causes irritation. Dilute it with a little water, then apply it around the wound. It also reduces swelling caused by sunburn and stings.

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a general face cleanser as follows.

Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water, then after cleaning the surface of your face, wipe yourself with it. After a maximum of 1 minute, wash off your face and wipe dry. It is worth repeating this 2 times a day.

They are also very useful against dandruff. The effect of apple cider vinegar is also beneficial externally, as it changes the pH value of the scalp, thanks to which it can prevent the bacteria responsible for dandruff from multiplying. It also reduces itching, irritation and greasiness. To use it, mix a quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar with a quarter of a cup of water, then pour the mixture into a bottle from which you can spray it on your hair. Let it sit directly on the scalp for at least an hour, then simply rinse it off.

Apple cider vinegar for acne

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a natural remedy for acne. The minerals, vitamins and enzymes it contains can help restore the skin’s pH balance and reduce the number of bacteria in the skin.

The following steps are recommended for using apple cider vinegar:

Dilute apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Wipe the acne areas with it or drop a small amount on the acne.

Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.

It’s important to remember that apple cider vinegar can cause skin irritation, so it’s worth using a small amount first and watching the skin’s reaction. Also, before using apple cider vinegar, it is worth asking for dermatological advice to make sure that it can be used on our skin.

There is a general difference of opinion regarding the use of apple cider vinegar on the face.

Some people say that apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural skin care product that offers many benefits for the skin on the face. Others, on the other hand, are more careful and warn against using apple cider vinegar on the skin of the face, which is why opinions on apple cider vinegar for the face can be completely different.

How long does it take for apple cider vinegar to work?

The effect of apple cider vinegar can vary over time and from person to person, and its effectiveness can be influenced by many factors. However, effects can usually be felt within a few hours or less.

The wonderful effects of apple cider vinegar on the skin
The wonderful effects of apple cider vinegar on the skin
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Making apple cider vinegar at home! Here are the steps!

Making apple cider vinegar at home! Here are the steps!

Apple cider vinegar is one of the healthiest types of vinegar. It also contains pectin, beta-carotene, potassium, amino acids and enzymes. Now you can find out how to make apple cider vinegar at home.

How is apple cider vinegar made?

Making apple cider vinegar at home

Apple cider vinegar is made at home by first taking a 5-liter jar of cucumbers, then adding 2 kg of sliced ​​or grated apples. After that, boil 2 liters of water with 20 dkg of sugar. When it has cooled down, pour it over the apple and put 1 piece of bread on top. We tie it with a linen cloth and place the bottle in a warm place, in a shady place between 20-28 degrees. Let it mature for 10 days, stirring. The preparation of unfiltered apple cider vinegar ends here, as the filtering takes place afterwards.

The longer it sits after filtration, the stronger it will be.

It is advisable to keep the filtered apple cider vinegar in a container covered with linen, so that it ripens longer and cleans up nicely. In this case, a gelatinous substance is formed on top, which is called a vinegar bed. When you drain the apple cider vinegar, leave this bed of vinegar in a little vinegar, because you can use this instead of bread when preparing the next portion, so the vinegaring starts sooner. After that, the homemade apple cider vinegar is ready.

Homemade apple cider vinegar without sugar


Fresh apples (preferably organic, as the microorganisms on their skin can help with the fermentation process)

Clean water
A clean glass or container that does not react with vinegar (eg glass or ceramic)

Clean gauze, linen or tea towel for the cover

Rubber or plastic cap or air-permeable cover

Preparation steps:

Wash 5-6 apples thoroughly, then cut them into smaller pieces. You can also leave the skin on them.

Place the apples in the jar or container, then pour water to cover the apples. Do not allow the apple pieces to be exposed to air, as this may affect the fermentation process.

Cover the container with cheesecloth, linen, or a kitchen towel, then fasten the lid so that it is airtight. This can be a perforated lid sealed with rubber or plastic, or even a lid with small slits.

Place the bottle in a dark, warm place where the fermentation process can take place. The optimum temperature is usually between 15 and 27 degrees Celsius.

Let the apples stand for at least 3-4 weeks. Over time, the sugar breaks down into alcohol, and then the alcohol ferments into vinegar.

Check its condition periodically. When the flavor has reached a level that suits your taste, strain the apples and remove the pieces.

Store the finished apple cider vinegar in a sealed jar or bottle in the refrigerator.

What counts as original apple cider vinegar?

“Original” apple cider vinegar is vinegar made by fermenting apples and water. Its most important feature is that apple cider vinegar is fermented from apple must, i.e. pressing the apple peel, and then turned into vinegar. It is important that the original apple cider vinegar does not contain artificial colors, flavor enhancers or other additives.

Is it possible to make apple cider vinegar from apple juice?

Yes, you can make apple cider vinegar from apple juice. Apple cider vinegar is made during the fermentation process, during which the sugar from the apple is transformed first into alcohol and then into acetic acid under the influence of yeast microorganisms. Apple juice is an excellent raw material for fermentation because it naturally contains sugars that start the process.

What can you use apple cider vinegar for?

Hair: Apple cider vinegar can be used after washing hair. If you rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar, it will be much healthier and shinier. It is worth using an old shampoo bottle in this case. Just add half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 glass of water. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture up to several times a week.

For the face: Apple cider vinegar helps regulate the skin’s pH value. Just dilute 2 parts water with apple cider vinegar and apply it to your face. It also cleans the skin wonderfully. For detoxification, you can leave it on your face all night, it can even fade age spots.

Hands and feet: If your hands and feet are swollen, a little massage with apple cider vinegar can help a lot. It has a refreshing effect.

Teeth: Apple cider vinegar can also remove stains from teeth. Just rub your teeth well with apple cider vinegar and then rinse.

Making apple cider vinegar at home! Here are the steps!
Making apple cider vinegar at home! Here are the steps!
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Care should be taken when using apple cider vinegar as it has side effects

Care should be taken when using apple cider vinegar as it has side effects

The effects of apple cider vinegar are undisputed to be very good, however, there can be side effects of apple cider vinegar in some cases.

Side effects of apple cider vinegar may include the following symptoms.

Difficulty swallowing

According to some medical research, taking apple cider vinegar capsules or tablets over a long period of time can have a detrimental effect on the oesophagus.

It has also been studied in people with oesophageal problems that drinking undiluted apple cider vinegar can be very hard on the oesophagus, so it is not recommended!

Instead, it is advised to dilute apple cider vinegar and avoid capsules and tablets!

Low potassium levels

Consuming apple cider vinegar lowers potassium levels in the body. If you are already potassium deficient, you should only consume apple cider vinegar if you have a way to make up for the potassium you are losing!

Blood clotting disorders

People who have a pre-existing blood-clotting disorder or are taking blood thinners should avoid using apple cider vinegar.

Digestive system problems

Although apple cider vinegar is very good for the digestive system, it can often have side effects. In the case of detoxification, apple cider vinegar and diarrhoea are not far apart and in some cases can cause heartburn. If these symptoms are not isolated but persistent, it is worth at least reducing the amount consumed.

Sensitive tooth enamel

Of the adverse effects of apple cider vinegar, perhaps one of the most common is. This is not a coincidence, as regular consumption of apple cider vinegar has no particularly positive effect on the already damaged enamel layer. If you do experience tooth sensitivity after consuming apple cider vinegar, it is advisable to rinse your mouth at least once after each consumption. If this still does not help and tooth sensitivity persists, you may want to avoid drinking apple cider vinegar!

Unfortunately, apple cider vinegar can burn the stomach and does not give the body as much energy as it should because it is very low in calories. Apple cider vinegar is not enough for permanent weight loss, it requires a complete lifestyle change. If you consume it before a meal, it is recommended that you eat something healthy afterwards, such as a vegetable, protein or some low glycaemic index cereal.


Apple cider vinegar can cause diarrhoea through irritation of the stomach and digestive tract. Due to its acidic nature, its consumption can lead to excessive acidity in the stomach, which can cause discomfort and diarrhoea. In addition, apple cider vinegar may contain naturally occurring bacteria that can affect digestion. The anti-diarrhoeal effect of apple cider vinegar is due to its antibacterial properties.

The effect of apple cider vinegar on bruising has not been proven.

Bruising is usually caused by damage to small capillaries or blood vessels under the skin, usually involving a blow or trauma. Apple cider vinegar has no direct effect on the blood vessel walls or circulation, so it is unlikely to improve or worsen the bruising condition.

How much apple cider vinegar can you drink in a day?

The optimal amount of apple cider vinegar to consume can be personalised and it is important to take into account individual health, diet and needs. However, in general, the recommended daily amount is around 1-2 tablespoons.

Despite its possible side effects, let’s see what apple cider vinegar is good for.


Supporting digestion: apple cider vinegar can help with digestion and relieve stomach problems.

Lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels: studies have shown that apple cider vinegar may help control blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Weight loss:

Appetite suppression: apple cider vinegar may help to achieve a feeling of fullness, which may contribute to weight loss.

Beauty care:

Skin care: can be used as a scrub or facial cleanser to help skin clear and glow.

Hair Care: Used as a hair rinse, it can help to promote shine and softening of hair.

Care should be taken when using apple cider vinegar as it has side effects
Care should be taken when using apple cider vinegar as it has side effects