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Possible causes of back pain below the shoulder blade

Possible causes of back pain below the shoulder blade

Possible causes of back pain below the shoulder blade! Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints. Pain under the shoulder blade can be caused by a variety of problems. We will now describe these in a little more detail.

People with such pain often report aching, dull aching, tenderness and burning pain between the tops of the shoulder blades.

Musculoskeletal causes:

The pain under the shoulder blade is most often due to a problem with the muscle strain. Straining the arm and upper body can easily cause pain in the shoulder blades. This can easily be accompanied by pain in other muscle groups.

In most cases, these are associated with only local complaints such as back, neck, shoulder and arm pain, numbness or loss of sensation. In many cases, the pain between the shoulder blades is simply due to a pulled muscle or perhaps a muscle strain.

Muscle breakdowns and muscle injuries can occur in the following:

– weightlifting
– bad posture
– prolonged periods of sedentary work
– workout

Unfortunately, back pain can also occur under the shoulder blade due to poor sleeping posture.

Muscle strains can be treated with Kapsamax Extra balm.

Bone problems:

Pain from a fracture of the shoulder blade is rare, as it is the most difficult bone in the body to break. It can still happen after a major accident or fall.

Unfortunately, for people with osteoporosis, it can break without a major accident.

It can also be caused by arthritis, which can be direct or can affect the shoulders or spine, from which the pain radiates.

For such joint problems, Master Balsam is particularly effective.

Heart-related problems:

It is possible that scapula pain is a sign of a heart attack. Other signs of a heart attack include chest pain and rapid breathing. If you experience this, call for help immediately!

If you are unsure of the cause of the pain and are at risk of heart disease, it is always worth seeing your doctor.

Pinpointing the exact cause of pain can often be a complex task. The doctor will often question the patient and carry out further physical and other tests.

What can cause pain between the spine and shoulder blade?

There are many possible causes of pain between the spine and the shoulder blade, and only a specialist, such as a doctor or physiotherapist, can make an accurate diagnosis.

Muscle tension or muscle spasms: Prolonged incorrect posture or excessive physical exertion can cause muscles to tense or spasm, which can lead to muscle pain under the shoulder blade. This pain can occur in the spine and scapula area.

Joint problems: joint problems, such as arthritis or joint wear, can cause pain in the area between the spine and the shoulder blade.

Spinal problems: a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, degenerative diseases of the spine or other spinal problems such as scoliosis or disc herniation can cause pain in this area.

Organ pain: organs such as the lungs, liver or stomach can also cause pain in the scapula area. In this case, the pain may indicate a problem with the organ.

Injuries: Accidents or other physical injuries, such as overuse, injuries from falls, can also cause pain between the spine and the shoulder blade.

Nerve problems: irritation or injury to nerves can also cause pain in this area.

Causes of right shoulder blade pain

Right shoulder blade pain can occur for a number of different reasons.

Muscle tension and spasm: right shoulder blade pain can often be caused by tension or spasm in the muscles in the back. It can also be caused by prolonged poor posture, excessive physical activity or stress. However, muscle tension can also often be responsible for right shoulder pain.

Herniated disc: In herniated discs, the discs surrounding the spinal column can become dislocated or damaged, putting pressure on nerves or tissues in the back which can result in right shoulder blade pain. For this reason, right lower back pain can often be caused by a herniated disc.

Bone problems: damage or disease to the bones in the shoulder or scapula area (such as osteoporosis) can cause pain in the right shoulder blade area.

Organic problems: Sometimes right shoulder blade pain can indicate problems with back organs, such as gallbladder inflammation or kidney stones.

Respiratory problems: Lung or respiratory problems, such as pneumonia or inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs, can also cause pain in the scapula area.

Trauma or injury: Accidents, bumps or other injuries can cause pain in the scapula area.

Pinched nerves: Pinched nerves put pressure on the nerves, which can cause pain, numbness or tingling in the scapula area. A stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade can often be traced back to a pinched nerve.

Possible causes of back pain below the shoulder blade
Possible causes of back pain below the shoulder blade
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Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

We are now going to talk about one of the most common subtypes of back pain, namely shoulder blade pain.

Before describing shoulder blade pain, it is worth defining exactly which area we are talking about.

The scapula is the triangular bone of the upper back. This bone is more visible when you extend your elbow backwards. The scapula has several functions, one of the most important of which is to support the rotational movement of the shoulder. When you develop scapular pain, the most important question is which scapula is affected. Some conditions are more likely to affect the left side while other conditions are more likely to affect the right side.

Scapula pain can be caused by inflammation or injury to the shoulder, but it can also radiate from other regions of the chest and abdomen. Therefore, if you experience pain in this area, the cause of the pain could be very simple. It could be a mild muscle strain and only rarely is there a more serious problem behind it. Interestingly, gallbladder disease can radiate to the right shoulder blade, while heart disease can radiate to the left shoulder blade.

The most common causes of shoulder blade pain can be musculoskeletal problems.

The muscle strain mentioned above occurs most often. When excessive use is made of the arm and upper body, this may be indicated by pain around the shoulder blade. Even sleeping in the wrong position can cause muscle strain. If you do heavy physical work or a lot of sport, the problem can also occur.

Fibromyalgia can also be behind scapula pain.

Fibromyalgia is the name for the lumps that appear on the back and neck. Unfortunately, these lumps can cause severe pain, especially in the shoulder blade. This problem should always be treated by a specialist.

Rotator cuff tears are also common.

The rotator cuff is located in the shoulder and plays a very important role. If it tears, you may also experience shoulder blade pain.

You may also have a condition known as bouncing shoulder blade syndrome.

The bouncing shoulder blade syndrome can be recognised when you experience a bouncing sensation or clicking on the inside of the shoulder blade. You may not only feel pain in the shoulder blade but also shoulder pain. Physical therapy can be very helpful in this case.

It is not very common to fracture a bone in the scapula but it should be mentioned.

The scapula is one of the strongest bones, so it is very difficult to break. Such fractures can only be caused by serious falls or motor vehicle accidents. If you have had an accident like this recently and your scapula hurts badly, you should get it checked out.

Arthritis can also cause shoulder blade pain.

The scapula can be directly affected but other parts of the chest can also be affected.

In the case of a herniated disc, the cervical nerves are compressed by the damaged disc and this can cause pain in the shoulder blade.

In disc disease, pain can also be felt in the arms and neck.

The most common symptoms of shoulder blade pain are:


-pain when breathing

-stabbing pain

-pain between the shoulder blades

-continuous cough

-pain under the shoulder blade

-pain in the left and/or right shoulder blade

There are some simple ways to treat shoulder blade pain, but it’s worth investigating what might be behind it first, as there can be many causes.

Causes and symptoms of pain between the spine and scapula

Possible reasons:

Muscle strain or pull:

Prolonged poor posture, such as working at a computer.

Physical exertion or sudden movements.

Spinal problems:

Herniated disc: can occur anywhere in the spine, but can often cause pain between the shoulder blades.

Degenerative joint disease: wear and tear or arthritis of the joints of the spine.

Degeneration of the intervertebral discs.

Bone and joint problems:

Osteoarthritis: wear and tear of the joints.

Compression fractures of the vertebrae, often due to osteoarthritis.

Internal organ problems:

Heart problems: angina or heart attack can cause pain between the shoulder blades.

Lung problems: pneumonia or pleurisy.

Gallbladder problems: pain from gallstones can radiate to the scapulae.


Muscle pain:

Sharp or dull pain.

Tightness between the shoulder blades.

Pain that gets worse with movement or pressure.

Pain from spinal problems:

Sharp, stabbing pain that can radiate into the arms or neck.

Numbness or tingling in the affected area.

Weakness in the arms.

Symptoms of internal organ problems:

Chest pain that radiates to the shoulder blades (heart problems).

Difficulty breathing or coughing (lung problems).

Abdominal pain radiating to the back (gallbladder problems).

Causes of stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade

Muscle strain or pull: Can be caused by incorrect posture, strenuous physical activity or sudden movement.

Spinal problems: for example, a herniated disc or other spinal disorder can radiate pain to the scapula area.

Gallbladder problems: gallstones or gallbladder inflammation often cause pain on the right side, which can radiate under the shoulder blade.

Liver or kidney problems: liver or right kidney problems can also cause pain on the right side.

Reflux or stomach problems: Sometimes stomach or oesophageal problems can also cause pain to radiate from the chest to the back.

Respiratory diseases: pneumonia or other lung problems can also cause back pain.

It is important to seek medical advice immediately if the pain is severe, has other symptoms, or has come on suddenly.

Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain
Shoulder blade pain is one of the most common causes of back pain

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