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6 symptoms that usually indicate a calcium deficiency!

These are the symptoms of calcium deficiency

If it becomes persistent, the body will show visible symptoms of calcium deficiency.

Let’s look at the 6 symptoms of calcium deficiency!

Calcium is an essential mineral for the human body. It is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, blood clotting, proper muscle function, and helps the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B12 and magnesium.

Calcium deficiency can lead to serious long-term problems, such as increased risk of dental problems and osteoporosis. It can make bones more fragile and indirectly cause neurological problems and even cataracts.

It becomes dangerous when blood calcium levels fall abnormally, but this is rare in normal health with a varied diet. Low calcium levels in the blood can be the result of malabsorption, unbalanced diets such as vegan diets, certain diseases, kidney failure or as a side effect of drugs and diuretics. In such cases, conscious calcium supplementation is recommended.

The official recommendation for adult women is 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, rising to 1,500 milligrams after menopause, during pregnancy and in children and adolescents, and 1,200 milligrams for men over 50. For a long time, calcium deficiency can only be detected by laboratory tests in the absence of obvious symptoms, but if it becomes persistent, problems can occur in many areas.

These are the symptoms of calcium deficiency

Muscle problems and numbness

Muscle complaints can also alert you to a deficiency. Pain during movement, cramps, and possibly numbness in the arm are prominent symptoms. In extreme cases, cardiac muscle problems and arrhythmias may also occur.

Feeling tired with insomnia

Many people may not realise it, but fatigue can be a symptom of calcium deficiency. Low calcium levels can be a sign of a seemingly causeless feeling of extreme fatigue and general weakness, accompanied by dizziness, brain fog, confusion, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, sleep disturbance and insomnia. Thus, it is also easily possible that calcium deficiency can trigger dizziness.

Nail and skin disorders

Symptoms on the nails and skin may be a sign of calcium deficiency. Skin symptoms of calcium deficiency may include dry skin, broken nails, hair falling out in patches, possibly dermatitis, eczema, itching, psoriasis. In some cases, calcium deficiency may also occur in the form of itching along with other skin problems. In rare cases, skin symptoms of calcium deficiency may include skin discolouration.


The most common symptom and consequence is osteoporosis. Bones store calcium, but when overall levels fall, the body extracts the necessary calcium from the bones, which can become brittle, less dense and thinner. This can cause postural problems and frequent bone fractures after many years.

Dental problems

Signs of calcium deficiency can include dental problems. Dental problems are often linked to low levels of the mineral, where, like bones, the body is depriving teeth of the calcium they need. Tooth decay, brittle teeth, irritated gums, weak tooth roots and, in children, impaired tooth development can also be common.


Some studies suggest that calcium deficiency may be linked to poor mental health and mood disorders, including depression. Symptoms of calcium deficiency in adulthood may be associated with increased stress reactions and nervousness, among other symptoms.

These are the symptoms of calcium deficiency
These are the symptoms of calcium deficiency

If iron and calcium deficiency occur at the same time, it may indicate

Poor diet: if the diet is not properly balanced and does not include enough iron- and calcium-rich foods, both deficiencies can develop. For example, if an individual eats too little meat and dairy products, green leafy vegetables or seeds, both iron and calcium levels can be reduced.

Gastrointestinal problems: Certain digestive disorders, such as celiac disease or chronic diarrhoea, may inhibit the absorption of both iron and calcium in the intestinal tract. Therefore, people with these problems may be more prone to deficiencies of both minerals.

Vitamin D deficiency: vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium in the intestinal tract. Vitamin D deficiency can affect both calcium and iron metabolism.

Chronic diseases: certain chronic diseases, such as kidney disease or inflammatory bowel disease, can also impair both iron and calcium metabolism.

Medications: certain medications, such as antacids used to treat reflux or stomach problems, can reduce the absorption of calcium in the intestinal tract.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in children

In children, calcium deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms, as calcium plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, muscles and nerves.

Muscle cramps: a lack of calcium can lead to muscle cramps, which often occur at night or during sleep. These spasms usually occur in the legs or arms.

Slow growth: calcium is important for the healthy growth and development of bones and teeth. A calcium deficiency can slow a child’s growth.

Dental problems: calcium deficiency can lead to tooth decay and developmental problems.

Nervous system symptoms: calcium is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Deficiencies may cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia or other nervous system symptoms.

Delayed speech development: Calcium deficiency can affect speech development and lead to speech problems.

Weak bones: Calcium deficiency can lead to weakened bones and osteoporosis, especially in older children and adolescents.

Various digestive symptoms: Calcium deficiency can sometimes cause digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.