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That’s why you should eat cucumbers!

That's why you should eat cucumbers!

We think it’s for these:

– Promotes healthy kidney function
– Hydrates the body
– Cucumber detoxifies and regular consumption can prevent the development of kidney stones
– Strengthens joints
– The substances in it strengthen nails and help hair growth
– Rich in vitamins (A, B, C)
– It beautifies the skin. This is due to its high content of potassium, magnesium and silicon
– The high levels of potassium, magnesium and dietary fibre in cucumbers play an important role in regulating blood pressure.
– Anti-tumour effect
– It is extremely low in calories and rich in fibre, which helps to promote healthy weight loss and prevents bloating, constipation and other digestive problems.
– It also has great antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour effects.

The most valuable parts of a cucumber are the skin and the seeds.

They are very high in fibre and beta-carotene. The seeds contain minerals such as calcium. Cucumbers are also very low in carbohydrates, sodium, cholesterol and fat. Cucumbers are 95% water, so they are very good for water replacement, especially in summer. 100 grams of cucumber is as thirst-quenching as a glass of water. Because of its cooling and soothing properties, when applied topically it can be effective in reducing swelling and inflammation.

Puffy eye circles can be treated very well with cucumber rings.

Vitamin K plays a very important role in bone health. Fortunately, cucumbers also contain vitamin K. Because of its low calorie content, cucumbers are very popular among dieters. However, a varied diet is not something you should give up. It’s important to note that we’re not talking about pickled cucumbers that you can buy in the shops, but fresh and raw cucumbers that you can buy in the markets.

That's why you should eat cucumbers!
That’s why you should eat cucumbers!