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Heel pain: an overview of causes and solutions

Heel pain: an overview of causes and solutions

Possible causes and natural treatment of heel pain. Nowadays, heel pain is a very common problem.

It is very easy for the heel to be damaged and damaged, and this can lead to inflammation in the heel.

There can be several reasons behind the pain, such as an inflamed Achilles tendon or a foot with a too high arch. If the heel bone is broken or has a cyst. If you have tight or cramped leg muscles you can also. A very intense workout can also cause heel pain. There may also be mechanical causes behind the pain in the heel. There may also be arthritis (inflammation of the joints) or arthrosis (wear and tear of the joints). It may also be caused by obesity, obesity due to overheating or autoimmune disease, trauma or osteoporosis. There may also be a disease affecting an organ system.

Flat feet can also be extremely painful.

In older age, osteoporosis and joint wear are also associated with great pain. Obesity, walking and pregnancy can also cause heel pain. Inappropriate footwear can also be a problem. Usually the pain is not caused by bone growth but by overloading of the foot which can lead to osteoarthritis. When the Achilles tendon is overstressed, a heel spur can also develop on the back of the heel bone as the shoe puts constant pressure on it.

It is recommended to wear insoles to avoid the formation of spurs.

There are several types of insoles, for example, silicone, gel and perforated. This can greatly help prevent heel pain. You can also use compresses or medical massage to reduce inflammation. If pain does develop, you should rest the foot. Running should be avoided and if possible, walking on harder surfaces. Cold compresses are also very good for inflamed heels. Wearing shoes with too high soles is not recommended. If you are a sportsman, you can reduce the strain on your heel by warming up properly.

It is also recommended to use balms made from natural ingredients such as the Herbal Master Balm which contains 12 herbs.

The psychological causes of right heel pain and the psychological causes of left heel pain can be caused by a number of factors, including psychological, emotional or lifestyle factors.

Stress and anxiety: chronic stress and anxiety often affect the physical state of the body. This may include past trauma, loss or difficult emotional situations. This may, for example, take the form of pain in the form of tense muscles or uneven posture. Stress and anxiety can often be traced back to psychological causes of the spur.

Depression: depression is often mentioned as a psychological cause of heel pain. This is because the physical symptoms associated with depression can include pain, which can also take a physical form.

Lifestyle and posture: Poor posture, physical inactivity and uneven body workload can also lead to pain in different areas of the body.

Treating heel pain at home

Rest and ice treatment:

Rest: Avoid strain on the sore heel. Try to minimize walking or other activities that put weight on the heel.
Ice: Apply an ice compress to the sore area. This can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Avoid direct skin contact with ice, use a towel or cloth to avoid direct contact.

Stretching and strengthening:

Calf stretch: Perform gentle stretching exercises to your calves and feet.

Squat: Sit in a squat position and pull a rolled towel over your leg to stretch the foot.

Appropriate footwear:

Choose footwear that provides adequate support for your feet and avoid high heels, especially if you wear them for long periods of time.


Warm foot baths: Try a warm foot bath, which can relieve tension and improve circulation.


Gentle massage: Try massaging the sore area to relax muscles and relieve tension.

What are the possible causes of morning heel pain?

There are several potential causes of morning heel pain and the exact causes can be determined by a medical examination.

Plantar fasciitis:

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of morning heel pain. The most common cause of heel pain is inflammation or overuse of the plantar fascia, the ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot. It is usually felt most intensely in the morning, after waking up, as the foot contracts during the night and then stretches again during the morning steps.

Achilles tendon problems:

Achilles tendonitis or other problems can also cause heel pain, especially in the morning when the tendon has not moved for a long period of time.

Injuries or overuse:

Any injury or overuse around the heel, such as a spur, heel spur, or stress fracture.

Bad footwear or foot problems:

Improper footwear, such as wearing high heels or inappropriate insoles.

Lifestyle factors:

Prolonged standing, being higher weight , or other lifestyle factors can also contribute to the development of heel pain.

Flat feet or high arches:

Anatomical features of the foot, such as a lack of arch or excessive height of the foot, can also influence heel pain.

Rheumatoid arthritis or other joint diseases:

Some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can affect joints and ligaments, which can cause heel pain.

Heel pain: an overview of causes and solutions
Heel pain: an overview of causes and solutions