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Benefits of plums that make them worth eating!

Benefits of plums that make them worth eating!

Plums are low in calories, with about 30 calories per eye. They are also low in fat, with 0.2 grams of natural fat per piece. It is a great source of vitamins, including vitamins A and C.

Its dark blue, dark red colour is due to a specific substance, polyphenol, which is a highly effective antioxidant.

Five times more powerful than beta-carotene, fifty times more powerful than vitamin E, and twenty times more powerful than vitamin C. That’s probably convincing enough, right? But let’s read on to see what other benefits it has.

Regular consumption of plums can prevent bone diseases, is good for the liver, but is also effective for stomach acidity and stomach ulcers. It can reduce bad cholesterol levels. Plums also protect against certain cancers, because they contain anthocyanin, which can reduce the chance of developing colon cancer, for example. People suffering from anaemia should also eat plums daily.

If you eat a lot of plums, you can benefit from the laxative effect of this wonderful fruit. This is great because it can rid your body of excess waste products. It is also good for the nervous system. If you eat at least 4-5 plums a day, the powerful antioxidants help the brain to function and reduce memory problems.

Eating plums can help prevent diabetes and is good for kidney function. The raw fruit is full of healthy carbohydrates.

Benefits of plums that are also worth mentioning

Succulent, fleshy, juicy plums are low in calories and saturated fats, but rich in vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that help maintain ideal health.

Plums are used as a laxative, because it is known that the components such as fibre, sorbitol and satin in plums promote metabolism in the digestive tract.

Plums are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C helps the body fight cancer, inflammation and free radicals.

The vitamin content of plums is not limited to vitamin C, especially the mirabella varieties, a valuable source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A has beneficial effects on vision, skin and the maintenance of healthy mucous membranes. Studies have concluded that this vitamin protects against complications of lung cancer and cancer.

Plums are rich in minerals such as potassium, iron and fluoride. Iron has a red blood cell forming effect. Potassium is an important component of cells and body fluids, regulating heartbeat and blood pressure.

It is rich in B vitamin complexes such as niacin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid, which together help the body metabolise proteins and fats.

It also contains vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting. The effect of plums is very good for bone development and for curing patients with Alzenheimer’s disease.

What diseases are plums good for?

Cardiovascular health: the fibre, potassium and antioxidants found in plums can help improve cardiovascular health. But that’s not the end of the plum’s benefits for the body, as antioxidants can also help protect against free radicals and regulate blood pressure.

Digestive problems: the fibre found in plums can help improve digestion and treat constipation. The effect of plums can also affect the stool, but the main reason for this is due to their fibre content. The naturally occurring sorbitol in plums can also help regulate bowel function.

Anti-inflammatory: plums may contain antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which can help reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

Weight loss and blood sugar control: plums are low in calories and the fibre they contain can help maintain a feeling of fullness, which can contribute to weight loss and blood sugar control.

Harmful effects of plums

Plums (Prunus domestica) are a delicious fruit with many health benefits, but if consumed in excessive amounts or under certain conditions, they can have some adverse effects.

Sugar content: plums contain naturally occurring sugars such as fructose and glucose. If you have diabetes or insulin resistance, it is important to eat in moderation as high sugar content can raise blood sugar levels.

Intestinal problems: the fibre in plums can be beneficial for digestion, but eating large amounts of plums can cause diarrhoea or bloating in some people, especially those with fibre sensitivity or irritable bowel syndrome.

Seeds: plum seeds may contain small amounts of hydrogen cyanide (cyanide) compounds. Although a single chewing of the seeds is not dangerous, eating or chewing large quantities of seeds can cause poisoning. It is important not to chew or swallow the seeds.

Allergies: For some people, eating plums or other stone fruits can trigger allergic reactions such as rashes or stomach upset.