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Treatment of psoriasis on the nails

Treatment of psoriasis on the nails

In the case of patients with psoriasis, it may also happen that, in addition to the typical symptoms, psoriasis also appears on the nails.

Psoriasis can appear on the nails in different forms.

Scale formation under the nail: In this case, scale formation may increase under the nail plate. In such cases, the nail plate often detaches due to severe scaling of the nail bed.

Crumbly nails: This develops when psoriasis severely damages the nails. The nail plate is severely damaged and becomes yellowish, and it is no longer complete everywhere. In some cases, the nail thickens and splits, and the nail may detach from the nail bed. Psoriasis of the nails is a very common type.

Appearance of oil spots on the nail: This type of lesion is characterized by inflammation of the nail bed. Naming his name is also his symptom. Yellowish discolorations are visible on the nail.

It is worth knowing about the changes that not necessarily only one type can appear. It is also possible that they develop together on one or more nails.

Treatment of psoriasis on the nails.

Thanks to early treatment of psoriasis nails, further deterioration of the nails can be significantly prevented. Unfortunately, it can be a problem here that the typical symptoms of psoriasis on the nails can appear even later, while the other symptoms can even indicate a fungal infection. In order to start the treatment as soon as possible, when symptoms and complaints appear, see a specialist. In the case that we know that we suffer from psoriasis, we should definitely mention this!

Generally speaking, symptoms that are slightly aesthetically disturbing, such as oil stains or small holes, are not treated medically. In the event that the nail plate detaches or changes due to psoriasis, various medicinal products can be prescribed to treat it.

Since nails grow slowly, the treatment of psoriasis nails at home, or even with medical help, can be lengthy, which requires a lot of patience on the part of those involved.

Treatment of psoriasis on the nails
Treatment of psoriasis on the nails
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How to prevent psoriasis flare-ups

How to prevent psoriasis flare-ups

Unfortunately, psoriasis is a fairly common condition. There are some triggers that can cause flare-ups, but there are also some home remedies and home practices that can help you to easily reduce flare-ups.

Let’s take a look at some of the things that can help

Cold weather can cause flare-ups in psoriasis sufferers, this can be simply attributed to darkness, low temperatures and humidity. If you want to prevent inflammation, it’s recommended to dress as warmly as possible and avoid exposing your skin to dry and cold weather.

Dry skin is also a so-called trigger for psoriasis. It is very important to stay hydrated, as skin that is too dry can flare up. Herbal balms such as Psorisoft extra balm can help a lot, but there are also mineral oil preparations that can be effective.

If psoriasis also affects your scalp, it is important to keep it moisturised.

Especially during the heating season, using a vaporizer is great. This can help you avoid dry air.

UV rays can help a lot in reducing unpleasant symptoms. Not only is natural sunlight recommended, but also light therapy. However, sunburn can be extremely dangerous, so sunbathe carefully in summer.

Many psoriasis sufferers are also vitamin D deficient, according to several studies. It is worth having a vitamin D deficiency test and then supplementing if necessary. In addition to sunlight, there is also a lot of vitamin D in salmon and of course supplements are effective.

Psoriasis can also appear on certain damaged skin areas, known as Köbner’s phenomenon. You have to be careful not to damage your skin too much.

Stress can make the symptoms worse and it can flare up. It’s a good idea to try a stress management method.

Diet can affect psoriasis depending on the individual, but there are some foods that can make the symptoms worse for everyone, such as lots of sugar, sugary foods and drinks. Being higher weight can also make things worse, so a diet and regular exercise may be worthwhile.

You can do a lot with the above, but it’s always a good idea to see a specialist.

How to prevent psoriasis flare-ups
How to prevent psoriasis flare-ups

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Here’s help for psoriasis problems!

Here's help for psoriasis problems!

What can we do against psoriasis? Here’s help! Psoriasis is a condition of increased skin scaling which, although it cannot be cured, can be made symptom-free if you do things carefully.

The disease is not contagious and is most common between the ages of 20 and 30.

Unfortunately, as far as we know today, there is no definitive cure for psoriasis, but fortunately, a symptom-free state is still achievable.

Herbs for psoriasis relief

Folk remedies for psoriasis have also most often been used with the help of herbs. These can be used both as internal and external treatments. For internal treatment, various herbal teas such as nettle, walnut leaf or horsetail are used, while for external treatment, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory teas such as chamomile are suitable for washing.

Herbal extracts are very suitable for psoriasis. As a result, not only herbal teas but also various psoriasis ointments are now available.

Cream for psoriasis

Psoriasis creams are often referred to by different names. Psoriasis ointment, psoriasis cream, psoriasis ointment or even psoriasis cream. Whether it is a cream, ointment or balm, these products are designed to reduce inflammation and itching and provide adequate hydration. Speaking of psoriasis or psoriasis, let’s be clear about what exactly it means. Psoriasis is a Hungarian transliteration of psoriasis. And psoriasis is the medical term for psoriasis.

Here's help for psoriasis problems!
Here’s help for psoriasis problems!

What is the best cream for psoriasis?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to say clearly what is the best psoriasis cream, as we are all different and the effects of creams can vary. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. Psoriasis is often associated with inflammation, so the cream should contain ingredients that help to reduce inflammation as well as itching. Psoriasis is usually associated with dry skin, so the cream should contain moisturising ingredients. Some people avoid steroids because of the side effects of long-term use. Steroid-free creams are always preferable.

Most psoriasis creams are available without a prescription.

In almost all cases, they can relieve the symptoms, or possibly help to eliminate them. Non-prescription creams can be divided into a group containing artificial ingredients and a group containing natural ingredients. Whichever you choose, it is worth bearing in mind that artificial ingredients can have very unpleasant side effects in certain cases and over long periods of use. Steroid cream for psoriasis is not really recommended, you should know that. Therefore, if you want to choose a cream that is not only effective, but also long-lasting, it is advisable to opt for balms with natural ingredients.

Psorisoft Extra Balm is one such naturally-derived cream, which uses 11 herbs to help relieve psoriasis symptoms.

These herbs are not only anti-inflammatory, but also antiseptic and analgesic. The herbs included are: rapeseed oil, calendula, aloe vera, karité tree, arnica, chamomile, Scots pine, thyme, medical sage, lavender, cubeba.

There is also a third group of psoriasis creams. This is the steroid psoriasis cream. Although these types of creams are very effective, they are only recommended as a last resort. This is due to the fact that they can cause serious damage to the body if used over a long period of time.

Use of psoriasis cream on the face.

In case you want to use psoriasis cream on your face, it is recommended to do an allergy test first. Unfortunately, even with natural ingredients, it is possible to be allergic to certain herbs. Apply a small amount to a less visible area, and if after 10-15 minutes you still have no allergic reaction, feel free to use it.

Application of psoriasis cream on the scalp.

Psoriasis cream on the scalp is also very good to use. Gently apply it to the scalp and massage it gently into the scalp in slow strokes. Be careful not to break the layer!

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