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These are the causes, symptoms and treatments for shoulder strain

These are the causes, symptoms and treatments for shoulder strain

The most common cause of shoulder strain is muscular problems.

Causes of shoulder strain

The reasons clearly include hard physical work and training. When the muscles are under a lot of strain, they can easily become damaged or pulled. In addition, if you are constantly engaged in some activity, minor micro-injuries can also develop from over-exertion.

There is also the risk of poor sleep. In most cases, the head is not in the right position and the muscles in and around the neck can become stiff, damaged or pulled. It’s also a very unpleasant problem because it affects not only the shoulder but also the neck.

Symptoms of muscle strains

Muscle stiffness, swelling and possibly muscle weakness may also occur in the case of muscle strain. We may also be unable to force the injured muscle to stretch. Pain is also present during rest and may be accompanied by weakness.

Symptoms of shoulder strain

If the shoulder is pulled, you may also experience pain, slow movement, swelling, tenderness, redness and warmth.

Treatment of muscle strain and shoulder strain

There are different ways to treat pulled shoulders and pulled muscles. In many cases, the treatment of muscle strain and shoulder strain depends more on the severity of the injury and the individual’s medical condition.

For home treatment, the simplest method of treatment is icing.

Only apply warm treatment or compresses once the swelling has gone down. If you do not wait and apply warm treatment immediately, you will do more harm!

In addition, if you apply ice or a heating pad, you should not forget that you are not applying it directly to the skin! Put at least a towel in between.

Other options include the use of muscle-relaxing creams and massage.

The two are often used together to achieve more effective improvements. Massage also helps to relax the muscles and speed up blood circulation. This can also speed up the healing process. When using muscle relaxing creams, it is important to aim for naturalness and it is recommended to choose a cream that does not have unpleasant side effects!

The recovery time for a shoulder strain depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the injury, age, health and conformation.

The recovery from a shoulder strain usually takes weeks or months. Mild injuries may take less time to heal, while more serious injuries may take longer. The healing time for a shoulder contusion is much shorter, usually taking 7-10 days on average.

These are the causes, symptoms and treatments for shoulder strain
These are the causes, symptoms and treatments for shoulder strain