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8 natural and effective cures for stomach ulcers

8 natural and effective cures for stomach ulcers

A peptic ulcer develops when stomach acid starts to corrode the inner wall of the stomach. Although our digestive system produces mucus to protect us from the acid, if the amount of acid increases and the mucus decreases, inflammation and ulcers result.

The most common symptoms are heartburn, fullness and bloating. Less common are changes in appetite, black stools, vomiting, weight loss and difficulty breathing. If left untreated, it can lead to conditions such as stomach bleeding and stomach cancer.

Getting a little closer to nature, the following long forgotten natural remedies are also effective for stomach ulcers. You can treat stomach ulcers at home, but if the symptoms don’t go away in a few days, you should definitely consult a doctor.

This is how stomach ulcers can be treated naturally:

1. Probiotics

Probiotics are foods that are enriched with good bacteria and fungi and have many benefits for the health of our digestive system. Live foods such as yoghurt and sauerkraut are rich in probiotics that can help maintain a healthy stomach and support the digestive system. It can also be a natural stomach protector. This includes yogurts, kombucha, kefir, fermented foods, kimchi.

2. Flavonoids

A group of medicinal chemicals with antioxidant properties, certain flavonoids have a stomach-protective effect and help prevent the development of lesions on the lining of the digestive tract. They naturally reduce acidity in the stomach and speed up the healing of ulcers. These include:

– Quercetin – citrus fruits, apples, onions, parsley, sage, tea and red wine
– Rutin – figs, buckwheat, asparagus, unpeeled apples and tea.
– Naringenin – grapefruit, cherries, tomatoes, cocoa, mint and beans.

3. Honey

Energizer, brain stimulant, cough and cold remedy, wound and burn treatment, skin care. Raw and organic honey is good for many things. It has antibacterial properties to fight bacteria and speed up the healing of internal wounds such as ulcers.

4. Licorice

Its main active ingredient is glycyrrhizin, which gives this root its sweetness. It has a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect in cases of gastritis, gastric mucosa inflammation and mucosal damage caused by gastric acidosis. It is used in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers due to its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It is also very effective against Helicobacter pylori infections ( a bacterium that lives in the mucus layer of the stomach lining )

Other folk remedies for stomach ulcers

Probiotics: probiotics can help restore the balance of gut flora, which can be important in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Turmeric: One of the favourites of alternative medicine is turmeric. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and some people use it to treat stomach ulcers. However, it is important to note that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is not easily absorbed and may require black pepper or other substances to produce the effect.

Rosehip tea: Rosehip tea is rich in vitamin C and also has a mild laxative effect. Some people also use it to treat stomach ulcers.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel can help soothe inflamed areas. However, it is important to check for allergic reactions to aloe vera and consult your doctor before using it.

Tea for stomach ulcers

Licorice is also a great tea that can help with stomach ulcers.

Reducing inflammation: Licorice can help reduce inflammation in the stomach, which is important in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Soothing: Licorice tea may also have a mild sedative effect, which can help to relieve heartburn and pain.

Forming a protective barrier: glycyrrhizic acid can form a thin mucous layer in the stomach, which can protect against harmful effects of stomach acid and gastric mucosa.

5. Garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum), a medicinal herb, contains no less than 33 sulphur compounds responsible for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It can inhibit bacterial growth as effectively as antibiotics prescribed for treatment. It also helps prevent inflammation of the digestive tract, the lining of the stomach.

6. Red ginseng

The root of the plant also helps to eliminate bacterial stomach infections. In particular, this medicinal effect has been observed in the consumption of Korean red ginseng. It has stomach-protective properties, as it neutralises free radicals and increases blood flow to the stomach lining, thus speeding up healing.

7. Capsaicin

The main active substance in hot peppers is capsaicin. It is a huge misconception that hot peppers are the cause of ulcers. It is actually very beneficial for the digestive system. Research has shown that it reduces acid formation in the stomach, balances pH, strengthens the mucous membrane and increases blood flow to the stomach lining.

8. Cranberries

High in vitamin C and antioxidants. Regular consumption of cranberry juice is considered a natural treatment for urinary tract infections, as it prevents pathogens from adhering to the urinary tract. This effect can also prevent harmful bacteria from attaching to the stomach wall.

Chamomile tea for stomach ulcers can bring some relief from unpleasant symptoms, but it is always worth a visit to a doctor.

How long does it take to heal a stomach ulcer?

The healing time of a stomach ulcer can vary and depends on a number of factors. The main ones include the severity of the condition, lifestyle, type and effectiveness of treatment, and how the individual body reacts.

Simple, early-stage ulcers can usually heal in a few weeks with appropriate treatment. However, in more severe cases, where the ulcer is deeper or larger and complications may occur, the healing time may be longer. It can take months for the ulcer to heal completely.