Home remedies for kidney stones: We show you what works!

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Kidney stones are a horrible pain, which only someone who has experience can know.

If you have kidney stones right now, here’s what you can do at home to get rid of them.

Many people may not realise it but the heat and the sweating that goes with it can also contribute to the development of kidney stones.

This is because water loss increases the calcium concentration in the urine, leading to calcium excretion.

Kidney stones are often asymptomatic. However, a wandering stone causes a characteristic, recognisable kidney stone attack. In addition to sharp, stabbing, cramping pain, there is often nausea and vomiting. The intensity of the pain is comparable to the pain of childbirth, and the patient may often require narcotic painkillers.

Kidney stones are asymptomatic for a long time, but when they do occur, they are very painful. The reason for its development is diet.

it can be assumed that there are high concentrations of stone-forming substances in the urine. These will eventually precipitate and form stones. If serum uric acid levels are elevated, uric acid stones are formed, and if serum calcium levels are elevated, calcium-containing stones are formed. The pain is the same in both cases.

Symptoms. It is accompanied by chills, nausea and urge to urinate. Bloody urine may also be an indication.

Smaller stones pass on their own with the urine through the urinary tract. The larger ones are more difficult to get rid of. In the past, surgery was the only way to remove kidney stones, but nowadays, even without a scalpel, the treatment is effective. With endoscopy, the stones can be removed through a small incision. But stone extraction can also be effective. This involves using a shock wave to crush the larger stones so that they are removed with the urine.

The following activities also contribute to the development of kidney stones:

– poor diet (this not only causes kidney stones but also increases uric acid levels and can lead to gout)
– urinary tract infection
– in the event of a stricture or birth defect
– low fluid intake
– weight loss

The symptoms usually occur when kidney stones enter the urinary tract and slowly migrate. Only small stones should be considered, as larger stones do not fit into the urinary tract. Because kidney stones move very slowly, they can cause very severe pain. The spasm caused by small stones usually goes away within a few hours but will recur again and again. When a kidney stone is too large and gets into the urinary tract, it can take several days to pass.

The stone may be present in the kidney for months or even years without showing any symptoms. However, if the stone starts to move, there is terrible pain in the lower back. It is a good idea to drink plenty of water so that the kidney stone is passed in the urine. But here is an old mixture that helps to dissolve the kidney stone and also helps it to pass.

Here are the ingredients:

– 250 ml extra virgin olive oil
– 250 grams organic lemon
– 250 grams parsley root
– 250 grams organic honey
– 1 cup maple syrup

Preparation in the following way:

Wash and chop the lemon. Clean the parsley, add to the lemon and blend. Finally, mix with the maple syrup, olive oil and honey. Place in a glass jar and refrigerate.

How to use: 1 tablespoon every morning before eating, and drink as much liquid as you can during the day. It is one of the best methods for prevention, but if you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, consult your doctor to be on the safe side.

Removing kidney stones at home is not recommended and can be potentially dangerous.

Attempts to remove kidney stones at home can not only be ineffective, but can also cause serious complications, such as infection or kidney damage. Treating kidney stones at home is another matter. There are several methods that can help.

Treating kidney stones at home can be aimed at relieving the symptoms of kidney stones and preventing the stone from forming. It is important to note that home treatment cannot completely remove the kidney stone, but it can help to relieve pain and help the stone pass through the urinary tract.

Kidney stones, kidney sand treatment at home

Increasing fluid intake: kidney cleansing can be done at home using natural methods that can help support kidney health and function. In such cases, it is important to maintain adequate hydration. Plenty of fluid can help stone passage and reduce the risk of stone formation. It is best to drink water, mineral water or diluted juices.

Warm baths: A warm bath or warm compress on the lower back can help relieve pain and relax the urinary tract, which can help the stone pass.

Proper diet: Avoid foods high in oxalates and purines as these can contribute to the development of kidney stones. It is important to keep calcium intake at an appropriate level as this can help reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Limiting oxalate-rich foods: foods rich in oxalates, such as spinach, beetroot, cocoa powder and nuts, may contribute to kidney stone formation. Try to limit your intake of these foods.

Reduce caffeine and alcohol: Avoid drinking excessive amounts of coffee, tea and alcohol.

Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of kidney stones by helping urine flow and preventing urine stagnation.
Herbs and supplements: Some herbs and supplements, such as cranberry capsules or turmeric, may help to reduce the risk of kidney stone formation. However, these products should only be used in consultation with a doctor.

But what dissolves kidney stones, or what to drink in case of kidney stones?

In kidney stones, it is important to drink enough fluids to help the kidney stones to drain naturally and prevent further stone formation. The recommended daily fluid intake is usually at least 2-3 litres for healthy adults, but in the case of kidney stones, a doctor or dietician can make specific recommendations based on individual needs.

The following drinks can help reduce kidney stone formation:

Water: the most important thing is clean water. Proper hydration can help dilute urine, reducing the risk of kidney stone formation.

Citrus juice:

Citrus fruits, such as lemon and orange juice, can help prevent stone formation as they contain citrates, which reduce the formation of stone crystals.

Green tea:

Green tea contains antioxidants that may help prevent kidney stone formation.

Cranberry juice:

Cranberry juice is also recommended as it can help lower uric acid levels and prevent stone formation.

What can you do for kidney stones at home - We show you!
What can you do for kidney stones at home – We show you!

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