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Fried fish for Christmas? – How to make it!

Fried fish for Christmas

Many people cannot imagine Christmas without fish.
But there is more than just the traditional chowder and fried fish. Now we offer a special recipe for fish lovers!

Fried fish in walnut bundt

– 2 medium perch
– 1 lemon
– 2 eggs
– 10 dkg walnuts
– 10 dkg breadcrumbs
– salt, white pepper
– 10 dkg flour
– coconut oil for frying
– 4-6 lettuce leaves
– lemon wedges
– parsley


Rub the thoroughly washed and cleaned fish slices inside and out with lemon juice and leave to rest for 10-15 minutes. Beat the eggs slightly. Chop the walnuts into small pieces or chop them finely and mix with the breadcrumbs. Drain the fish slices thoroughly, using paper towels to remove any moisture. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground white pepper, then coat in flour, beaten egg and nut breadcrumbs. In a large pan, heat 2-3 fingers of coconut oil, add the fish and cook over a moderate heat, turning carefully, until golden brown on both sides. Transfer to a paper towel and soak up the oil, then arrange on a flat plate lined with lettuce leaves and garnish with lemon wedges, parsley and walnut sprigs. This dish is only good fresh, so start cooking when all the guests have arrived. Parsley-buttered potatoes, chips or rice pudding go well with it.

Fried fish for Christmas
Fried fish for Christmas
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