Seborrhea and dermatitis are two common skin problems that can cause discomfort, itching, peeling and irritation.
Although these skin conditions cannot be completely cured, natural methods can be used to effectively relieve symptoms and prevent flare-ups.
Here’s how to tell the difference between seborrhea and dermatitis
- Seborrhea: a skin condition that develops due to overactive oil glands. It most commonly occurs on the scalp, face and chest and appears as oily, scaly, yellowish patches.
- Dermatitis: a general term for inflammatory conditions of the skin. It includes eczema, allergic dermatitis and irritant dermatitis. Symptoms include redness, itching, swelling and scaling.
Possible causes of seborrhea and dermatitis:
- Genetic predisposition: skin type and oil gland function depend on hereditary factors.
- Hormonal changes: hormones, especially during puberty or stressful periods, can increase symptoms.
- Lifestyle: stress, inadequate nutrition or lack of sleep can contribute to a flare-up of skin problems.
- Fungal infections: seborrhea can often be caused by an overgrowth of a fungal species called Malassezia.
These natural ways to relieve symptoms
Gentle hair and skin care
- Use gentle, SLS-free shampoos and soaps.
- Products containing lavender or aloe vera are anti-inflammatory and antifungal, so they can be effective in reducing symptoms (we recommend it, click here)
Apple cider vinegar rinse
Apple cider vinegar has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it can be effective against seborrhea on the scalp. Mix 1:1 with water and rinse the affected area.
Anti-inflammatory herbs
- Chamomile: soothes the skin and reduces redness.
- Calendula: helps relieve inflammation and peeling.
- Turmeric: helps to reduce inflammation thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Hydration with natural oils
- Argan oil or jojoba oil deeply hydrate the skin without clogging pores.
- Coconut oil can be particularly effective because of its antifungal properties.
Probiotics and diet
- Probiotics support gut flora, which can indirectly contribute to skin health.
- Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, as these can promote inflammation and fungal infections.
Avoid irritants
- Avoid using strongly scented cosmetics.
- Avoid hot water in the shower as this can further dry and irritate the skin.