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The best plants for liver protection

The best plants for liver protection

The health of the liver is crucial to the functioning of the whole body, so we need to support it.

Various herbs can help to support this vital organ. We now present to you the best herbs for this purpose.


The liver produces bile, which plays an important role in fat metabolism and the removal of toxins from the blood. Dandelion can support these processes. It also contains antioxidants that help mineral absorption and fight inflammation.


This is probably one of the best known liver protection plants. It is able to rebuild the cells of the liver as well as detoxify it. Several studies have already shown that it can be used to cure liver disease and liver damage.


Not only is garlic good for your circulation, it also helps cleanse your liver. It can activate the enzymes that are needed to do this. It has a very high antioxidant content, but it also has an antifungal effect. And of course it also strengthens the immune system.


It can prevent liver damage. Reduces the harmful effects of alcohol and processed foods. It cleanses the liver and helps keep cholesterol levels at the right level.

Burdock root

It has a blood purifying effect and helps to remove heavy metals from the body. It also stimulates the production of bile and even supports the regeneration of damaged liver cells.


It has a very good circulatory stimulating effect, as well as being a painkiller and detoxifying. Thanks to curcumin, it removes toxins from the liver and stimulates the production of bile.

If you want to keep your liver healthy, you should definitely consume or prepare these herbs. Regularity is the key to all this. If I could help, please share this article with your friends.

The best plants for liver protection
The best plants for liver protection
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What to do in case of bloating?

What to do in case of bloating?

Inadequate diet is usually behind abdominal bloating. It is important to get enough exercise and change your diet.

In particular, gluten causes not only bloating but also a whole host of other health problems.

What to do in case of bloating?

Don’t eat too much! It is better to eat a little several times a day than to eat a lot a few times a day.
Be sure to eat more fibre! One of the main causes of bloating can be constipation, which is caused by a diet low in fibre. Eat plenty of eggs for breakfast. It is also recommended to eat chia seeds and plantain seed husks.
Eat as many vegetables as possible, preferably raw. They contain the same amount of nutrients and are easy to digest.

Avoid foods that cause bloating, such as cabbage, beans, sprouts and pulses. A lot of spices can also cause bloating, especially hot spices. Pickles, coffee, tea and alcohol also cause bloating.
In many cases, not drinking enough fluids is a predisposing factor.

It’s worth drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, because it’s not true that too much water makes you bloated. However, make sure you avoid drinking fizzy water. Take probiotics (kefir, natural yoghurt) to help digestion.

Other common causes include eating quickly and overeating. It is better to eat more slowly and chew your food well. If you don’t do this and just swallow your food quickly, you may swallow more air, which can lead to a feeling of tightness. If we don’t chew our food properly, we also put a strain on our stomach. We only notice this later, after eating. To avoid overeating, it is better to eat less several times a day.

Avoid simple carbohydrates, pasta, foods containing white flour and fatty and spicy foods.

In the presence of bloating symptoms, daily exercise is also recommended. Sedentary work and stress all increase the problems associated with bloating.

What to do in case of bloating?
What to do in case of bloating?
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The types of headache

Types of headache

Do you know what kind of headache you suffer from?

There is hardly a person who hasn’t had a headache at least once in their life. A headache is a throbbing, stabbing, splitting pain. However, headaches have different types of pain. This is because there are several types of headache.

Let’s also look at the types of headache

Tension headache

Tension headaches can be caused by frequent stress, lack of fluids, lack of air in the room. This type of headache has no accompanying symptoms, but the pain can last for hours. Tension headaches are experienced by most people. It is mild to moderate pain with no typical location. Many people report a tightness and sometimes pain in the back of the head. The condition is more common in women than in men, with around 80 per cent of women and 70 per cent of men experiencing tension headaches at least once in their lifetime.


A migraine is a very severe, throbbing pain in one part of the head. It comes in spasms, usually on one side of the head. It may be accompanied by sensitivity to light, noise and vomiting. The intensity of the pain can be so severe that the only thing the person can think of doing is waiting for the attack to end in a quiet, dark place. Autumn daisies can help to reduce the severity, duration and frequency of headaches. In some cases, headaches are accompanied by warning signs that can be linked to a sense organ. These may include flashes of light, dark spots or numbness in the limbs.

Sharp pains in the head

This headache is one of the less common types of headache, which tends to affect men. Symptoms include sharp, shooting pains that start behind the eyes.

Accompanying headache

This type of headache is an accompanying symptom of another illness. It is a common symptom of infections and inflammations, but it resolves with treatment.

Types of headache
Types of headache
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Carrots for bright eyes!

Carrots are high in beta-carotene

Make carrot apple juice at home

Carrots are high in beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and is a very important nutrient for healthy eye tissue. Like beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, folic acid and selenium are also important for eye health.

Beta-carotene is found in yellow fruits and vegetables.

Oily fish and flaxseed are excellent sources of vitamin E. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, lemons and blackberries. These fruits strengthen the immune system and inhibit the development of barley and conjunctivitis in the eye.

Make carrot apple juice at home for eye health. This drink contains high levels of beta-carotene and vitamin C. In addition to E, carrots and apples contain immune-boosting substances. So all you need is 100ml of carrot juice and 100ml of apple juice, then pour them together and you’re ready to drink for bright eyes.

Because of its high vitamin A and antioxidant content, it can prevent a variety of skin problems.

It also helps protect the health of the skin. Carrots can be used to make a very effective face mask. Carrot juice also helps to cleanse the skin and can even be used to clear up or prevent acne. Because of its vitamin C content, it helps the body to produce collagen, and collagen improves skin elasticity and also delays ageing. The vitamin A content eliminates free radicals, which helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles and pigmentation. Eating carrots helps protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. By eating it regularly, you will be more immune to sunburn. Carrots are like a natural toothbrush, removing tartar and food particles from between the teeth. It also strengthens the gums and balances the pH of the mouth.

Carrots are also very good for the hair. It strengthens the hair and also increases the shine. It also stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp and can even delay greying.

Carrots are high in beta-carotene
Carrots are high in beta-carotene
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Soothing lemonade with ginger

Ginger Lemonade Recipe

Who hasn’t experienced the feeling of a sudden trauma or prolonged stress that makes your stomach clench?

There are many teas and drink mixes you can use to soothe your stomach, but this natural method can really give you surprising results!

How is it possible for a tuber underground to have so much aroma and power? Its pungent, spicy, special aroma can be the main ingredient not only in cakes, meats, fish and soups. It’s cleansing and healing, and even… desirable. It is a wonder spice!

It is one of the oldest plants used as a medicine. According to traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India, ginger not only strengthens the body, but also the soul.

Ginger is excellent for stomach ailments, nausea and digestive problems. The decoction of the root has a blood purifying effect and can be used as a remedy for colds, sore throats, flatulence, loss of appetite and weakness.

Ginger stomach soothing lemonade recipe


ginger, peeled and thinly sliced, about 15 cm long
1 l water
3 tbsp honey
zest of 2 lemons
1 cup lemon juice
lemon rings and fresh mint

How to prepare

Bring the water, honey, ginger, lemon juice and lemon zest to the boil. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Once this has happened, remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand under the lid for 30-40 minutes. When the time is up, remove the lid and leave to cool. Finally, pour into a pitcher, cool further with ice cubes to taste, and serve with lemon wedges and fresh mint.

Ginger Lemonade Recipe
Ginger Lemonade Recipe
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Willow bark herbal tea and its beneficial effects

Willow bark

The salicylic alcohol derivatives found in willow bark act as a drug prodrug in the body.

About the willow bark

The healing properties of willow were known to our ancestors and were often used in folk medicine, especially for pain relief and to reduce inflammation. The secret is that one of its active ingredients is very similar to painkillers. It is a natural source of salicylate.

Its active ingredients include glycosides, oxalates, resins and various enzymes.

The daily dose of salicylic acid is 10-25% of that of synthetic acetylsalicylic acid. The similar efficacy at lower doses may be due to the fact that willow also contains plant co-formulants that enhance the bioavailability of the main active ingredient.

The medicinal properties of willow

Helps relieve headaches.
Helps in the treatment of acute muscle pain.
Has antipyretic properties.
Helps relieve stress.
Eases menstrual cramps.
Helps reduce inflammation.

How to make tea from it?

Boil two teaspoons of willow bark in 200 ml of water and leave to stand for 10-15 minutes. Then strain and when it has cooled to lukewarm, flavour. 2-3 cups per day is recommended.


For people sensitive to salicylic acid, do not consume!

Willow bark
Willow bark
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Hypertension: sugar is worse than salt


Sugar is worse than salt for high blood pressure, according to a paper published in the journal Open Heart.

Fructose, specifically, plays a bigger role in the development of heart problems than we might have thought.

However, reducing your salt intake below a certain level can also lead to problems.

Researchers at St Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute report this after lengthy research and review of results from previous studies. But according to many in the scientific community, the research is just unsubstantiated scaremongering.

For example, Prof Francessco Cappuccio, a researcher at the University of Warwick, says that both sugar and salt intake should be set at levels that allow cardiovascular problems to be avoided. But demonising sugar rather than salt is both unnecessary and not yet well proven.

Prof Tom Saunders, a researcher at King’s College London, agrees: reducing salt intake and losing weight lowers blood pressure, but the direct effect of sugar consumption is not yet well established. He says that salt consumption in Britain is lower by default than in America because manufacturers add less salt to food, which has led to a measurable reduction in blood pressure. Sugar is mainly found in sweetened drinks, cakes and cereals, which should be cut back on if daily sugar intake is to be reduced.

The researchers from St Luke’s added that while added fructose is often found in processed foods and sugary drinks, we shouldn’t worry about naturally occurring sugars found in vegetables and fruit.

According to the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey, most adults and children consume more sugar than recommended. The World Health Organization recommends that sugar should be less than 10 per cent of daily energy intake: this means a maximum daily sugar intake of 50g for the average adult, but halving this can lead to significant health benefits.

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This is what you need to know about the healing lovage!

Benefits of lovage

There was no broth without lovage, an ancient spice from the celery family that gives the dish an amazing flavour. Its leaves are similar to celery, and for good reason: the celery family has been a popular herb in Hungarian cuisine since ancient times, and it is also used in soups, sauces and meat dishes.

Nowadays, it’s rarely used, but it’s worth trying, and not just for its fantastic flavour: lestyán is very healthy, because like most herbs, it’s also a medicinal herb.

It’s worth planting some in your herb garden, and it’s a good idea to have at least one packet of dried lovage in your spice box.

It’s also known as a vegetable for its special aroma, as it adds an unforgettable flavour to soups – if you add it to broth, it will give a really distinctive taste.

But lovage also looks good in green pea soup, and it has its place in goulash soup. You can use both the leaves and the stems for seasoning, and dried lesty leaves go very well with duck or roast chicken.

It’s also a great choice for salads and cheese, or you can use it to make a savoury herb sandwich cream.

Boosts the immune system

It is also worth consuming regularly because of its high B and C vitamin content, which improves the immune system. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system due to its high B vitamin content.

A true remedy

Its strong, intense fragrance is due to essential oils and coumarins. Thanks to the phthalides it contains, it relieves stomach and intestinal spasms, but it is also beneficial for bladder and urinary tract spasms. It aids digestion by stimulating the production of digestive juices thanks to its strong taste. It is also excellent for preventing flatulence and can be eaten to relieve loss of appetite. Thanks to its diuretic effect, it reduces the amount of uric acid in the body, which is effective against many joint diseases. It can also be consumed for urinary tract infections and prostate problems due to its detoxifying effects.

To make tea from the root, steep 1 tablespoon of dried root in boiling water for 10 minutes and strain.

So plant it in your garden

Two or three plants are enough for the average family. As it is a large plant, it is better to grow it in the garden rather than in a window box: it will grow and develop for several years. If you want to grow it from seed, it’s important to know that it takes a long time to germinate and needs a humid environment, so cover the pots of freshly sown seeds with foil or glass and place them in a warm place. Seedlings will emerge after four weeks; keep the soil moist before and after that. Once the true leaves have emerged, transplant the strongest seedlings – they may even go to their final location in the herb garden.

Benefits of lovage
Benefits of lovage
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The great benefits of horseradish

The great benefits of horseradish

There used to be horseradish in every garden, but nowadays it has been almost completely forgotten, even though it is a very healthy plant.

Let’s see the benefits of horseradish:

– It has a higher vitamin C content than lemons.
– If you grate horseradish fresh, its essential oils cleanse the airways and disinfect the room.
– It can be used to make a compress for migraines, insect bites and is also good for toothache. The leaves can also be used to soothe inflammation, pain and rheumatism.
– Eaten raw, it has immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. It also has antipyretic properties and can be used for weight loss.

It is low in calories but high in fibre.

In addition to vitamin C, it also contains many vitamins and minerals. It also contains vitamin B, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium. Its metabolism boosting effects only work with regular exercise and proper nutrition.

If you grate the horseradish fresh, put it in cotton and place it on your throat or chest. If you have a migraine, put it on the back of your head, and if you have a fever, on the soles of your feet. Drinking a tablespoon of honey horseradish in the morning can be a very good immune booster.

Horseradish has great antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties.

It can also be used for coughs and colds. Fresh horseradish boosts the metabolism, as do chilli, lemon and citrus fruits. Inhaling the vapour of grated or boiled horseradish is also very good for relieving nausea. The aromas released reduce discomfort, relax the muscles and reduce headaches and nausea. Horseradish is most beneficial when eaten raw. It can also be used to make a muscle-relaxing ointment, just grate the horseradish and mix it with olive oil or even coconut oil. It can also be effective for cramps and muscle aches as well as menstrual cramps. Drinking adequate amounts of water, along with a varied diet, can also help a lot against urinary tract infections. It also cleanses the kidneys and flushes out harmful substances.

The great benefits of horseradish
The great benefits of horseradish
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Get rid of the muscle spasm!

Muscle spasm

Muscle cramps can be caused by injury, exertion, dehydration, vitamin deficiencies (usually magnesium and calcium).

Medicines can also cause muscle cramps, such as diuretics, medicines for high blood pressure, asthma medicines.

Usually, you can get rid of muscle spasm by relaxing and stretching.

If your calves are cramping or aching, you may want to walk or lean against a wall to stretch them. If you have muscle spasms in the back of your hands, you may want to press your palms firmly on the table. Massaging or rubbing the affected areas can be a general solution, or warming the muscles with a compress can be very effective. Hydration is also important, especially if the muscle spasm is caused by sport or physical work.

Whatever kind of cramp you are facing, it is a general help to increase your calcium and magnesium intake, as a lack of these is also a common cause of muscle cramps. Medication is not recommended. You can prevent muscle cramps by warming up before exercising and stretching afterwards, which not only prevents muscle cramps but also injuries.

There are also herbs that can help a lot to relieve muscle spasm.

Let’s see what these herbs are.

Yarrow has great physiological effects. It both relaxes and dilates stiff and spasming muscles and can even be effective when mixed with fruits like grapes. It increases blood circulation and can also prevent muscle spasms.

Black comfrey is also a great herb. It is most commonly used to treat muscle spasms. The root is also used as a poultice and balm. It can also be used to relieve spasmodic pain as well as other problems. It has also been used orally, where it is effective for tense muscles and joint relief.

St. John’s wort oil can also be great for spasming muscles. It can even bring an immediate improvement. Rubbing it on the problem areas dilates the capillaries and therefore relieves pain. St. John’s wort leaves make a great poultice to help sore muscles.

Muscle spasm
Muscle spasm